/* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian Dywan Copyright (C) 2009 Alexander Butenko This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING for the full license text. */ #include #define SM "http://www.searchmash.com/search/" #define HTTP_PREFIX "midori-unit-test-expected-http-prefix" static void test_input (const gchar* input, const gchar* expected) { static KatzeArray* search_engines = NULL; gchar* uri; gchar* real_expected = NULL; if (G_UNLIKELY (!search_engines)) { KatzeItem* item; search_engines = katze_array_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM); item = g_object_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM, "uri", SM "%s", "token", "sm", NULL); katze_array_add_item (search_engines, item); g_object_unref (item); item = g_object_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM, "uri", SM, "token", "se", NULL); katze_array_add_item (search_engines, item); g_object_unref (item); item = g_object_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM, "uri", "ddg.gg", "token", "dd", NULL); katze_array_add_item (search_engines, item); g_object_unref (item); item = g_object_new (KATZE_TYPE_ITEM, "uri", "google.com", "token", "d", NULL); katze_array_add_item (search_engines, item); g_object_unref (item); } uri = sokoke_magic_uri (input); if (!uri) { const gchar* keywords = NULL; const gchar* search_uri = NULL; KatzeItem* item; /* Do we have a keyword and a string? */ if ((item = katze_array_find_token (search_engines, input))) { keywords = strchr (input, ' '); if (keywords != NULL) keywords++; else keywords = ""; search_uri = katze_item_get_uri (item); } uri = search_uri ? midori_uri_for_search (search_uri, keywords) : NULL; } if (!g_strcmp0 (expected, HTTP_PREFIX)) real_expected = g_strconcat ("http://", input, NULL); katze_assert_str_equal (input, uri, real_expected ? real_expected : expected); g_free (real_expected); g_free (uri); } static void magic_uri_uri (void) { const gchar* uri; gchar* path; test_input ("ftp://ftp.mozilla.org", "ftp://ftp.mozilla.org"); test_input ("ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub", "ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub"); test_input ("http://www.example.com", "http://www.example.com"); test_input ("http://example.com", "http://example.com"); test_input ("example.com", "http://example.com"); test_input ("example.com", "http://example.com"); test_input ("www.google..com", "http://www.google..com"); test_input ("/home/user/midori.html", "file:///home/user/midori.html"); test_input ("http://www.google.com/search?q=query test", "http://www.google.com/search?q=query test"); if (sokoke_resolve_hostname ("localhost")) { test_input ("localhost", "http://localhost"); test_input ("localhost:8000", "http://localhost:8000"); test_input ("localhost/rss", "http://localhost/rss"); } test_input ("", ""); test_input ("", ""); test_input ("", ""); test_input ("file:///home/mark/foo/bar.html", "file:///home/mark/foo/bar.html"); test_input ("foo:123@bar.baz", "http://foo:123@bar.baz"); /* test_input ("foo:f1o2o3@bar.baz", "http://f1o2o3:foo@bar.baz"); */ /* test_input ("foo:foo@bar.baz", "http://foo:foo@bar.baz"); */ test_input ("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", HTTP_PREFIX); test_input ("fe80:0:0:0:202:b3ff:fe1e:8329", HTTP_PREFIX); test_input ("fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329", HTTP_PREFIX); test_input ("fe80::76e5:bff:fe04:38e0/64", HTTP_PREFIX); test_input ("content::browser", NULL); test_input ("std::copy", NULL); uri = "http://bugs.launchpad.net/midori"; g_assert_cmpstr ("bugs.launchpad.net", ==, midori_uri_parse_hostname (uri, NULL)); uri = "https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori"; g_assert_cmpstr ("bugs.launchpad.net", ==, midori_uri_parse_hostname (uri, NULL)); g_assert_cmpstr ("bugs.launchpad.net", ==, midori_uri_parse_hostname (uri, &path)); g_assert_cmpstr ("/midori", ==, path); uri = "http://айкидо.ru/users/kotyata"; g_assert_cmpstr ("айкидо.ru", ==, midori_uri_parse_hostname (uri, &path)); g_assert_cmpstr ("/users/kotyata", ==, path); uri = "invalid:/uri.like/thing"; g_assert_cmpstr (NULL, ==, midori_uri_parse_hostname (uri, NULL)); uri = "invalid-uri.like:thing"; g_assert_cmpstr (NULL, ==, midori_uri_parse_hostname (uri, NULL)); } static void magic_uri_idn (void) { typedef struct { const gchar* before; const gchar* after; } URIItem; static const URIItem items[] = { { "http://www.münchhausen.at", "http://www.xn--mnchhausen-9db.at" }, { "http://www.خداوند.com/", "http://www.xn--mgbndb8il.com/" }, { "айкидо.com", "xn--80aildf0a.com" }, { "http://東京理科大学.jp", "http://xn--1lq68wkwbj6ugkpigi.jp" }, { "https://青のネコ", "https://xn--u9jthzcs263c" }, { "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kölsch_language", NULL }, { "file:///home/mark/frühstück", NULL }, { "about:version", NULL }, }; guint i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (items); i++) { gchar* result = midori_uri_to_ascii (items[i].before); const gchar* after = items[i].after ? items[i].after : items[i].before; katze_assert_str_equal (items[i].before, result, after); g_free (result); } test_input ("айкидо.com", "http://айкидо.com"); test_input ("sm Küchenzubehör", SM "Küchenzubehör"); test_input ("sm 東京理科大学", SM "東京理科大学"); } static void magic_uri_search (void) { test_input ("sm midori", SM "midori"); test_input ("d midori browser", "google.com" "midori%20browser"); test_input ("dd midori browser", "ddg.gg" "midori%20browser"); test_input ("sm cats dogs", SM "cats%20dogs"); test_input ("se cats dogs", SM "cats%20dogs"); test_input ("dict midori", NULL); test_input ("cats", NULL); test_input ("cats dogs", NULL); test_input ("gtk 2.0", NULL); test_input ("gtk2.0", NULL); test_input ("pcre++", NULL); test_input ("sm pcre++", SM "pcre%2B%2B"); test_input ("5580", NULL); test_input ("sm 5580", SM "5580"); test_input ("midori0.1.0", NULL); test_input ("midori 0.1.0", NULL); test_input ("search:cats", NULL); test_input ("search:twotoasts.de", NULL); test_input ("g cache:", NULL); test_input ("g cache:", NULL); test_input ("g cache:twotoasts.de/foo", NULL); test_input ("sm cache:", SM "cache:"); test_input ("sm cache:", SM "cache:"); test_input ("sm cache:twotoasts.de/foo", SM "cache:twotoasts.de/foo"); test_input ("de.po verbose", NULL); test_input ("verbose de.po", NULL); test_input ("g de.po verbose", NULL); test_input ("sm de.po verbose", SM "de.po%20verbose"); test_input ("sm warning: configure /dev/net: virtual", SM "warning:%20configure%20/dev/net:%20virtual"); test_input ("g \"ISO 9001:2000 certified\"", NULL); test_input ("g conference \"April 2, 7:00 am\"", NULL); test_input ("max@mustermann.de", NULL); test_input ("g max@mustermann.de", NULL); test_input ("g inurl:http://twotoasts.de bug", NULL); test_input ("sm", SM); /* test_input ("LT_PREREQ(2.2)", NULL); */ } static void magic_uri_pseudo (void) { test_input ("javascript:alert(1)", "javascript:alert(1)"); test_input ("mailto:christian@twotoasts.de", "mailto:christian@twotoasts.de"); test_input ("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,TestTest", "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,TestTest"); } static void magic_uri_performance (void) { gsize i; g_test_timer_start (); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { magic_uri_uri (); magic_uri_idn (); magic_uri_search (); magic_uri_pseudo (); } g_print ("\nTime needed for URI tests: %f ", g_test_timer_elapsed ()); } static void magic_uri_fingerprint (void) { const gchar* uri; uri = "http://midori-0.4.1.tar.bz2#!md5!33dde203cd71ae2b1d2adcc7f5739f65"; g_assert_cmpint (midori_uri_get_fingerprint (uri, NULL, NULL), ==, G_CHECKSUM_MD5); uri = "http://midori-0.4.1.tar.bz2#!md5!33DDE203CD71AE2B1D2ADCC7F5739F65"; g_assert_cmpint (midori_uri_get_fingerprint (uri, NULL, NULL), ==, G_CHECKSUM_MD5); uri = "http://midori-0.4.1.tar.bz2#!sha1!0c499459b1049feabf86dce89f49020139a9efd9"; g_assert_cmpint (midori_uri_get_fingerprint (uri, NULL, NULL), ==, G_CHECKSUM_SHA1); uri = "http://midori-0.4.1.tar.bz2#!sha256!123456"; g_assert_cmpint (midori_uri_get_fingerprint (uri, NULL, NULL), ==, G_MAXINT); uri = "http://midori-0.4.1.tar.bz2#abcdefg"; g_assert_cmpint (midori_uri_get_fingerprint (uri, NULL, NULL), ==, G_MAXINT); uri = "http://midori-0.4.1.tar.bz2"; g_assert_cmpint (midori_uri_get_fingerprint (uri, NULL, NULL), ==, G_MAXINT); } static void magic_uri_ip (void) { g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("user@")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("user:password@")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("fe80:0:0:0:202:b3ff:fe1e:8329")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329")); g_assert (midori_uri_is_ip_address ("fe80::76e5:bff:fe04:38e0/64")); } static void magic_uri_format (void) { typedef struct { const gchar* before; const gchar* after; } URIItem; static const URIItem items[] = { { "http://www.csszengarden.com", NULL }, { "http://live.gnome.org/GTK+/3.0/Tasks", NULL }, { "http://www.johannkönig.com/index.php?ausw=home", NULL }, { "http://digilife.bz/wiki/index.php?Python%E3%81%AE%E9%96%8B%E7%99%BA%E6%89%8B%E9%A0%86", "http://digilife.bz/wiki/index.php?Pythonの開発手順" }, { "http://die-welt.net/~evgeni/LenovoBatteryLinux/", NULL }, { "http://wiki.c3sl.ufpr.br/multiseat/index.php/Xephyr_Solution", NULL }, { "http://şøñđëřżēıċħęŋđőmæîņĭśŧşũþėŗ.de/char.jpg", NULL }, { "http://www.ⓖⓝⓞⓜⓔ.org/", "http://www.gnome.org/" }, }; guint i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (items); i++) { gchar* result = midori_uri_format_for_display (items[i].before); const gchar* after = items[i].after ? items[i].after : items[i].before; katze_assert_str_equal (items[i].before, result, after); g_free (result); } } static void magic_uri_prefetch (void) { g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); g_assert (sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http://google.com", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http://google.com", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http://googlecom", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http://1kino.com", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http://", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http:/", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "http", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "ftp://ftphost.org", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "about:blank", NULL, NULL)); g_assert (!sokoke_prefetch_uri (NULL, "javascript: alert()", NULL, NULL)); } static void magic_uri_commands (void) { typedef struct { const gchar* command; gboolean quote; const gchar* expected; } CommandItem; static const CommandItem commands[] = { { "midori", TRUE, NULL }, { "/usr/bin/midori", TRUE, NULL }, { "C:/Program Files/Midori/bin/midori.exe", TRUE, NULL }, { "C:/Programme/Midori/bin/midori.exe", TRUE, NULL }, }; static const CommandItem arguments[] = { { "-a 'http://lunduke.com/?p=3606'", FALSE, NULL }, { "about:private", FALSE, NULL }, }; guint i, j; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (commands); i++) for (j = 0; j < G_N_ELEMENTS (arguments); j++) { gchar* input = g_strconcat (commands[i].command, " ", arguments[j].command, NULL); gchar* ce = commands[i].expected ? commands[i].expected : g_strconcat ("'", commands[i].command, "'", NULL); gchar* ae = arguments[j].expected ? arguments[j].expected : (arguments[j].quote ? g_strconcat ("'", arguments[j].command, "'", NULL) : g_strdup (arguments[j].command)); gchar* expected = g_strconcat (ce, " ", ae, NULL); gchar* result = sokoke_prepare_command (commands[i].command, commands[i].quote, arguments[j].command, arguments[j].quote); katze_assert_str_equal (input, result, expected); g_free (input); g_free (ce); g_free (ae); g_free (expected); g_free (result); } } int main (int argc, char** argv) { g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); midori_app_setup (&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/uri", magic_uri_uri); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/idn", magic_uri_idn); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/search", magic_uri_search); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/pseudo", magic_uri_pseudo); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/performance", magic_uri_performance); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/fingerprint", magic_uri_fingerprint); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/ip", magic_uri_ip); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/format", magic_uri_format); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/prefetch", magic_uri_prefetch); g_test_add_func ("/magic-uri/commands", magic_uri_commands); return g_test_run (); }