2012-09-19 23:17:43 +02:00

896 lines
35 KiB

This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT.
Unify download behavior: link fingerprints, space check, clearing, tooltips
GIO-based check for enough space and permissions, GIO-based themed icons
Show opener/ tab domain in download dialog:
http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/fldl/ http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/switch/
Extension to download with a specific command line
Size in download dialog and fallback filename heuristic
Windows: GTK+3, Faenza icons, gdb helper, Netscape plugins,
ship CA bundle, fix View source, --portable/ -P on Windows
Granite (Beta): about dialog, static notebook, no "New Tab" in toolbar, Print → Share
Support building with Wayland-enabled GTK+3
Theming: content view, secondary toolbar class, drop old icon names, bigger error icon
Introduce --plain mode equivalent to GtkLauncher, lazy URLs for --snapshot/ -s
Log bookmarks, history and downloads to zeitgeist
Show security details and export certificates with GCR, error out instead of colored urlbar
Only allow data: URLs in urlbar for images
Recognize and cache HSTS, system-wide /etc/xdg/midori/hsts
Strip HTTP Host to outsmart some filter proxies
Completion: Fix PageUp/Down, Shift+Tab and wrap: This is consistent with GTK+ (excluding Tab) and Firefox
Change Focus Current Tab to Ctrl+Alt+Home
Fix Shift+Space for scrolling upwards
Control+Alt+R: Readable mode
Handle access key in link hints
Drop speed dial keyboard access in favour of "." link hints
No Open, Bookmark bar, Customize toolbar, Inspect page in app menu; split panel menu
Use ellipsises instead of period thresomes
Hinted text in bookmarks, history and cookie manager
Ellipsize panels (except for Transfers)
Add icon to bookmark dialog and remove labels
Validate proxy server IP and render invalid URLs in GTK+3
Rename "Toplevel" folder to "Bookmarks"
Chrome identification option; "Automatic" user agent is Chrome-based
Search: Create engines from search forms, remove "icon" field
Copy Image s/Address// always copy both URL and data
Rework debugging by introducing MIDORI_DEBUG; about:paths
Adblock: Refresh filters based on file time and meta data, abp: links
Optionally save website including resources
Merged NextForward akin to StopReload
PanedAction, Viewable, SpeedDial, (most of) Settings, Paths in Vala
Improved database: requires sqlite 3.6.19 and 0.2.6 in import dialog
Confirm Caret Browsing before enabling it
Support for custom items in Statusbar Features (see FAQ)
Draggable favicon as URL or text, URL icon for URL entries
Remember if inspector was attached
Open tabs in the background by default
RTL support in special/ error pages
Fix progressbar text with GTK+3
Build fix: More robust GTK+2 version check
Ensure progress in urlbar and tab match
Zoom text and images by default
Don't mixup tokens starting with the same letters
Seemless running out of build folder
No speed dial in --app/ --private, fix layout with many tiles
Add X-GNOME-Fullname to .desktop and translate desktop shortcuts
Delayed Load extension
+ Fix crasher in geolocation infobar
+ Fix crasher in about:version on some systems
+ Fix crasher opening bookmarks from Unity global menu
+ Use WebKitFaviconDatabase as of WebKit 1.8.0
+ Use midori-prefixed temp folder in midori_view_save_source
+ Fix cancelling downloads with SteadyFlow or Aria2
+ Fix crash dialog instead of opening tab in a running window
+ Fix page icons in multi-frame sites (gmail, tumbler)
+ Distinguish Simplified and Traditional Chinese
+ Support go-jump-symbolic
+ Handle empty tabs due to download links with a target
+ Handle frame load interrupted in the unholy trinity
+ Fix libsoup version check and wrong SSL status in location
+ Work around black border around widgets on Win32
+ Whitelist direct/ re-directed navigation requests in adblock
+ Require Vala 0.14
+ Provide geolocation diagnostics in about:geolocation
+ List available about: URLs and app instance name in about:version
+ Replace illegal characters in download filenames
+ Tweak app options on Win32 and use ShellExecuteEx in sokoke_show_uri
+ Use sokoke_show_uri in midori_browser_download_status_cb
+ External Download manager Steadyflow and Aria2 (with cookies)
+ Ensure adblock config folder when blocking images
+ Use sqlite WAL mode for history if available
+ Allow relative -c/ --config path
+ Context menus on Back and Forward toolbar items
+ Always show the tabbar by default
+ Use ubuntu-bug if it exists
+ Show inline find while typing and statusbar text in overlay with GTK+ 3.2
+ Esc/ closing "downloads still active" should cancel, not continue
+ Optional Granite support for notebook and bookmark dialog as pop-over
+ Ctrl+j to toggle statusbar aka downloads
+ Show at most 3 search engines in completion
+ Don't replace existing onclick/ blur with autosuggest
+ Implement low_memory_profile for FreeBSD and Win32
+ Use var in internal javascript, to fix Google apps
+ Handle download requests in frames
+ Disable page cache with < 352 MB RAM
+ Display filename in download dialog
+ Fix box packing in GTK+3 (in most cases)
+ Enable experimental HTML5 fullscreen API
+ Harden IPv6 address recognition in location
+ Experimental site data policy support (see FAQ)
+ Close tabs by middle clicking close button
+ Merge cookies and other data in Clear Private Data
+ Improve KatzeArrayAction for Unity menuproxy compatibility
+ Use GDateTime for history to avoid broken C runtimes
+ Add Midori tag to DuckDuckGo default URI
+ Rewrite completion popup resizing
+ Streamline page icon loading stages and fallbacks
+ Disable clipboard work-around for WebKit >= 1.4.3
+ Re-word .desktop entry as an action
+ Display informative text in private browsing
+ Consistent clear icons in entries
+ Revised download filename generation
+ Add 'Open in Image Viewer' menu item
+ Formhistory 2.0 with GDOM support
+ Handle javascript: and mailto: links better
+ Handle = key in Ukrainian layout better
+ Fix bookmark export and deletion of bookmark folders
+ Speed dial shortcut re-reordering by DND
+ Implement about:widgets to test rendering
+ Fix resizing of inspector by applying a minimum size
+ Use dark theme with GTK+ 3 in private browsing
+ Use channel-(in)secure-symbolic icons if available
+ Use .security-(un)trusted classes with GTK+
+ Improve notebook resizing peformance
+ Fix tab icons in GTK+3 and don't look for GTK+ jscore
+ Use system-wide CA file with libSoup 2.37.1
+ Improve cookie manager performance
+ Action and tab creation for faster startup
+ Fix number of items in trash in private browsing
+ Add Cairo version to about:version
+ Add X-GNOME-Keywords and X-AppInstall-Keywords to .desktop
+ Add easy privacy list to default Adblock filters
+ Fully implement speed dial for GTK+3
+ Disable box shadows with WebKitGTK+ 1.2.7
+ Fine-grained monospace font overriding
+ Implement resizing of Location and Search in toolbar
+ Don't show empty speed dial shortcuts in-between
+ Use Midori's name in midori-private.desktop
+ Hide all bars in fullscreen and a menu to Unfullscreen
+ Improve -moz-document parsing in user stylesheets
+ Render verified secure sites in green, not yellow
+ Version details for extensions built against a different release
+ More detailed and more condensed about:version output
+ Refresh missing speed dial thumbnails automatically
+ Use faster global CSS mechanism for adblock and addons
+ Show crash dialog only if there's a session
+ Don't complete on a leading space or search token
+ Support user stylesheets on about: and file:// locations
+ Implement 'Always use my font choices' preferences
+ Allow smaller tabs when close buttons are disabled
+ Merge 'Closed Tabs' with 'History' in Clear Private Data
+ Correctly use user-home and bookmark-new icon names
+ Use versioned file speeddial-head-0.4.2.html
+ Split proxy server preference into host and port
+ Support localized 'next' and 'previous' links
+ Implement 'Only accept cookies cookies from sites you visit'
+ Fix crash in Add/ Import Bookmark feature
+ Fix size of tabs with GTK+ 3
+ Detect existing Firefox profiles for bookmark import
+ Work-around "omg!" in local directory browsing
+ Rework '--run' feature to allow window.open() and console.info()
+ Automatically clear finnished downloads from the transferbar
+ Add 'Create desktop shortcut' to the app menu
+ Require GLib 2.22 and libSoup 2.27.90
+ Don't register recent files in private browsing mode
+ Findbar and speed dial honor close button position
+ Use sqlite3-based backend for cookie storage
+ Make '--snapshot' create png images with GTK+ 2.20
+ Automatically resizing, embossed speed dial, close on hover
+ Experimental, unfinnished GTK+ 3 support
+ 'Automatic' identification with quirks
+ Build fix for WebKitGTK+ >= 1.4.3
+ Register downloaded files as recent files
+ Fix Flash window on background tabs
+ Fix regression with clearing cookies on quit
+ Fix opening tabs from toolbar buttons
+ Use symbolic find and clear icons
+ Drop usage of mootools
+ Install separate Private Browsing shortcut
+ Support dragging tabs out of the window
+ Use feed: to support Thunderbird news reader
+ Re-open closed tabs in private browsing
+ Compare link-fingerprints caselessly
+ Provide buttons to choose how to startup after crash
+ Fix crash on corrupted datbase
+ Never delay URIs given as command line arguments
+ Space at the bottom of the page: Go to next page
+ Initialize session in app/ private before adding URIs
+ Add 'Last open tabs' option to Clear Private Data
+ Show kinetic scrolling option regardless of Hildon
+ Interpret Shift+Backspace as going forward
+ Advertise SVG images as a supported MIME type
+ Zoom in steps of 10% and support Ctr+=
+ Fix a crasher on invalid geo: links
+ Integrate Adblock and History List options in list
+ Skip empty lines, ignore subdocument rules in Adblock
+ Respect VALAC at configuration time
+ URL cache, faster JS generator, inline parsing in Adblock
+ Reuse source of webview instead of redownloading
+ Remove the description field from bookmark dialog
+ Add --log-file/ -l switch to log to a file
+ Pass through javascript: URIS from the command line
+ Tab and Window items in Unity Quicklist
+ Adjust the preferences dialog
+ Require WebKitGTK+ 1.1.17 and Vala 0.10
+ Track selected search engine per window
+ Improve preference dialogue size and alignments
+ Validate URIs in Adblock, homepage and bookmarks
+ Fix loading of Adblock lists from https
+ Support Backspace as Go Back and F5 as Reload
+ Show 'Private Browsing' in Unity Quicklist
+ Ignore Network Cancelled errors
+ Reduce allocations when preparing speed dial
+ Fix icon sie of scalable stock icons
+ Implement geo URI support as per RFC 5870
+ Fix crash after clearing cookies
+ Faster javascript-based JSON import
+ Improve speed dial markup, without scripts
+ Allow Escape to cancel History List
+ Fix crashes in completion
+ Remove frame titles from preference dialogue
+ Show search engine icons in completion
+ Add Liferea news aggregator workaround
+ Support libSoup cache + size with WebKitGTK+ 1.3.11
+ No language, no encryption but Mozilla in user agent
+ Support F6, F7, Ctrl+(Shift)+Tab and Tab to complete
+ Strip scheme and www. in completion
+ Render filename as title of patch files
+ Turn location into a plain entry
+ Fix tab panel foreground colours
+ Mask timezone, language and plugins in private mode
+ Add 'Strip referrer details' preference
+ Embed extension list in preferences
+ Remove the Page Holder and Download Manager option
+ Disable prefetching and HTML5 storage in private mode
+ Handle 'Plugin will handle load' error
+ Show access keys next to numbers in link search
+ Introduce --private/ -p command line switch
+ Don't show toolbar preferences if running a DE
+ Show script alerts as infobars
+ Improve URI handling with addon installer
+ Change Ctrl+Q for Quit to Ctrl+Shift+Q
+ Make speed dial faster and mandatory
+ Load speed dial in private browsing mode
+ Show video formats in about:(version)
+ Move speed dial to key file instead of JSON
+ Add Offline Application Cache to Clear Private Data
+ Use 60 connections and 6 per host
+ Allow re-ordering of search engines
+ Resurrect right-click button on the panel
+ Page Next finds a and link tags again
+ Always save state when quitting
+ Support MD5 and SHA1 Link Fingerprints
+ Use lock-secure and lock-insecure icons
+ Replace unmaintained docs with FAQ
+ Work around copying bug in WebKitGTK+
+ In doubt always focus page on key press
+ Show transfer speed in tooltips
+ Support x-scheme-handler for GLib < 2.28
+ Improve link search, always require Return
+ Re-order tabs with Ctrl+Shift-PageUp/Down
+ Improve fragment (#) handling
+ Show Netscape plugins in about:version
+ Add Zoom Level combobox to Statusbar Features
+ Improve handling of cookie updates
+ Always show a minimum visible progress
+ Don't limit search engines in completion popup
+ Fix opening address with Go button
+ Fix automigration of existing bookmarks
+ Fix crash on opening autocompletion
+ Fix adblock handling of frames
+ Reflect tab order in the saved session
+ Don't show multiple user addon infobars
+ Provide distribution setting for close on left
+ Export to Netscape HTML format
+ Avoid config update on state changes
+ Always show progress and search engines in location
+ Default to app menu and no menubar
+ Fix GTK+ 2.14 build problems
+ Show 'Private Browsing' in window title
+ Uncached reload with Ctrl+Shift+R
+ Support libnotify 0.7
+ Copy-friendly URIs with %20
+ No blocking of typed URLs with adblock
+ Import from Netscape HTML
+ Bookmark im- and export fixes
+ Unit tests cleaned up and updated
+ Correct bookmark and search icon names
+ Better link menu handling
+ Certificate location on FreeBSD
+ Fix Russian keyboard issues
+ Stylesheet parsing improvements
+ Simplify language and panel options
+ Default to DuckDuckGo search
+ No Netscape plugins in extension panel
+ Easy user addon install infobar
+ Add 'Identify As' to Statusbar Features
+ Don't restrict length of HTTP login passwords
+ Implement Find Links by number with '.'
+ Reflect security in icon tooltip
+ Use GIO to determine special URI schemes
+ Upgrade waf (addresses threading issues)
+ Allow clearing HTML5 databases and form history
+ Add --help-execute command line switch
+ Improve private mode, with search and hotkeys
+ Support no-desktop-files and internal Open With
+ Support x-scheme-handler spec
+ Infobar for location and HTML5 database
+ Optimise cookie storing, reduce wakeups
+ Avoid deprecated GTK+ interfaces
+ Remove console in favour of Inspector
+ Simplify and explain cookie preferences
+ Fix Google Reader incompatibility
+ Re-implement Bookmarks menu and toolbar button
+ Show transferbar even if statusbar is hidden
+ Smart case for inline search while typing
+ Use Alt+Shift+Right instead of Ctrl+Right for Next Page
+ Adding, edit and delete buttons for user scripts/ styles
+ Rename 'Minimize Tab' to 'Show Tab Icon Only'
+ Delete key in completion deletes items
+ Don't show homepage in bookmarkbar
+ Fix crash when using location arrow button
+ Multiple word completion in location
+ Database backed bookmarks
+ Search bookmark panel and drag bookmarks
+ Bookmarks in address completion
+ Removed bookmarks and history from menubar
+ Add 'Minimize New Tabs' and 'Copy Addresses of Tabs'
+ Refactorings and optimisations in the core
+ Adblock compatibility improvements and speedup
+ Changeable speed dial size
+ Delayed pages at startup, or after a crash
+ Show a dialogue when quitting while downloading
+ Render icons in errors/ speed dial properly
+ Fix a build error with API documentation
+ Fix error pages in frames, and a related crash
+ Allow more shortcuts or columns in speed dial
+ Add 'Copy All' button to Console panel
+ Keyboard access in speed dial
+ Panels adapt to system icon style
+ Revamp tab focus handling
+ Use new GTK+ 2.20 spinner (throbber) widget
+ Userscripts and -styles can be (de)activated
+ Warn if trying to download with few space
+ Support right button in Mouse Gestures
+ Add (unfinished) 'External Applications' extension
+ Vala support for extensions and tests
+ Yellow location for valid SSL, red for invalid
+ Render XML as source code
+ Provide tools/midori-dev and check-style scripts
+ Implement MIDORI_ADBLOCK for Adblock testing
+ Fix https URI support in Adblock
+ Change 'Autodetect proxy' into 'Proxy type'
+ Update use of deprecated GTK+ API
+ Implement --blocked-uris for kiosk usage
+ Implement --inactivity-reset for kiosk usage
+ Fix typing with dead keys and NumLock
+ Improve parsing in the Feed Panel
+ Add preference 'Allow scripts to open popups'
+ Spawn web apps and private mode with same executable
+ Base Colourful Tabs on icon colours
+ Add Status Clock extension
+ Resolve hosts before trying a search
+ Allow page icons for https
+ Improve handling of special pages
+ Protect against recursive external URI handlers
+ Prevent completion from overlapping
+ Fix tab order when restoring session
+ Ignore accidentally middle click search
+ Implement bookmark export to XBEL
+ Provide scroll hotkeys, default to Vim
+ Store and complete search in location
+ Fix opening externally with multiple windows
+ Only use icons in panel buttons
+ Fix build with different GTK+ versions
+ Omit micro version and arch from ident string
+ Improve relocatability for Win32
+ Implement 'Close other tabs' menu item
+ Use new GTK+ accessors where available
+ Allow searching freely in History panel
+ Re-implement completion based on sqlite
+ Re-implement completion suggestion popup
+ Simplify sqlite use towards efficient calls
+ Move panel icons to the bottom
+ Merge Netscape Plugins and Extensions panels
+ Implement 'about:version' special page
+ Implement 'Preferred languages' preference
+ Improve window raising behaviour
+ Allow Ctrl+Right-click to suppress javascript menu
+ Add 'Open link as web app' in context menu
+ Add 'Block image' menu item to Adblock
+ Location progress and compat code refactored
+ Implement 'Paste and proceed' in location
+ Move DNS prefetching into the core
+ Allow selecting and deleting multiple cookies
+ Support attaching/ detaching web inspector
+ Always enable web inspector
+ --diagnostic-dialog command line switch
+ Faster file existence checks
+ Simplified, faster adblock implementation
+ Turn libnotify into a proper build-time dependency
+ Use Ctrl + Return to open tabs from the location entry
+ Support right-click on bookmark menu items
+ Support -e in midori -a and with multiple commands
+ Make Middle click open selection search if needed
+ Make Ctrl+C work as expected again
+ Fix order of History, Trash and Recently opened pages
+ Revise Shortcuts dialogue to fix oddities
+ Perform Form history completion case insensitive
+ Add 'Web Cache' to Delete Private data dialogue
+ Load accels from /etc/xdg if present
+ Improve XBEL format compatibility and performance
+ Fix inline find by correcting key handling
+ Add option to open panels in separate windows
+ Support Portrait orientation in Fremantle
+ Support Hildon MIME and URI handling
+ Check status before caching in Web Cache
+ Show popup menu on news feed icon if needed
+ Support Colourful Tabs with Tab Panel
+ Tweak sqlite and dbus handling for Win32
+ 'Run as web app' and 'Show in toolbar' for bookmarks
+ Add 'Small icons' toolbar style
+ Fix build with Glib < 2.20 and GTK+ < 2.12
+ Add Import bookmarks for XBEL, Opera and RDF
+ Add Open Link in Foreground/ Background Tab menu
+ Allow closing all tabs
+ Hildon file chooser support
+ Fix Mouse Gestures to work after activation
+ Explicitly link to X11 to support gold
+ Implement various Hildon specific features
+ Hide the navigationbar in fullscreen
+ Implement permanent storage of form history
+ Support keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Tab or "a"
+ Make creation of new windows fast
+ Introduce the Tab History List extension
+ Load icons laziy at startup to speed up startup
+ Introduce a Web Cache extension
+ Refactor and tweak the Preferences dialogue
+ Implement combos to choose external applications
+ (Kinetic) drag scrolling on touchscreen devices
+ Workaround a speed dial crasher
+ Faster Adblock with element blocking, for all WebKitGTK+ versions
+ Stripped menu, toolbar and tap on hold on Maemo, and 5.0 menu support
+ Add a DNS prefetching extension
+ Better IDN handling
+ Add a form history extension
+ Restore scrolling positions from the session
+ Keep typed address when switching tabs
+ Avoid storing duplicate history items per day
+ Fix multiple duplicate HTTP authentication dialogs
+ Pass mailto: links to the email client
+ Improve context menu with WebKitGTK+ 1.1.15
+ Checkbox "Remember password" in HTTP authentication
+ Fix a crasher when modifying bookmarks
+ Support page icons other than favicon.ico
+ iPhone identity in Network preferences
+ Fix freezing when opening multiple windows
+ Revamp Adblock with WebKitGTK+ 1.1.14 API
+ Greatly improve the address completion
+ Always show news feed icon
+ Better handling of feeds in the feed panel
+ Add Gtk+ and WebKit version to the About dialog
+ Improve tab panel and support minimized tabs
+ Implement disabling of extensions in crahs dialog
+ Don't make the web inspector transient
+ Tidy up the Preferences a bit
+ Load default bookmarks and config from /etc
+ Do not use xprop at runtime
+ Use GNOME proxy server if libsoup-gnome is installed
+ Integrate Save As with transfers
+ Save HTTP logins in a text file
+ Support Undo and Redo with WebKitGTK+ 1.1.14
+ Preserve navigation history with new tabs
+ Implement clearing private data when quitting
+ Ellipsize and show close icons in the tab panel
+ Allow hiding panel operating controls
+ Integrate Tools with the compact menu
+ Fix User scripts, User styles and Plugins panel
+ Remove the bookmarkbar popup
+ Add New Tab to the tab context menu
+ Implement minimizing tabs
+ Initial support for extension unit tests
+ Set a "browser" role on browser windows
+ Support typing search tokens to open websites
+ Fix focus loss when switching search engines
+ Rewrite Netscape Plugins panel backed by javascript
+ Implement a compact menu if menubar is hidden
+ Provide a context menu for tab labels
+ Implement Tab Panel as a tabbar replacement
+ Remember the last active tab
+ Read and write XBEL metadata internally
+ Implement -e, --execute to perform commands
+ Support socket based single instance
+ Move Go button inside the location entry
+ Fix the ident string after Midori updates
+ Bind Alt + n to switching to the n-th tab
+ Revisit conflicting mnemonics
+ Add a Toolbar Editor extension
+ Add a Shortcut Editor extension
+ Implement context menu in the Transfers panel
+ Simplified Extensions and Addons panels with tick marks
+ Fix Mouse Gestures often ignoreing gestures
+ Use one cookie manager model in all windows
+ Support building Midori for Win32
+ Add an entry to specify Fixed-Width font size
+ Implement Save As in the download dialog
+ Use one history model in all windows
+ Save the activation status of extensions
+ Catch and ignore mouse buttons meant for horizontal scrolling
+ Improve panel detaching and how panels handle it
+ Add a Feed Panel extension
+ Add a Fixed-width Font Family preference
+ Support spell checking
+ Implement (optional) Speed dial feature
+ Support nicer error pages with WebKitGTK+ 1.1.6
+ Implement middle click to open menu items in tabs
+ Implement -s, --snapshot command line switch
+ Use libnotify (runtime dependency) for finished transfers
+ Add a Go button to the address entry
+ Always append tabs opened via middle/ double click on the tab bar
+ Implement Open new pages in: New window preference
+ Implement inline find with direct '.' and '/' hotkeys
+ Add basic support for @-moz-document in user styles
+ Add Delete All to transferbar
+ Show search in context menu
+ Implement 'Default' search engine
+ Show only icons in Statusbar Features
+ Implement Clear private data
+ Support News Feed icon and external aggregator
+ Fix reloading of Not found pages
+ Fixup spaces when middle click opening
+ Fix possibly wrong identificaton string
+ Optionally search engines in completion
+ Optionally Gtk 2.16 entry progress and icon
+ Experimental panel detaching
+ Support external download manager again
+ Implement '-a', '--app' argument
+ Implement '-c', '--config' argument
+ Fix a bookmark saving issue
+ Support data: URIs in the address entry
+ Several performance and memory leak fixes
+ Load cookies idle to accelerate startup
+ Support mailto: links
+ Save tab reordering in the session
+ Add a Cookie Manager extension
+ Fix crashers in Colourful Tabs
+ Add a Colorful Tabs extension
+ Support downloading with WebKitGTK+ 1.1.3
+ Load and save settings of extensions
+ Drop internal source view
+ Require WebKitGTK+ 1.1.1, Glib 2.16 and libsoup 2.25.2
+ Automatic inline find can be disabled
+ Implement an Encoding menu
+ Add Open all in Tabs for bookmarks and history
+ Bookmarks can be moved to other folders
+ Fix blank page 'loading' and HTTP authentication
+ Display history dates in the local format
+ Allow editing of completion items
+ Sidepanel can be aligned on the right
+ Bookmarks can be organized in folders
+ Support find as you type
+ Support international domain names
+ Tweak location completion
+ Provide default search engines
+ Integrate with Maemo if available
+ Implement Mouse Gestures extension
+ Implement a Plugins panel
+ Editing the toolbar via a context menu
+ Introduce Zoom Text and Images preference
+ Open new tabs by clicking on the tabbar
+ Refactor and speed up location completion
+ Show a Crash dialog after crashes
+ Dynamically save files when needed
+ Support Back/ Forward mouse buttons
+ Support javascript: bookmarklets
+ Implement Proxy and Identification string
+ Implement cookie storage on disk
+ Remove autotooled build system
+ Add a new Extensions panel
+ Implement opening of new windows
+ Display tooltips in Preferences
+ Reimplement page holder as an extension
+ Introduce a C extension interface
+ Introduce unit tests for automated testing
+ Implement history based location completion
+ Support the Web Inspector in new WebKit versions
+ Bookmarkbar properly reflects changes
+ Improve overall OS X integration
+ Add a Text Editor Preference
+ Add a Compat sidebar Preference
+ Add an Open external pages in Preference
+ Implement source view and cached favicons with libsoup
+ Allow for hiding the menubar
+ Make the navigationbar customizable
+ Implement a History panel
+ Remove the HTTP Proxy hack
+ Add an Always Show Tabbar Preference
+ Implement 404 error pages
+ Remove the Primary Clipboard hack
+ Provide user documentation
+ Display Not found errors when possible
+ Remove Stylesheet and Zoom Stepping preferences
+ Make dialogs more compact
+ Ellipsize extremely long menu items
+ Save the trash again when quitting
+ Implement enabling/ disabling addons
+ Update some translations
+ Show progress in location when statusbar is hidden
+ Alt + Enter in location should issue a new tab
+ Warn at configure time if GVfs is not installed
+ Remove GVfs code that could caused huge problems
+ Update wad to 1.4.4 to fix building on some systems
+ Single instance support using Unique
+ Make it clear that WAF is preferred
+ Provide an 'extension' icon
+ Load user styles from ~/.local/share/midori/styles
+ Use Ctrl+Shift+T for Undo Close Tab
+ Add "open-tabs-next-to-current" preference
+ Use rsvg-convert instead of imagemagick's convert
+ @name in the meta data of userscripts is recognized
+ Remove "small-toolbar" preference
+ Improved Greasemonkey compatibility
+ Improve multiple window support
+ Use WAF buildscripts, still keeping autotools
+ Install and use Midori logo
+ Support zooming and printing
+ Enhance Gjs functionality
+ Refactor in some places, particularly Web Search
+ Implement favicons and source view with GIO
+ Introduce new fancy location entry
+ Detect and show news feeds on web sites
+ Save the session as needed, not only on quit
+ Reintroduce Download Manager preference
+ First attempt at userscripts and extensions.
+ Show hidden location/ web search temporarily when needed.
+ Turn prefs into MidoriPreferences
+ Fix background tabs, strings and new tab focus.
+ Switch configuration to MidoriWebSettings.
+ Remove 'External programs' logic
+ Append the closed tabs items as a proper submenu.
+ The location is empty and focused by default
+ Implement proper menu positioning.
+ Implement the Console panel for script messages.
+ Implement localization via Gettext.
+ Initial refactoring work, regressions expected
+ Build fix: Webkit's header and pkgconfig name have changed.
+ Implement Fullscreen mode
+ Add a preference to choose a user stylesheet.
+ Implement a few preferences with new settings API in WebKit
+ Implement Add Bookmark and a small panel toolbar
+ Escape search engine name and description.
+ Cleanup and WebKit API update
+ Make sure selection actions have a widget.
+ Allow Find Next and Find Previous when the findbox is hidden.
+ Fixed the header of the KatzeThrobber
+ Move XBEL implementation to katze.
+ Implement a throbber widget.
+ Always enable Select All if an editable widget is focussed.
+ Previous/ next tab menu items should be disabled when not needed.
+ Handle the context menu on button press, not release.
+ Open the default page only if there is no session and no uri on the cli.
+ Implement editing menu items for the web view.
+ Implement the bookmarks panel with editing capabilities.
+ Prevent repeated checks for the desktop environment.
+ Fix coding style in sokoke.c/ sokoke.h, particularly variable names.
+ Don't update the remembered window size when maximized.
+ Don't remember the window position but the size only.
+ Command line uris should replace the default page.
+ More effective status updates and less entry flickering
+ Enable inline find for websites
+ Make the progressbar work properly again
+ Build fix: Adapt WebKit api changes
+ Add Tab Size to preferences dialog
+ Build fix: Remove search api
+ FIX Reopening a tab from the trash causes a crash
+ FIX An untitled website keeps the previous title
+ FIX When switching tabs the location/ title isn't updated correctly
+ FIX Issues with the preferences dialog
+ Disable location completion for now
+ Save tabtrash to file
+ Restructure some code
+ Remove color picker and throbber
+ Change the license to LGPL
+ Adapt WebKit api change, remove engine wrappers, remove dialog hack
+ Improve XBEL loading and saving
+ Show dialog and backup files on startup errors
+ Rearranged and removed some menus
+ FIX Improve flawed window creation
+ Build with and eliminate all compiler warnings
+ Implement clipboard handling menus
+ Allow editing of search engines
+ Update search engines properly
+ Implement bookmarks saving
+ Implement session saving and loading
+ Cleaned up and revised most code
+ Remove legacy webi code
+ FIX Back/ forward and initial check menu item states
+ Remove rather useless debugging helpers
+ Improvements on the preferences
+ First attempt at websearch
+ Preserve typed uri on tab switch
+ First attempt at bookmarks, readonly for now
+ Add an animated throbber
+ FIX Can crash on context menu or new protocol
+ FIX Location isn't updated on tab switch
+ Remember last window position and size
+ Implement Open menu item
+ Allow using location and web search if hidden
+ FIX Close tab not insensitive for only one tab
+ FIX Debug output is broken
+ Display uri when hovering a link
+ Implement link uri related part of context menu
+ Implement alt/ middle/ shift click link
+ First attempt at external protocol handlers
+ Initial download manager integration
+ Adapt WebKit api prefix change
+ More code reorganization and cleanup
+ FIX Crash when invoking document context menu via keyboard
+ FIX Can't build with debug = yes on GTK+2.12
+ Changes related to icons in the gui
+ Reorganize code by splitting into several files
+ Switch from WebkitGdk to WebkitGtk
+ FIX Make settings finally work flawlessly
+ FIX Can crash when settings are opened
+ Handle all panels in a general way
+ Install xdg compliant desktop file
+ Implement location and web search menu items
+ Display a loading icon on tabs again
+ Changed the settings dialog again
+ FIX Closing an individual tab doesn't work correctly.
+ FIX Doesn't build with gtkwebcore.
+ Reimplement menus and and navibar with GtkUIManager.
+ Improve document handling in general.
+ Finished tab trash menu.
+ Implement searchbox default text.
+ Remove some gtkwebcore code.
+ Use Xfce style dialog in Xfce.
+ Implement a few settings.
+ Change the panel's look.
+ Implement a 'pageholder' panel.
+ Implement a few more signals for WebkitGdk.
+ Add tooltips to navigation toolbar buttons.
+ First attempt on a settings dialog.
+ Reimplemented color picker.
+ Autocompletion for location and searchbox.
+ Changed menu items and incremental findbar.
+ Implement tab switching via keyboard.
+ FIX Midori segfaults when quitting.
+ FIX Config loading and saving is broken.
+ Switch WebkitGdk to gtk api and make it the build default.
+ Register custom stock icons instead of icon theme magic.
+ Implement dynamic window menu.
+ First attempt on resizable panels.
+ Add about dialog.
+ FIX Refresh via menu or shortcut crashes the browser.
+ FIX Assertions with and visibility of the progressbar.
+ FIX Tabs are not reorderable.
+ Package versions in ./configure result and --version output.
+ Improve view menu and add tools menu.
+ Replace deprecated functions and macros.
+ Implement settings saving and loading.
+ Fill the common context menu with items
+ Allow multiple homepages, seperated by '|'.
+ Make code typesafe and C++ friendly.
+ Initially support WebkitGdk directly.
+ Urlify location inputs automatically.
+ Dynamic tab trash menu.
+ Update UI when page is changed.
+ Enhanced WebkitGtk support.
+ New function sokoke_dialog_run_modeless.
+ Finished on_document_request_script_prompt.
+ One name and version, visible in the user agent.
+ Changed some accelerators and menu items.
+ Create and destroy color picker properly.
+ Ctrl + Wheel resets the zoom level.
+ Escape in the location entry resets the uri.
+ Use gtk-webcore prefix instead of osb now.
+ Save keybindings on quit.
+ Fancy autotools build setup.
+ Initial release