/* Copyright (C) 2010 André Stösel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING for the full license text. */ using Gtk; using Gdk; using WebKit; using Midori; enum TabTreeCells { TREE_CELL_PIXBUF, TREE_CELL_STRING, TREE_CELL_POINTER, TREE_CELL_COUNT } private abstract class HistoryWindow : Gtk.Window { public Midori.Browser browser { get; construct set; } protected Gtk.TreeView? treeview = null; public HistoryWindow (Midori.Browser browser) { GLib.Object (type: Gtk.WindowType.POPUP, window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER, browser: browser); } public void walk (int step) { Gtk.TreePath? path; Gtk.TreeViewColumn? column; this.treeview.get_cursor (out path, out column); unowned int[] indices = path.get_indices (); int new_index = indices[0] + step; var model = this.treeview.get_model () as Gtk.ListStore; while (new_index < 0 || new_index >= model.length) new_index = new_index < 0 ? model.length + new_index : new_index - model.length; path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_indices (new_index); this.treeview.set_cursor (path, column, false); } public abstract void make_update (); } private class TabWindow : HistoryWindow { public TabWindow (Midori.Browser browser) { base (browser); var hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 1); this.add (hbox); var sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null); sw.set_size_request (320, 20); sw.set_policy (PolicyType.NEVER , PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); sw.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.ETCHED_IN); hbox.pack_start (sw, true, true, 0); var store = new Gtk.ListStore (TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_COUNT, typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof (string), typeof (void*)); Gtk.TreeIter iter; unowned GLib.PtrArray list = this.browser.get_data ("history-list-tab-history"); for (var i = list.len; i > 0; i--) { Midori.View view = list.index (i - 1) as Midori.View; Gdk.Pixbuf? icon = null; view.get ("icon", ref icon); unowned string title = view.get_display_title (); store.append (out iter); store.set (iter, TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_PIXBUF, icon, TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_STRING, title, TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_POINTER, view); } this.set_default_size (320, list.len > 10 ? 232 : (int) list.len * 23 + 2); this.treeview = new Gtk.TreeView.with_model (store); this.treeview.set_fixed_height_mode (true); sw.add (treeview); this.treeview.set_model (store); this.treeview.set ("headers-visible", false); this.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes ( TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_PIXBUF, "Icon", new CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0); this.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes ( TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_STRING, "Title", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); this.show_all (); } public override void make_update () { Gtk.TreePath? path; Gtk.TreeViewColumn? column; this.treeview.get_cursor (out path, out column); var model = this.treeview.get_model () as Gtk.ListStore; Gtk.TreeIter iter; unowned Midori.View? view = null; model.get_iter (out iter, path); model.get (iter, TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_POINTER, out view); this.browser.set ("tab", view); } } private class HistoryList : Midori.Extension { protected uint modifier_count; protected HistoryWindow? history_window; protected ulong[] tmp_sig_ids = new ulong[2]; public bool key_press (Gdk.EventKey event_key) { if (event_key.is_modifier > 0) { this.modifier_count++; } return false; } public bool key_release (Gdk.EventKey event_key, Browser browser) { if (event_key.is_modifier > 0) { this.modifier_count--; if (this.modifier_count == 0) { browser.disconnect (this.tmp_sig_ids[0]); browser.disconnect (this.tmp_sig_ids[1]); this.history_window.make_update (); this.history_window.destroy (); this.history_window = null; } } return false; } public void walk (Gtk.Action action, Browser browser, Type type, int step) { if (this.history_window == null || this.history_window.get_type () != type) { if (this.history_window == null) { this.modifier_count = Midori.Sokoke.gtk_action_count_modifiers (action); this.tmp_sig_ids[0] = browser.key_press_event.connect ((ek) => { return this.key_press (ek); }); this.tmp_sig_ids[1] = browser.key_release_event.connect ((ek) => { return this.key_release (ek, browser); }); } else { this.history_window.destroy (); this.history_window = null; } /* Bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=618750 Code: this.history_window = (Gtk.Window) GLib.Object.new (type); */ if (type == typeof (TabWindow)) { this.history_window = new TabWindow (browser); } } var hw = this.history_window as HistoryWindow; hw.walk (step); } void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) { var acg = new Gtk.AccelGroup (); browser.add_accel_group (acg); var action_group = browser.get_action_group (); Gtk.Action action; action = new Gtk.Action ("HistoryListNextTab", _("Next Tab (History List)"), _("Next tab from history"), null); action.activate.connect ((a) => { this.walk (a, browser, typeof (TabWindow), 1); }); action_group.add_action_with_accel (action, "Tab"); action.set_accel_group (acg); action.connect_accelerator (); action = new Gtk.Action ("HistoryListPreviousTab", _("Previous Tab (History List)"), _("Previous tab from history"), null); action.activate.connect ((a) => { this.walk (a, browser, typeof (TabWindow), -1); }); action_group.add_action_with_accel (action, "Tab"); action.set_accel_group (acg); action.connect_accelerator (); browser.set_data ("history-list-tab-history", new GLib.PtrArray ()); foreach (var tab in browser.get_tabs ()) tab_added (browser, tab); browser.add_tab.connect (tab_added); browser.remove_tab.connect (tab_removed); browser.notify["tab"].connect (this.tab_changed); } void browser_removed (Midori.Browser browser) { string[] callbacks = { "HistoryListNextTab", "HistoryListPreviousTab" }; Gtk.ActionGroup action_group; action_group = browser.get_action_group (); for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { Gtk.Action action = action_group.get_action (callbacks[i]); if (action != null) action_group.remove_action (action); } browser.add_tab.disconnect (tab_added); browser.remove_tab.disconnect (tab_removed); browser.notify["tab"].disconnect (this.tab_changed); } void tab_added (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) { unowned GLib.PtrArray list = browser.get_data ("history-list-tab-history"); list.add (view); } void tab_removed (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) { unowned GLib.PtrArray list = browser.get_data ("history-list-tab-history"); list.remove (view); } void tab_changed (GLib.Object window, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) { Midori.Browser browser = window as Midori.Browser; Midori.View view = null; browser.get ("tab", ref view); unowned GLib.PtrArray list = browser.get_data ("history-list-tab-history"); list.remove (view); list.add (view); } void activated (Midori.App app) { foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ()) browser_added (browser); app.add_browser.connect (browser_added); } void deactivated () { var app = get_app (); foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ()) browser_removed (browser); app.add_browser.disconnect (browser_added); } internal HistoryList () { GLib.Object (name: _("History List"), description: _("Switch tabs with Ctrl+Tab sorted by last usage"), version: "0.2", authors: "André Stösel "); activate.connect (activated); deactivate.connect (deactivated); } } public Midori.Extension extension_init () { return new HistoryList (); }