Delete history from completion with Delete key

This commit is contained in:
Christian Dywan 2010-08-22 03:53:47 +02:00
parent f8e5e8f7e0
commit 10fab99090

View file

@ -457,7 +457,6 @@ midori_location_action_popup_timeout_cb (gpointer data)
style = gtk_widget_get_style (action->treeview);
while (result == SQLITE_ROW)
gchar* unescaped_uri;
sqlite3_int64 type = sqlite3_column_int64 (stmt, 0);
const unsigned char* uri = sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 1);
const unsigned char* title = sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 2);
@ -466,12 +465,9 @@ midori_location_action_popup_timeout_cb (gpointer data)
icon = action->default_icon;
if (type == 1 /* history_view */)
unescaped_uri = sokoke_uri_unescape_string ((const char*)uri);
gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (store, NULL, matches,
URI_COL, unescaped_uri, TITLE_COL, title, YALIGN_COL, 0.25,
URI_COL, uri, TITLE_COL, title, YALIGN_COL, 0.25,
FAVICON_COL, icon, -1);
g_free (unescaped_uri);
else if (type == 2 /* search_view */)
@ -897,6 +893,48 @@ midori_location_action_key_press_event_cb (GtkEntry* entry,
case GDK_Page_Down:
if (!(location_action->popup && gtk_widget_get_visible (location_action->popup)))
return TRUE;
case GDK_Delete:
case GDK_KP_Delete:
gint selected = location_action->completion_index;
GtkTreeModel* model = location_action->completion_model;
GtkTreeIter iter;
if (selected > -1 &&
gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (model, &iter, NULL, selected))
gchar* uri;
gchar* sqlcmd;
sqlite3* db;
gchar* errmsg;
gint result;
gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, URI_COL, &uri, -1);
sqlcmd = sqlite3_mprintf ("DELETE FROM history "
"WHERE uri = '%q'", uri);
g_free (uri);
db = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (location_action->history), "db");
result = sqlite3_exec (db, sqlcmd, NULL, NULL, &errmsg);
sqlite3_free (sqlcmd);
if (result == SQLITE_ERROR)
gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter,
URI_COL, errmsg, -1);
sqlite3_free (errmsg);
if (result != SQLITE_OK || sqlite3_changes (db) == 0)
if (!gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter))
midori_location_action_popdown_completion (location_action);
/* Fall through to advance the selection */
case GDK_Down:
case GDK_KP_Down:
case GDK_Up:
@ -1024,6 +1062,7 @@ midori_location_entry_render_text_cb (GtkCellLayout* layout,
gpointer data)
MidoriLocationAction* action = data;
gchar* uri_escaped;
gchar* uri;
gchar* title;
GdkColor* background;
@ -1045,14 +1084,14 @@ midori_location_entry_render_text_cb (GtkCellLayout* layout,
gchar** parts;
size_t offset;
gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, URI_COL, &uri, TITLE_COL, &title,
gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, URI_COL, &uri_escaped, TITLE_COL, &title,
BACKGROUND_COL, &background, STYLE_COL, &style, -1);
if (style) /* A search engine action */
g_object_set (renderer, "text", title,
"ellipsize-set", TRUE, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL);
g_free (uri);
g_free (uri_escaped);
g_free (title);
@ -1067,6 +1106,9 @@ midori_location_entry_render_text_cb (GtkCellLayout* layout,
keys = g_strsplit_set (key, " %", -1);
g_free (key);
uri = sokoke_uri_unescape_string (uri_escaped);
g_free (uri_escaped);
if (G_LIKELY (uri))
temp_iter = temp = g_utf8_strdown (uri, -1);