Bump requirements to WebKitGTK+, Glib 2.16 and libsoup 2.25.2

This commit is contained in:
Christian Dywan 2009-03-16 01:18:22 +01:00
parent cea8294a18
commit 5d41589437
2 changed files with 6 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ Midori is a lightweight web browser.
* Customizable and extensible interface.
* Extensions written in C.
Requirements: GTK+ 2.10, WebkitGtk, libXML2
Requirements: GTK+ 2.10, WebkitGTK+ 1.1.1, libXML2, libsoup 2.25.2
Optional: Unique 0.9, libsoup 2.23.1, libidn, sqlite 3.0, docutils, xdg-open
Optional: Unique 0.9, libidn, sqlite 3.0, docutils
For installation instructions read INSTALL.

View file

@ -121,18 +121,6 @@ def configure (conf):
unique = 'no '
conf.define ('HAVE_UNIQUE', [0,1][unique == 'yes'])
if option_enabled ('libsoup'):
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.23.1', False)
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.25.2', False, var='LIBSOUP_2_25_2')
libsoup = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBSOUP'] == 1]
libsoup_25_2 = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_25_2'] == 1]
option_checkfatal ('libsoup', 'libsoup')
libsoup = 'no '
libsoup_25_2 = 'no '
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBSOUP', [0,1][libsoup == 'yes'])
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_25_2', [0,1][libsoup_25_2 == 'yes'])
if option_enabled ('libidn'):
check_pkg ('libidn', '1.0', False)
libidn = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBIDN'] == 1]
@ -152,9 +140,11 @@ def configure (conf):
conf.check (lib='m', mandatory=True)
check_pkg ('gmodule-2.0', '2.8.0', False)
check_pkg ('gthread-2.0', '2.8.0', False)
check_pkg ('gio-2.0', '2.16.0', False)
check_pkg ('gio-2.0', '2.16.0')
check_pkg ('gtk+-2.0', '2.10.0', var='GTK')
check_pkg ('webkit-1.0', '0.1')
check_pkg ('webkit-1.0', '1.1.1')
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.25.2')
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_25_2', 1)
check_pkg ('libxml-2.0', '2.6')
if option_enabled ('hildon'):
@ -228,34 +218,6 @@ def configure (conf):
if unique == 'yes' and conf.check_cfg (modversion='unique-1.0') == '1.0.4':
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'unique 1.0.4 found, this version is erroneous.')
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'Please use an older or newer version.')
libsoup_version = conf.check_cfg (modversion='libsoup-2.4')
Utils.pprint ('WHITE', 'Icons, Source, Save: ' + libsoup + ' (libSoup', sep='')
if (libsoup == 'yes'):
Utils.pprint ('GREEN', libsoup_version, sep='')
Utils.pprint ('RED', '2.23.1', sep='')
print ")"
Utils.pprint ('WHITE', 'Persistent cookies: ' + libsoup_25_2 + ' (libSoup', sep='')
if (libsoup_25_2 == 'yes'):
Utils.pprint ('GREEN', libsoup_version, sep='')
Utils.pprint ('RED', '2.25.2', sep='')
print ")"
# if 'soup-2.4' in conf.env['LIB_WEBKIT']:
webkit_binary = conf.env.get_flat ('LIBPATH_WEBKIT') + '/libwebkit-1.0.so'
ldd = Utils.cmd_output (['ldd', webkit_binary], silent=True)
if ldd != '':
found = False
for library in ldd.split ('\n'):
if library[:8] == '\tlibsoup':
found = True
if found:
Utils.pprint ('GREEN', 'WebKit was built with libsoup')
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'WebKit was NOT built with libsoup')
print "IDN support: " + libidn + " (libidn)"
print "Persistent history: " + sqlite + " (sqlite3)"
print "Maemo integration: " + hildon + " (hildon)"
@ -295,7 +257,6 @@ def set_options (opt):
group = opt.add_option_group ('Optional features', '')
add_enable_option ('unique', 'single instance support', group)
add_enable_option ('libsoup', 'icon and view source support', group)
add_enable_option ('libidn', 'international domain name support', group)
add_enable_option ('sqlite', 'history database support', group)
add_enable_option ('addons', 'building of extensions', group)