Introduce GjsValue API

This commit is contained in:
Christian Dywan 2008-07-21 15:46:35 +02:00
parent 83285cb052
commit 94d7e7dc53
2 changed files with 438 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,364 @@
#include <gmodule.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
struct _GjsValue
GObject parent_instance;
JSContextRef js_context;
JSValueRef js_value;
gchar* string;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GjsValue, gjs_value, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
static void
gjs_value_finalize (GObject* object)
GjsValue* value = GJS_VALUE (object);
g_free (value->string);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gjs_value_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
gjs_value_class_init (GjsValueClass* class)
GObjectClass* gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
gobject_class->finalize = gjs_value_finalize;
static void
gjs_value_init (GjsValue* value)
value->js_context = NULL;
value->js_value = NULL;
value->string = NULL;
* gjs_value_new:
* @js_context: a #JSContextRef
* @js_value: a #JSValueRef or %NULL
* Creates a new #GjsValue for a #JsValueRef. If @js_value
* is %NULL, the new value represents the global object.
* Return value: a new #GjsValue
gjs_value_new (JSContextRef js_context,
JSValueRef js_value)
GjsValue* value;
g_return_val_if_fail (js_context, NULL);
value = g_object_new (GJS_TYPE_VALUE, NULL);
value->js_context = js_context;
value->js_value = js_value ? js_value : JSContextGetGlobalObject (js_context);
return value;
* gjs_value_is_valid:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* Determines whether the value is valid, with regard to
* its internal state. This is primarily useful for API
* to ensure that the value is in a defined condition.
* Return value: %TRUE if value is valid
gjs_value_is_valid (GjsValue* value)
g_return_val_if_fail (GJS_IS_VALUE (value), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (value->js_context, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (value->js_value, FALSE);
return TRUE;
* gjs_value_is_object:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* Determines whether the value is an object.
* Return value: %TRUE if value is an object
gjs_value_is_object (GjsValue* value)
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_is_valid (value), FALSE);
return JSValueIsObject (value->js_context, value->js_value) == true;
* gjs_value_has_attribute:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @name: the name of a attribute
* Determines whether the value has the specified attribute.
* This can only be used on object values.
* Return value: %TRUE if the specified attribute exists
gjs_value_has_attribute (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name)
JSObjectRef js_object;
JSStringRef js_name;
gboolean result;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_is_object (value), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (name, FALSE);
js_object = JSValueToObject (value->js_context, value->js_value, NULL);
js_name = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString (name);
result = JSObjectHasProperty (value->js_context, js_object, js_name) == true;
JSStringRelease (js_name);
return result;
* gjs_value_get_attribute:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @name: the name of a attribute
* Retrieves the specified attribute.
* This can only be used on object values.
* Return value: a new #GjsValue
gjs_value_get_attribute (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name)
JSObjectRef js_object;
JSStringRef js_name;
JSValueRef js_value;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_has_attribute (value, name), NULL);
js_object = JSValueToObject (value->js_context, value->js_value, NULL);
js_name = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString (name);
js_value = JSObjectGetProperty (value->js_context, js_object, js_name, NULL);
JSStringRelease (js_name);
return gjs_value_new (value->js_context, js_value);
* gjs_value_get_string:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* Retrieves the value in the form of a string.
* This can only be used on object values.
* Note: The string won't reflect changes to the value.
* Return value: the value as a string
const gchar*
gjs_value_get_string (GjsValue* value)
JSStringRef js_string;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_is_valid (value), NULL);
if (value->string)
return value->string;
js_string = JSValueToStringCopy (value->js_context, value->js_value, NULL);
value->string = gjs_string_utf8 (js_string);
JSStringRelease (js_string);
return value->string;
gjs_value_weak_notify_cb (GjsValue* attribute,
GjsValue* value)
g_object_unref (attribute);
* gjs_value_get_attribute_string:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @name: the name of a attribute
* Retrieves the attribute of the value in the form of a string.
* This can only be used on object values.
* Note: The string won't reflect changes to the value.
* Return value: the value as a string
const gchar*
gjs_value_get_attribute_string (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name)
GjsValue* attribute;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_has_attribute (value, name), NULL);
attribute = gjs_value_get_attribute (value, name);
g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (value),
(GWeakNotify)gjs_value_weak_notify_cb, attribute);
return gjs_value_get_string (attribute);
* gjs_value_foreach:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @callback: a callback
* @user_data: user data
* Runs the specified callback for each attribute of the value.
* This can only be used on object values.
gjs_value_foreach (GjsValue* value,
GjsCallback callback,
gpointer user_data)
JSObjectRef js_object;
JSPropertyNameArrayRef js_properties;
size_t n_properties;
guint i;
JSStringRef js_property;
gchar* property;
GjsValue* attribute;
g_return_if_fail (gjs_value_is_object (value));
js_object = JSValueToObject (value->js_context, value->js_value, NULL);
js_properties = JSObjectCopyPropertyNames (value->js_context, js_object);
n_properties = JSPropertyNameArrayGetCount (js_properties);
for (i = 0; i < n_properties; i++)
js_property = JSPropertyNameArrayGetNameAtIndex (js_properties, i);
property = gjs_string_utf8 (js_property);
if (gjs_value_has_attribute (value, property))
attribute = gjs_value_get_attribute (value, property);
callback (attribute, user_data);
g_object_unref (attribute);
g_free (property);
JSStringRelease (js_property);
JSPropertyNameArrayRelease (js_properties);
* gjs_value_get_by_name:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @name: the name of an object
* Retrieves a value for the specified name,
* for example "document" or "document.body".
* Return value: the value, or %NULL
gjs_value_get_by_name (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name)
gchar* script;
GjsValue* elements;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_is_valid (value), NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (name, NULL);
script = g_strdup_printf ("return %s;", name);
elements = gjs_value_execute (value, script, NULL);
g_free (script);
return elements;
* gjs_value_get_elements_by_tag_name:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @name: the tag name
* Retrieves all children with the specified tag name.
* This can only be used on object values.
* Return value: all matching elements
gjs_value_get_elements_by_tag_name (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name)
gchar* script;
GjsValue* elements;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_is_valid (value), NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (name, NULL);
script = g_strdup_printf ("return this.getElementsByTagName ('%s');", name);
elements = gjs_value_execute (value, script, NULL);
g_free (script);
return elements;
* gjs_value_execute:
* @value: a #GjsValue
* @script: javascript code
* Executes a piece of javascript code. If @value is an object
* it can be referred to as 'this' in the code.
* A 'return' statement in the code will yield the result to
* the return value of this function.
* Return value: the return value, or %NULL
gjs_value_execute (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* script,
gchar** exception)
JSStringRef js_script;
JSObjectRef js_function;
JSObjectRef js_object;
JSValueRef js_exception;
JSValueRef js_value;
JSStringRef js_message;
g_return_val_if_fail (gjs_value_is_valid (value), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (script, FALSE);
js_script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString (script);
js_function = JSObjectMakeFunction (value->js_context, NULL, 0, NULL,
js_script, NULL, 1, NULL);
JSStringRelease (js_script);
js_object = JSValueToObject (value->js_context, value->js_value, NULL);
js_exception = NULL;
js_value = JSObjectCallAsFunction (value->js_context, js_function,
js_object, 0, NULL, &js_exception);
if (!js_value && exception)
js_message = JSValueToStringCopy (value->js_context, js_exception, NULL);
*exception = gjs_string_utf8 (js_message);
JSStringRelease (js_message);
return NULL;
return gjs_value_new (value->js_context, js_value);
gjs_script_eval (JSContextRef js_context,
@ -93,12 +450,19 @@ gjs_script_from_file (JSContextRef js_context,
gjs_string_utf8 (JSStringRef js_string)
size_t size_utf8 = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize (js_string);
gchar* string_utf8 = g_new (gchar, size_utf8);
size_t size_utf8;
gchar* string_utf8;
g_return_val_if_fail (js_string, NULL);
size_utf8 = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize (js_string);
string_utf8 = g_new (gchar, size_utf8);
JSStringGetUTF8CString (js_string, string_utf8, size_utf8);
return string_utf8;
static void
_js_class_get_property_names_cb (JSContextRef js_context,
JSObjectRef js_object,

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@ -17,6 +17,77 @@
#define GJS_TYPE_VALUE \
(gjs_value_get_type ())
#define GJS_VALUE(obj) \
#define GJS_VALUE_CLASS(klass) \
#define GJS_IS_VALUE(obj) \
#define GJS_IS_VALUE_CLASS(klass) \
#define GJS_VALUE_GET_CLASS(obj) \
typedef struct _GjsValue GjsValue;
typedef struct _GjsValueClass GjsValueClass;
struct _GjsValueClass
GObjectClass parent_class;
gjs_value_get_type (void);
gjs_value_new (JSContextRef js_context,
JSValueRef js_value);
gjs_value_is_valid (GjsValue* value);
gjs_value_is_object (GjsValue* value);
gjs_value_has_attribute (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name);
gjs_value_get_attribute (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name);
const gchar*
gjs_value_get_string (GjsValue* value);
const gchar*
gjs_value_get_attribute_string (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name);
typedef void
(*GjsCallback) (GjsValue* value,
gpointer user_data);
gjs_value_foreach (GjsValue* value,
GjsCallback callback,
gpointer user_data);
gjs_value_get_by_name (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name);
gjs_value_get_elements_by_tag_name (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* name);
gjs_value_execute (GjsValue* value,
const gchar* script,
gchar** exception);
gjs_script_eval (JSContextRef js_context,
const gchar* script,