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2015-10-08 16:26:18 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Base class for testing unicode and utf8 functions. This holds data that's
# useful for making tests
import re
from kitchen.text.converters import to_bytes
from kitchen.text import misc
class UnicodeTestData(object):
# This should encode fine -- sanity check
u_ascii = u'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
b_ascii = 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
# First challenge -- what happens with latin-1 characters
u_spanish = u'El veloz murciélago saltó sobre el perro perezoso.'
# utf8 and latin1 both support these chars so no mangling
utf8_spanish = u_spanish.encode('utf8')
latin1_spanish = u_spanish.encode('latin1')
# ASCII does not have the accented characters so it mangles
ascii_mangled_spanish_as_ascii = u_spanish.encode('ascii', 'replace')
# Attempting to decode using the wrong charset will mangle
# Note: as a general principle, we do not want to have code that mangles
# input of one charset and output of the same charset. We want to avoid
# things like::
# input latin-1, transform to unicode with utf-8, output latin-1.
u_mangled_spanish_utf8_as_latin1 = unicode(utf8_spanish, encoding='latin1', errors='replace')
u_mangled_spanish_utf8_as_ascii = unicode(utf8_spanish, encoding='ascii', errors='replace')
u_mangled_spanish_latin1_as_ascii = unicode(latin1_spanish, encoding='ascii', errors='replace')
u_mangled_spanish_latin1_as_utf8 = unicode(latin1_spanish, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
ascii_twice_mangled_spanish_latin1_as_utf8_as_ascii = u_mangled_spanish_latin1_as_utf8.encode('ascii', 'replace')
utf8_mangled_spanish_latin1_as_utf8 = u_mangled_spanish_latin1_as_utf8.encode('utf-8')
u_spanish_ignore = unicode(latin1_spanish, encoding='utf8', errors='ignore')
u_japanese = u"速い茶色のキツネが怠惰な犬に'"
utf8_japanese = u_japanese.encode('utf8')
euc_jp_japanese = u_japanese.encode('euc_jp')
u_mangled_euc_jp_as_latin1 = unicode(euc_jp_japanese, 'latin1')
u_mangled_euc_jp_as_utf8 = unicode(euc_jp_japanese, 'utf-8', 'replace')
utf8_mangled_euc_jp_as_latin1 = u_mangled_euc_jp_as_latin1.encode('utf8')
u_mangled_japanese_utf8_as_latin1 = unicode(utf8_japanese, 'latin1')
ascii_mangled_japanese_replace_as_latin1 = "??????????????'?"
latin1_mangled_japanese_replace_as_latin1 = "??????????????'?"
u_mixed = u'く ku ら ra と to み mi'
utf8_mixed = u_mixed.encode('utf8')
utf8_ku = u_mixed[0].encode('utf8')
utf8_ra = u_mixed[2].encode('utf8')
utf8_to = u_mixed[4].encode('utf8')
utf8_mi = u_mixed[6].encode('utf8')
u_mixed_replace = u'\ufffd ku \ufffd ra \ufffd to \ufffd mi'
u_mixed_ignore = u' ku ra to mi'
latin1_mixed_replace = '? ku ? ra ? to ? mi'
latin1_mixed_ignore = ' ku ra to mi'
u_entity = u'Test: <"&"> ' + u_japanese + u'é'
utf8_entity = u_entity.encode('utf8')
u_entity_escape = u'Test: &lt;&quot;&amp;&quot;&gt; &ndash; ' + unicode(u_japanese.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'), 'ascii') + u'&#xe9;'
utf8_entity_escape = 'Test: &lt;"&amp;"&gt; 速い茶色のキツネが怠惰な犬に\'増é'
utf8_attrib_escape = 'Test: &lt;&quot;&amp;&quot;&gt; 速い茶色のキツネが怠惰な犬に\'増é'
ascii_entity_escape = (u'Test: <"&"> ' + u_japanese + u'é').encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').replace('&', '&amp;',1).replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
b_byte_chars = ' '.join(map(chr, range(0, 256)))
repr_re = re.compile('^<[^ ]*\.([^.]+) object at .*>$')
u_paragraph = u'''ConfigObj is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer: an ini file
round tripper. Its main feature is that it is very easy to use, with a
straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax for config files.
It has lots of other features though:
* Nested sections (subsections), to any level
* List values
* Multiple line values
* String interpolation (substitution)
* Integrated with a powerful validation system
o including automatic type checking/conversion
o repeated sections
o and allowing default values
* All comments in the file are preserved
* The order of keys/sections is preserved
* No external dependencies
* Full Unicode support
* A powerful unrepr mode for storing basic datatypes
utf8_paragraph = u_paragraph.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
u_paragraph_out = [u'ConfigObj is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer: an',
u'ini file round tripper. Its main feature is that it is very easy to',
u"use, with a straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax",
u'for config files. It has lots of other features though:',
u' * Nested sections (subsections), to any level',
u' * List values',
u' * Multiple line values',
u' * String interpolation (substitution)',
u' * Integrated with a powerful validation system',
u' o including automatic type checking/conversion',
u' o repeated sections',
u' o and allowing default values',
u' * All comments in the file are preserved',
u' * The order of keys/sections is preserved',
u' * No external dependencies',
u' * Full Unicode support',
u' * A powerful unrepr mode for storing basic datatypes']
utf8_paragraph_out = [line.encode('utf-8', 'replace') for line in u_paragraph_out]
u_mixed_para = u'くらとみ kuratomi ' * 5
utf8_mixed_para = u_mixed_para.encode('utf8')
u_mixed_para_out = [u'くらとみ kuratomi くらとみ kuratomi くらとみ kuratomi くらとみ',
u'kuratomi くらとみ kuratomi']
u_mixed_para_57_initial_subsequent_out = [u' くらとみ kuratomi くらとみ kuratomi くらとみ kuratomi',
u'----くらとみ kuratomi くらとみ kuratomi']
utf8_mixed_para_out = map(to_bytes, u_mixed_para_out)
utf8_mixed_para_57_initial_subsequent_out = map(to_bytes, u_mixed_para_57_initial_subsequent_out)
u_ascii_chars = u' '.join(map(unichr, range(0, 256)))
u_ascii_no_ctrl = u''.join([c for c in u_ascii_chars if ord(c) not in misc._CONTROL_CODES])
u_ascii_ctrl_replace = u_ascii_chars.translate(dict([(c, u'?') for c in misc._CONTROL_CODES]))
utf8_ascii_chars = u_ascii_chars.encode('utf8')