#!/usr/bin/python -tt try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import glob import os import shutil try: # Only availabe on py2 from kitchen.pycompat27 import subprocess except: import subprocess class MsgFmt(object): def run(self, args): cmd = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False) cmd.wait() def setup_message_compiler(): # Look for msgfmt try: subprocess.Popen(['msgfmt', '-h'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: import babel.messages.frontend return (babel.messages.frontend.CommandLineInterface(), 'pybabel compile -D %(domain)s -d locale -i %(pofile)s -l %(lang)s' ) else: return (MsgFmt(), 'msgfmt -c -o locale/%(lang)s/LC_MESSAGES/%(domain)s.mo %(pofile)s') def main(): # Get the directory with message catalogs # Reuse transifex's config file first as it will know this cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser() cfg.read('.tx/config') cmd, args = setup_message_compiler() try: shutil.rmtree('locale') except OSError as e: # If the error is that locale does not exist, we're okay. We're # deleting it here, afterall if e.errno != 2: raise for section in [s for s in cfg.sections() if s != 'main']: try: file_filter = cfg.get(section, 'file_filter') source_file = cfg.get(section, 'source_file') except configparser.NoOptionError: continue glob_pattern = file_filter.replace('', '*') pot = os.path.basename(source_file) if pot.endswith('.pot'): pot = pot[:-4] arg_values = {'domain': pot} for po_file in glob.glob(glob_pattern): file_pattern = os.path.basename(po_file) lang = file_pattern.replace('.po','') os.makedirs(os.path.join('locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')) arg_values['pofile'] = po_file arg_values['lang'] = lang compile_args = args % arg_values compile_args = compile_args.split(' ') cmd.run(compile_args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()