Implement Mouse Gestures extension

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Kruk 2009-01-21 00:42:46 +01:00 committed by Christian Dywan
parent 89a205bd59
commit 3350872069
3 changed files with 267 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Contributors:
Alexander Hesse <>
Brian Vuyk <>
Nick Schermer <>
Matthias Kruk <>
extension: Nancy Runge <>

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Copyright (C) 2009 Matthias Kruk <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
#include <midori/midori.h>
#include "mouse-gestures.h"
#define DEVIANCE 20 // the deviance to determine if a line is straight or not
#define MINLENGTH 50 // the minimal length of a line to be treated as a gesture
// #define __MOUSE_GESTURES_DEBUG__ // uncomment for debugging purposes
MouseGesture *gesture;
void mouse_gesture_clear(MouseGesture *g)
g->start.x = 0;
g->start.y = 0;
g->middle.x = 0;
g->middle.y = 0;
g->end.x = 0;
g->end.y = 0;
MouseGesture* mouse_gesture_new(void)
MouseGesture *g = NULL;
if((g = g_new(MouseGesture, 1)) == NULL)
static gboolean mouse_gestures_handle_events(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, MidoriBrowser *browser)
if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) // a button was pressed
if(gesture->last == MOUSE_BUTTON_UNSET) // if the gesture was previously cleaned -> new gesture -> new start coordinates
gesture->start.x = event->button.x;
gesture->start.y = event->button.y;
gesture->last = event->button.button;
else if(event->type == GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY) // the mouse was moved
if(gesture->last != MOUSE_BUTTON_UNSET)
guint x, y;
x = event->motion.x;
y = event->motion.y;
if((gesture->start.x - x < DEVIANCE && gesture->start.x - x > -DEVIANCE) ||
(gesture->start.y - y < DEVIANCE && gesture->start.y - y > -DEVIANCE))
gesture->middle.x = x;
gesture->middle.y = y;
else if((gesture->middle.x - x < DEVIANCE && gesture->middle.x - x > -DEVIANCE) ||
(gesture->middle.y - y < DEVIANCE && gesture->middle.y - y > -DEVIANCE))
gesture->end.x = x;
gesture->end.y = y;
else if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
if(gesture->last == MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) // all mouse gestures will use the middle mouse button
// middle mouse button has been released
if(gesture->middle.x - gesture->start.x < DEVIANCE && gesture->middle.x - gesture->start.x > -DEVIANCE)
// StartNode to MiddleNode is a straight vertical line
if(gesture->middle.y > gesture->start.y + MINLENGTH)
// StartNode to MiddleNode is drawn downwards
if(gesture->middle.y - gesture->end.y < DEVIANCE && gesture->middle.y - gesture->end.y > -DEVIANCE && gesture->end.x > gesture->middle.x + MINLENGTH)
// MiddleNode to EndNode is a straight horizontal line (to the right) -> close tab
midori_browser_activate_action(browser, "TabClose");
g_print("TabClose gesture\n");
else if(gesture->middle.y - gesture->end.y < DEVIANCE && gesture->middle.y - gesture->end.y > -DEVIANCE && gesture->end.x < gesture->middle.x - MINLENGTH)
// MiddleNode to EndNode is a straight horizontal line (to the left) -> reload
midori_browser_activate_action(browser, "Reload");
g_print("Reload gesture\n");
else if(gesture->end.y == 0 && gesture->end.x == 0)
// no EndNode, just a vertical line -> new tab
midori_browser_activate_action(browser, "TabNew");
g_print("TabNew gesture\n");
if(gesture->middle.y < gesture->start.y - MINLENGTH)
// StartNode to MiddleNode is drawn upwards
if(gesture->end.y == 0 && gesture->end.x == 0)
// no EndNode, just a vertical line -> stop
midori_browser_activate_action(browser, "Stop");
g_print("Stop gesture\n");
else if(gesture->middle.y - gesture->start.y < DEVIANCE && gesture->middle.y - gesture->start.y > -DEVIANCE)
// Start Node to MiddleNode is a straight horizontal line
if(gesture->middle.x > gesture->start.x + MINLENGTH)
// the line was drawn from left to right
if(gesture->end.x == 0 && gesture->end.y == 0)
// we only have one horizontal line from left to right -> forward gesture
midori_browser_activate_action(browser, "Forward");
g_print("Forward gesture\n");
else if(gesture->middle.x < gesture->start.x - MINLENGTH)
// the line was drawn from right to left
if(gesture->end.x == 0 && gesture->end.y == 0)
// we only have one horizontal line from right to left -> backwards gesture
midori_browser_activate_action(browser, "Back");
g_print("Back gesture\n");
mouse_gesture_clear(gesture); // gesture finished, clear it
return(FALSE); // this event is supposed to be handled again (by someone else's code) since it was irrelevant to us
static void mouse_gestures_tab_cb(MidoriBrowser* browser, GtkWidget *view) // this is performed when a new tab is created
g_signal_connect(view, "event", G_CALLBACK(mouse_gestures_handle_events), browser); // perform the above callback when an event from the view is received
static void mouse_gestures_browser_cb(MidoriApp *app, MidoriBrowser *browser) // this is performed when ever a new window is created
g_signal_connect(browser, "add-tab", G_CALLBACK(mouse_gestures_tab_cb), NULL); // connect the above callback to the "add-tab" signal of browser
/* this is performed when the extension is deactivated.
disconnect all signal handlers, so that mouse gestures are no longer handled */
static void mouse_gestures_deactivate(MidoriExtension *extension, MidoriApp *app)
gulong signal_id = g_signal_handler_find(app, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC, 0, 0, NULL, mouse_gestures_browser_cb, NULL); // get the signal handler id
if(signal_id != 0) // if that id is valid
g_signal_handler_disconnect(app, signal_id); // disconnect the signal
KatzeArray *browsers = katze_object_get_object(app, "browsers"); // get the array that contains all browsers
guint i; // our counter variable :)
for(i = 0; i < katze_array_get_length(browsers); i++) // from the first to the last browser
MidoriBrowser *browser = katze_array_get_nth_item(browsers, i); // get a pointer on the current browser
signal_id = g_signal_handler_find(browser, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC, 0, 0, NULL, mouse_gestures_tab_cb, NULL); // search forthe signal handler id
if(signal_id != 0) // and if its not invalid..
g_signal_handler_disconnect(browser, signal_id); // disconnect it
GtkWidget *notebook = katze_object_get_object(browser, "notebook"); // get a pointer on the notebook
gint j; // another counter
for(j = 0; j < gtk_notebook_get_n_pages(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook)); j++) // from the first to the last tab
GtkWidget *page = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook), j); // get a pointer on the tab's view
signal_id = g_signal_handler_find(page, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC, 0, 0, NULL, mouse_gestures_handle_events, NULL); // find the signal id of the event handler
if(signal_id != 0) // if the id is valid
g_signal_handler_disconnect(page, signal_id); // disconnect the handler
g_free(gesture); // free the structure that contains the gesture information
static void mouse_gestures_activate(MidoriExtension *extension, MidoriApp *app) // this is performed on extension-activation
g_signal_connect(app, "add-browser", G_CALLBACK(mouse_gestures_browser_cb), NULL); // connect the above callback to the "add-browser" signal of app
g_signal_connect(extension, "deactivate", G_CALLBACK(mouse_gestures_deactivate), app); // connect the deactivate callback to the extension
MidoriExtension* extension_init(void)
MidoriExtension* extension = NULL;
extension = g_object_new(MIDORI_TYPE_EXTENSION,
"name", "Mouse gestures",
"description", "Control Midori by moving the mouse",
"authors", "Matthias Kruk <>", NULL);
g_signal_connect(extension, "activate", G_CALLBACK(mouse_gestures_activate), NULL); // connect the callback that's executed on activation
gesture = NULL; // initialise gesture pointer; initialising pointers is always a good choice
if((gesture = mouse_gesture_new()) == NULL) // allocate space for the gesture
// no space could be allocated
g_free(extension); // free the space used by this extension

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Copyright (C) 2009 Matthias Kruk <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
#ifndef __MOUSE_GESTURES_H__
#define __MOUSE_GESTURES_H__
typedef struct _MouseGesture MouseGesture;
typedef enum _MouseButton MouseButton;
enum _MouseButton {
struct MouseGestureNode {
double x;
double y;
} MouseGestureNode_t;
struct _MouseGesture {
struct MouseGestureNode start;
struct MouseGestureNode middle;
struct MouseGestureNode end;
MouseButton last;