=================== Kitchen.core Module =================== :Author: Toshio Kuratomi :Date: 2 Jan 2012 :Version: 1.1.x The Kitchen module provides a python API for all sorts of little useful snippets of code that everybody ends up writing for their projects but never seem big enough to build an independent release. Use kitchen and stop cutting and pasting that code over and over. .. contents:: ------- License ------- Since version 0.2a1, this python module has been distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later. .. note:: Some parts of this module are licensed under terms less restrictive than the LGPL. If you separate these files from the work as a whole you are allowed to use them under the less restrictive licenses. The following is a list of the files that are known: :subprocess.py: licensed under the Python 2 license by the PSF http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.4/license/ :test_subprocess.py: Python Software Foundation License Version 2 http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7/license/ :kitchen/pycompat25/defaultdict.py: Python Software Foundation License Version 2 http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.2/license ------------ Requirements ------------ kitchen.core requires :python: 2.3.1 or later Soft Requirements ================= If found, these libraries will be used to make the implementation of soemthing better in some way. If they are not present, the API that they enable will still exist but may function in a different manner. :chardet_: Used in kitchen.text.xml.guess_encoding__to_xml() to help guess encoding of byte strings being converted. If not present, unknown encodings will be converted as if they were latin1. .. _chardet:: http://chardet.feedparser.org/ --------------------------- Other Recommended Libraries --------------------------- These libraries implement commonly used functionality that everyone seems to invent. Rather than reinvent their wheel, I simply list the things that they do well for now. Perhaps if people can't find them normally, I'll add them as requirements in setup.py or link them into kitchen's namespace. For now, I just mention them here: :bunch_: Bunch is a dictionary that you can use attribute lookup as well as bracket notation to access. Setting it apart from most homebrewed implementations is the bunchify() function which will descend nested structures of lists nad dicts, transforming the dicts to Bunch's. .. _bunch:: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bunch/ --------------------- Building, and testing --------------------- Testing ======= You can run the unittests with this command:: nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package kitchen