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2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2012 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
class TestCompletion : Midori.Completion {
public bool test_can_complete { get; set; }
public uint test_suggestions { get; set; }
public TestCompletion () {
public override void prepare (GLib.Object app) {
public override bool can_complete (string text) {
return test_can_complete;
public override bool can_action (string action) {
return false;
public override async List<Midori.Suggestion>? complete (string text, string? action, Cancellable cancellable) {
var suggestions = new List<Midori.Suggestion> ();
if (test_suggestions == 0)
return null;
if (test_suggestions >= 1)
suggestions.append (new Midori.Suggestion ("about:first", "First"));
if (test_suggestions >= 2)
suggestions.append (new Midori.Suggestion ("about:second", "Second"));
if (test_suggestions >= 3)
suggestions.append (new Midori.Suggestion ("about:third", "Third"));
if (cancellable.is_cancelled ())
return null;
return suggestions;
2015-09-12 00:47:06 +00:00
class CompletionAutocompleter : Midori.Test.Job {
public static void test () { new CompletionAutocompleter ().run_sync (); }
public override async void run (Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error {
var app = new Midori.App ();
var autocompleter = new Midori.Autocompleter (app);
assert (!autocompleter.can_complete (""));
var completion = new TestCompletion ();
autocompleter.add (completion);
completion.test_can_complete = false;
assert (!autocompleter.can_complete (""));
completion.test_can_complete = true;
assert (autocompleter.can_complete (""));
completion.test_suggestions = 0;
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
assert (autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null) == 0);
completion.test_suggestions = 1;
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
assert (autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null) == 1);
/* Order */
completion.test_suggestions = 2;
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
assert (autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null) == 2);
Gtk.TreeIter iter_first;
autocompleter.model.get_iter_first (out iter_first);
string title;
autocompleter.model.get (iter_first, Midori.Autocompleter.Columns.MARKUP, out title);
if (title != "First")
error ("Expected %s but got %s", "First", title);
/* Cancellation */
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
completion.test_suggestions = 3;
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
int n = autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null);
if (n != 3)
error ("Expected %d but got %d", 3, n);
2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
2015-09-12 00:47:06 +00:00
class CompletionHistory : Midori.Test.Job {
public static void test () { new CompletionHistory ().run_sync (); }
public override async void run (Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error {
var bookmarks_database = new Midori.BookmarksDatabase ();
assert (bookmarks_database.db != null);
Midori.HistoryDatabase history = new Midori.HistoryDatabase (null);
assert (history.db != null);
history.clear (0);
history.insert ("http://example.com", "Ejemplo", 0, 0);
var results = yield history.list_by_count_with_bookmarks ("example", 1, cancellable);
assert (results.length () == 1);
var first = results.nth_data (0);
assert (first.title == "Ejemplo");
results = yield history.list_by_count_with_bookmarks ("ejemplo", 1, cancellable);
assert (results.length () == 1);
first = results.nth_data (0);
assert (first.title == "Ejemplo");
2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
struct TestCaseRender {
public string keys;
public string uri;
public string title;
public string expected_uri;
public string expected_title;
const TestCaseRender[] renders = {
{ "debian", "planet.debian.org", "Planet Debian", "planet.<b>debian</b>.org", "Planet <b>Debian</b>" },
{ "p debian o", "planet.debian.org", "Planet Debian", "<b>p</b>lanet.<b>debian</b>.<b>o</b>rg", "Planet Debian" },
{ "pla deb o", "planet.debian.org", "Planet Debian", "<b>pla</b>net.<b>deb</b>ian.<b>o</b>rg", "Planet Debian" },
{ "ebi", "planet.debian.org", "Planet Debian", "planet.d<b>ebi</b>an.org", "Planet D<b>ebi</b>an" },
{ "an ebi", "planet.debian.org", "Planet Debian", "pl<b>an</b>et.d<b>ebi</b>an.org", "Pl<b>an</b>et D<b>ebi</b>an" }
void completion_location_action () {
foreach (var spec in renders) {
string uri = Midori.LocationAction.render_uri (spec.keys.split (" ", 0), spec.uri);
string title = Midori.LocationAction.render_title (spec.keys.split (" ", 0), spec.title);
if (uri != spec.expected_uri || title != spec.expected_title)
error ("\nExpected: %s/ %s\nInput : %s/ %s/ %s\nResult : %s/ %s",
spec.expected_uri, spec.expected_title,
spec.keys, spec.uri, spec.title, uri, title);
2015-09-12 00:47:06 +00:00
class HistoryMarkup : Midori.Test.Job {
public static void test () { new HistoryMarkup ().run_sync (); }
public override async void run (Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error {
var app = new Midori.App ();
var autocompleter = new Midori.Autocompleter (app);
assert (!autocompleter.can_complete (""));
var histcomp = new Midori.HistoryCompletion ();
assert (!histcomp.can_complete (""));
//this calls histcomp.prepare (app):
autocompleter.add (histcomp);
//any time the history completion has a db, its can_complete method returns true
//assert (!histcomp.can_complete (""));
//remove entries from previous tests
histcomp.database.clear (0);
histcomp.database.insert ("https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%3E&ia=about", "> (Clojure) - DuckDuckGo", 0, 0);
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
assert (autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null) == 2);
histcomp.database.insert ("https://duckduckgo.com/", "DuckDuckGo", 0, 0);
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
assert (autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null) == 3);
histcomp.database.insert ("http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5068951/what-do-lt-and-gt-stand-for",
"html - What do &lt; and &gt; stand for? - Stack Overflow", 0, 0);
yield autocompleter.complete ("");
assert (autocompleter.model.iter_n_children (null) == 4);
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
string title, expected;
expected = "DuckDuckGo";
autocompleter.model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, 2);
autocompleter.model.get (iter, Midori.Autocompleter.Columns.MARKUP, out title);
if (title != expected)
error ("Expected %s but got %s", expected, title);
expected = "> (Clojure) - DuckDuckGo";
autocompleter.model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, 3);
autocompleter.model.get (iter, Midori.Autocompleter.Columns.MARKUP, out title);
if (title != expected)
error ("Expected %s but got %s", expected, title);
expected = "html - What do &lt; and &gt; stand for? - Stack Overflow";
autocompleter.model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, 1);
autocompleter.model.get (iter, Midori.Autocompleter.Columns.MARKUP, out title);
if (title != expected)
error ("Expected %s but got %s", expected, title);
2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
void main (string[] args) {
2015-09-12 00:47:06 +00:00
Midori.Test.init (ref args);
2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
Midori.App.setup (ref args, null);
2015-09-12 00:47:06 +00:00
Midori.Paths.init (Midori.RuntimeMode.NORMAL, null);
Test.add_func ("/completion/autocompleter", CompletionAutocompleter.test);
Test.add_func ("/completion/history", CompletionHistory.test);
2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
Test.add_func ("/completion/location-action", completion_location_action);
2015-09-12 00:47:06 +00:00
Test.add_func ("/completion/historymarkup", HistoryMarkup.test);
2013-10-24 03:45:02 +00:00
Test.run ();