#! /usr/bin/env python # WAF build script for midori # This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. import Build import Options import Utils import pproc as subprocess import sys import os import UnitTest major = 0 minor = 1 micro = 1 APPNAME = 'midori' VERSION = str (major) + '.' + str (minor) + '.' + str (micro) try: git = subprocess.Popen (['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if not git.wait (): VERSION = (VERSION + '-' + git.stdout.read ()).strip () except: pass srcdir = '.' blddir = '_build_' def option_enabled (option): if eval ('Options.options.enable_' + option): return True if eval ('Options.options.disable_' + option): return False return True def configure (conf): def option_checkfatal (option, desc): if eval ('Options.options.enable_' + option): Utils.pprint ('RED', desc + ' not available') sys.exit (1) def dirname_default (dirname, default): if eval ('Options.options.' + dirname) == '': dirvalue = default else: dirvalue = eval ('Options.options.' + dirname) conf.define (dirname, dirvalue) return dirvalue conf.check_tool ('compiler_cc') if option_enabled ('userdocs'): conf.find_program ('rst2html.py', var='RST2HTML') # debian renames the executable, check that as well :( if not conf.env['RST2HTML']: conf.find_program ('rst2html', var='RST2HTML') if conf.env['RST2HTML']: user_docs = 'yes' else: option_checkfatal ('userdocs', 'user documentation') user_docs = 'not available' else: user_docs = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('generate', 'user documentation', user_docs) if option_enabled ('nls'): conf.check_tool ('intltool') if conf.env['INTLTOOL'] and conf.env['POCOM']: nls = 'yes' conf.define ('ENABLE_NLS', 1) conf.define ('MIDORI_LOCALEDIR', 'LOCALEDIR', 0) else: option_checkfatal ('nls', 'localization') nls = 'not available' else: nls = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('localization', 'support', nls) dirname_default ('LIBDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib')) dirname_default ('DATADIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share')) dirname_default ('DOCDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc')) if option_enabled ('apidocs'): conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-scan', var='GTKDOC_SCAN') conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mktmpl', var='GTKDOC_MKTMPL') conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mkdb', var='GTKDOC_MKDB') conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mkhtml', var='GTKDOC_MKHTML') if conf.env['GTKDOC_SCAN'] and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKTMPL'] \ and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKDB'] and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKHTML']: api_docs = 'yes' else: option_checkfatal ('apidocs', 'API documentation') api_docs = 'not available' else: api_docs = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('generate', 'API documentation', api_docs) def check_pkg (name, version='', mandatory=True, var=None): if not var: var = name.split ('-')[0].upper () conf.check_cfg (package=name, uselib_store=var, args='--cflags --libs', atleast_version=version, mandatory=mandatory) if option_enabled ('unique'): check_pkg ('unique-1.0', '0.9', False) single_instance = ['not available','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_UNIQUE'] == 1] else: option_checkfatal ('unique', 'single instance') single_instance = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('single instance', 'support', single_instance) if option_enabled ('libsoup'): check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.23.0', False) check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.23.1', False, var='LIBSOUP_2_23_1') check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.25.2', False, var='LIBSOUP_2_25_2') libsoup = ['not available','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBSOUP'] == 1] else: option_checkfatal ('libsoup', 'libsoup') libsoup = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('libsoup', 'support', libsoup) if option_enabled ('sqlite'): check_pkg ('sqlite3', '3.0', False, var='SQLITE') sqlite = ['not available','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_SQLITE'] == 1] else: option_checkfatal ('sqlite', 'history database') sqlite = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('history database', 'support', sqlite) check_pkg ('gmodule-2.0', '2.8.0', False) check_pkg ('gthread-2.0', '2.8.0', False) check_pkg ('gio-2.0', '2.16.0', False) check_pkg ('gtk+-2.0', '2.10.0', var='GTK') check_pkg ('webkit-1.0', '0.1') check_pkg ('libxml-2.0', '2.6') conf.check (header_name='unistd.h') if sys.platform == 'darwin': conf.define ('HAVE_OSX', 1) if conf.find_program ('rsvg-convert', var='RSVG_CONVERT'): icons = 'yes' else: icons = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('icon optimization', 'support', icons) conf.define ('PACKAGE_VERSION', VERSION) conf.define ('PACKAGE_NAME', APPNAME) conf.define ('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', 'http://www.twotoasts.de/bugs') conf.define ('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', APPNAME) conf.define ('MIDORI_MAJOR_VERSION', major) conf.define ('MIDORI_MINOR_VERSION', minor) conf.define ('MIDORI_MICRO_VERSION', micro) conf.write_config_header ('config.h') conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H') debug_level = Options.options.debug_level if debug_level != '': compiler = conf.env['CC_NAME'] if compiler == 'gcc': if debug_level == 'debug': conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-Wall -O0 -g') else: conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-O2') else: Utils.pprint ('RED', 'No debugging level support for ' + compiler) sys.exit (1) print if single_instance == 'not available': print "Single instance support is unavailable in this build." print " Install libUnique and reconfigure to enable it." print if libsoup == 'not available': print "Icons, view source and Save as are unavailable in this build." print " Install libSoup and reconfigure to enable these features." print if sqlite == 'not available': print "History storage on disk is unavailable in this build." print " Install sqlite3 and reconfigure to enable it." print if user_docs == 'not available': print "User documentation is unavailable in this build." print " Install docutils and reconfigure to enable it." print if api_docs == 'not available': print "API documentation is unavailable in this build." print " Install gtk-doc and reconfigure to enable it." print def set_options (opt): def add_enable_option (option, desc, group=None, disable=False): if group == None: group = opt option_ = option.replace ('-', '_') group.add_option ('--enable-' + option, action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable ' + desc, dest='enable_' + option_) group.add_option ('--disable-' + option, action='store_true', default=disable, help='Disable ' + desc, dest='disable_' + option_) opt.tool_options ('compiler_cc') opt.get_option_group ('--check-c-compiler').add_option('-d', '--debug-level', action = 'store', default = '', help = 'Specify the debugging level. [\'debug\', \'release\']', choices = ['', 'debug', 'release'], dest = 'debug_level') opt.tool_options ('gnu_dirs') opt.parser.remove_option ('--oldincludedir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--htmldir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--dvidir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--pdfdir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--psdir') opt.tool_options ('intltool') opt.add_option ('--run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run application after building it', dest='run') group = opt.add_option_group ('Localization and documentation', '') add_enable_option ('nls', 'native language support', group) group.add_option ('--update-po', action='store_true', default=False, help='Update localization files', dest='update_po') add_enable_option ('docs', 'informational text files', group) add_enable_option ('userdocs', 'user documentation', group) add_enable_option ('apidocs', 'API documentation', group, disable=True) group = opt.add_option_group ('Optional features', '') add_enable_option ('unique', 'single instance support', group) add_enable_option ('libsoup', 'icon and view source support', group) add_enable_option ('sqlite', 'history database support', group) add_enable_option ('addons', 'building of extensions', group) def build (bld): def mkdir (path): if not os.access (path, os.F_OK): os.mkdir (path) def install_files (folder, destination, source): try: bld.install_files (folder, destination, source) except: pass bld.add_subdirs ('katze midori icons') if option_enabled ('addons'): bld.add_subdirs ('extensions') if option_enabled ('docs'): install_files ('DOCDIR', '/' + APPNAME + '/', \ 'AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING EXPAT README TRANSLATE') if bld.env['RST2HTML']: # FIXME: Build only if needed if not os.access (blddir, os.F_OK): os.mkdir (blddir) if not os.access (blddir + '/docs', os.F_OK): os.mkdir (blddir + '/docs') if not os.access (blddir + '/docs/user', os.F_OK): os.mkdir (blddir + '/docs/user') os.chdir (blddir + '/docs/user') command = bld.env['RST2HTML'] + ' -stg ' + \ '--stylesheet=../../../docs/user/midori.css ' + \ '../../../docs/user/midori.txt ' + 'midori.html' Utils.exec_command (command) os.chdir ('../../..') install_files ('DOCDIR', '/midori/user/', blddir + '/docs/user/midori.html') if bld.env['INTLTOOL']: obj = bld.new_task_gen ('intltool_po') obj.podir = 'po' obj.appname = APPNAME if bld.env['GTKDOC_SCAN'] and Options.commands['build']: bld.add_subdirs ('docs/api') install_files ('DOCDIR', '/midori/api/', blddir + '/docs/api/*') if bld.env['INTLTOOL']: obj = bld.new_task_gen ('intltool_in') obj.source = APPNAME + '.desktop.in' obj.install_path = '${DATADIR}/applications' obj.flags = '-d' install_files ('DATADIR', 'applications', APPNAME + '.desktop') else: folder = os.path.dirname (bld.env['waf_config_files'][0]) desktop = APPNAME + '.desktop' pre = open (desktop + '.in') after = open (folder + '/' + desktop, 'w') try: try: for line in pre: if line != '': if line[0] == '_': after.write (line[1:]) else: after.write (line) after.close () Utils.pprint ('BLUE', desktop + '.in -> ' + desktop) install_files ('DATADIR', 'applications', folder + '/' + desktop) except: Utils.pprint ('BLUE', 'File ' + desktop + ' not generated') finally: pre.close () if bld.env['RSVG_CONVERT']: mkdir (blddir + '/data') command = bld.env['RSVG_CONVERT'] + \ ' -o ' + blddir + '/data/logo-shade.png ' + \ srcdir + '/data/logo-shade.svg' if not Utils.exec_command (command): install_files ('DATADIR', APPNAME, blddir + '/data/logo-shade.png') else: Utils.pprint ('BLUE', "logo-shade could not be rasterized.") if Options.commands['check']: bld.add_subdirs ('tests') def shutdown (): if Options.commands['install'] or Options.commands['uninstall']: dir = Build.bld.get_install_path ('${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor') icon_cache_updated = False if not Options.options.destdir: # update the pixmap cache directory try: command = 'gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s' % dir if not Utils.exec_command (command): Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated Gtk icon cache.") icon_cache_updated = True except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update icon cache.") if not icon_cache_updated: Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Icon cache not updated. " "After install, run this:") Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s" % dir) elif Options.commands['check']: test = UnitTest.unit_test () test.change_to_testfile_dir = True test.want_to_see_test_output = True test.want_to_see_test_error = True test.run () test.print_results () elif Options.options.update_po: os.chdir('./po') try: try: size_old = os.stat (APPNAME + '.pot').st_size except: size_old = 0 subprocess.call (['intltool-update', '-p', '-g', APPNAME]) size_new = os.stat (APPNAME + '.pot').st_size if size_new <> size_old: Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated po template.") try: command = 'intltool-update -r -g %s' % APPNAME Utils.exec_command (command) Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated translations.") except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update translations.") except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to generate po template.") Utils.pprint ('RED', "Make sure intltool is installed.") os.chdir ('..') elif Options.options.run: folder = os.path.dirname (Build.bld.env['waf_config_files'][0]) try: command = folder + os.sep + APPNAME + os.sep + APPNAME Utils.exec_command (command) except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to run application.")