#! /usr/bin/env python # WAF build script for midori # This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. import sys # Waf version check, for global waf installs try: from Constants import WAFVERSION except: WAFVERSION='1.0.0' if WAFVERSION[:3] != '1.5': print 'Incompatible Waf, use 1.5' sys.exit (1) import Build import Options import Utils import pproc as subprocess import os import UnitTest major = 0 minor = 1 micro = 7 APPNAME = 'midori' VERSION = str (major) + '.' + str (minor) + '.' + str (micro) try: git = Utils.cmd_output (['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], silent=True) if git: VERSION = (VERSION + '-' + git).strip () except: pass srcdir = '.' blddir = '_build_' def option_enabled (option): if getattr (Options.options, 'enable_' + option): return True if getattr (Options.options, 'disable_' + option): return False return True def is_mingw (env): if 'CC' in env: cc = env['CC'] if not isinstance (cc, str): cc = ''.join (cc) return cc.find ('mingw') != -1# or cc.find ('wine') != -1 return False def configure (conf): def option_checkfatal (option, desc): if hasattr (Options.options, 'enable_' + option): if getattr (Options.options, 'enable_' + option): Utils.pprint ('RED', desc + ' N/A') sys.exit (1) def dirname_default (dirname, default, defname=None): if getattr (Options.options, dirname) == '': dirvalue = default else: dirvalue = getattr (Options.options, dirname) if not defname: defname = dirname conf.define (defname, dirvalue) return dirvalue conf.check_tool ('compiler_cc') conf.check_tool ('glib2') if option_enabled ('userdocs'): conf.find_program ('rst2html.py', var='RST2HTML') # debian renames the executable, check that as well :( if not conf.env['RST2HTML']: conf.find_program ('rst2html', var='RST2HTML') if conf.env['RST2HTML']: user_docs = 'yes' else: option_checkfatal ('userdocs', 'user documentation') user_docs = 'N/A' else: user_docs = 'no ' if option_enabled ('nls'): conf.check_tool ('intltool') if conf.env['INTLTOOL'] and conf.env['POCOM']: nls = 'yes' else: option_checkfatal ('nls', 'localization') nls = 'N/A' else: nls = 'no ' conf.define ('ENABLE_NLS', [0,1][nls == 'yes']) # This is specific to cross compiling with mingw if is_mingw (conf.env) and Options.platform != 'win32': Options.platform = 'win32' # Make sure we don't have -fPIC in the CCFLAGS conf.env["shlib_CCFLAGS"] = [] # Adjust file naming conf.env["shlib_PATTERN"] = 'lib%s.dll' conf.env['program_PATTERN'] = '%s.exe' # Use Visual C++ compatible alignment conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-mms-bitfields') conf.env['staticlib_LINKFLAGS'] = [] Utils.pprint ('BLUE', 'Mingw recognized, assuming chross compile.') dirname_default ('DOCDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc')) dirname_default ('LIBDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib')) if conf.env['PREFIX'] == '/usr': dirname_default ('SYSCONFDIR', '/etc') else: dirname_default ('SYSCONFDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'etc')) dirname_default ('DATADIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share'), # Use MDATADIR because DATADIR is a constant in objidl.h on Windows 'MDATADIR') conf.undefine ('DATADIR') if option_enabled ('apidocs'): conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-scan', var='GTKDOC_SCAN') conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mktmpl', var='GTKDOC_MKTMPL') conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mkdb', var='GTKDOC_MKDB') conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mkhtml', var='GTKDOC_MKHTML') if conf.env['GTKDOC_SCAN'] and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKTMPL'] \ and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKDB'] and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKHTML']: api_docs = 'yes' else: option_checkfatal ('apidocs', 'API documentation') api_docs = 'N/A' else: api_docs = 'no ' def check_pkg (name, version='', mandatory=True, var=None, args=''): if not var: var = name.split ('-')[0].upper () conf.check_cfg (package=name, uselib_store=var, args='--cflags --libs ' + args, atleast_version=version, mandatory=mandatory) if option_enabled ('unique'): check_pkg ('unique-1.0', '0.9', False) unique = ['N/A', 'yes'][conf.env['HAVE_UNIQUE'] == 1] if unique != 'yes': option_checkfatal ('unique', 'single instance') else: unique = 'no ' conf.define ('HAVE_UNIQUE', [0,1][unique == 'yes']) if option_enabled ('libidn'): check_pkg ('libidn', '1.0', False) libidn = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBIDN'] == 1] if libidn != 'yes': option_checkfatal ('libidn', 'international domain names') else: libidn = 'no ' conf.define ('HAVE_LIBIDN', [0,1][libidn == 'yes']) if option_enabled ('sqlite'): check_pkg ('sqlite3', '3.0', False, var='SQLITE') sqlite = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_SQLITE'] == 1] if sqlite != 'yes': option_checkfatal ('sqlite', 'history database') else: sqlite = 'no ' conf.define ('HAVE_SQLITE', [0,1][sqlite == 'yes']) conf.check (lib='m', mandatory=True) check_pkg ('gmodule-2.0', '2.8.0', False) check_pkg ('gthread-2.0', '2.8.0', False) check_pkg ('gio-2.0', '2.16.0') args = '' if Options.platform == 'win32': args = '--define-variable=target=win32' check_pkg ('gtk+-2.0', '2.10.0', var='GTK', args=args) check_pkg ('webkit-1.0', '1.1.1', args=args) check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.25.2') conf.define ('HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_25_2', 1) check_pkg ('libxml-2.0', '2.6') if option_enabled ('hildon'): check_pkg ('hildon-1', mandatory=False, var='HILDON') if conf.env['HAVE_HILDON'] == 1: check_pkg ('libosso', mandatory=False, var='HILDON') hildon = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_HILDON'] == 1] if hildon != 'yes': option_checkfatal ('hildon', 'Maemo integration') else: hildon = 'no ' conf.define ('HAVE_HILDON', [0,1][hildon == 'yes']) # Store options in env, since 'Options' is not persistent if 'CC' in os.environ: conf.env['CC'] = os.environ['CC'] conf.env['addons'] = option_enabled ('addons') conf.env['docs'] = option_enabled ('docs') conf.check (header_name='unistd.h') conf.define ('HAVE_OSX', int(sys.platform == 'darwin')) if conf.find_program ('rsvg-convert', var='RSVG_CONVERT'): icons = 'yes' else: icons = 'no ' conf.define ('PACKAGE_VERSION', VERSION) conf.define ('PACKAGE_NAME', APPNAME) conf.define ('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', 'http://www.twotoasts.de/bugs') conf.define ('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', APPNAME) conf.define ('MIDORI_MAJOR_VERSION', major) conf.define ('MIDORI_MINOR_VERSION', minor) conf.define ('MIDORI_MICRO_VERSION', micro) conf.write_config_header ('config.h') conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H') debug_level = Options.options.debug_level compiler = conf.env['CC_NAME'] if debug_level == '': if compiler == 'gcc': debug_level = 'debug' else: debug_level = 'none' if compiler == 'gcc': if debug_level == 'debug': conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-Wall -O0 -g'.split ()) elif debug_level == 'full': # -Wdeclaration-after-statement # -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes # -Wwrite-strings conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-Wall -Wextra -O1 -g ' '-Waggregate-return -Wno-unused-parameter ' '-Wno-missing-field-initializers ' '-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations ' '-Wredundant-decls -Wmissing-noreturn ' '-Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align ' '-Winline -Wformat-security ' '-Winit-self -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wundef ' '-Wmissing-format-attribute -Wnested-externs ' '-DG_ENABLE_DEBUG'.split ()) elif debug_level != 'none': Utils.pprint ('RED', 'No debugging level support for ' + compiler) sys.exit (1) print print "Optional build time dependencies:" print "Localization: " + nls + " (intltool)" print "Icon optimizations: " + icons + " (rsvg-convert)" print "User documentation: " + user_docs + " (docutils)" print "API documentation: " + api_docs + " (gtk-doc)" print print "Single instance: " + unique + " (unique)" if unique == 'yes' and conf.check_cfg (modversion='unique-1.0') == '1.0.4': Utils.pprint ('RED', 'unique 1.0.4 found, this version is erroneous.') Utils.pprint ('RED', 'Please use an older or newer version.') print "IDN support: " + libidn + " (libidn)" print "Persistent history: " + sqlite + " (sqlite3)" print "Maemo integration: " + hildon + " (hildon)" def set_options (opt): def add_enable_option (option, desc, group=None, disable=False): if group == None: group = opt option_ = option.replace ('-', '_') group.add_option ('--enable-' + option, action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable ' + desc, dest='enable_' + option_) group.add_option ('--disable-' + option, action='store_true', default=disable, help='Disable ' + desc, dest='disable_' + option_) opt.tool_options ('compiler_cc') opt.get_option_group ('--check-c-compiler').add_option('-d', '--debug-level', action = 'store', default = '', help = 'Specify the debugging level. [\'none\', \'debug\', \'full\']', choices = ['', 'none', 'debug', 'full'], dest = 'debug_level') opt.tool_options ('gnu_dirs') opt.parser.remove_option ('--oldincludedir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--htmldir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--dvidir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--pdfdir') opt.parser.remove_option ('--psdir') opt.tool_options ('intltool') opt.add_option ('--run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run application after building it', dest='run') group = opt.add_option_group ('Localization and documentation', '') add_enable_option ('nls', 'native language support', group) group.add_option ('--update-po', action='store_true', default=False, help='Update localization files', dest='update_po') add_enable_option ('docs', 'informational text files', group) add_enable_option ('userdocs', 'user documentation', group) add_enable_option ('apidocs', 'API documentation', group, disable=True) group = opt.add_option_group ('Optional features', '') add_enable_option ('unique', 'single instance support', group) add_enable_option ('libidn', 'international domain name support', group) add_enable_option ('sqlite', 'history database support', group) add_enable_option ('addons', 'building of extensions', group) add_enable_option ('hildon', 'Maemo integration', group) def build (bld): bld.add_subdirs ('katze midori icons') if bld.env['addons']: bld.add_subdirs ('extensions') bld.add_group () if bld.env['docs']: bld.install_files ('${DOCDIR}/' + APPNAME + '/', \ 'AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING EXPAT README TRANSLATE') # Install default configuration bld.install_files ('${SYSCONFDIR}/xdg/' + APPNAME + '/', 'data/search') if bld.env['RST2HTML']: # FIXME: Build only if needed Utils.check_dir (blddir) Utils.check_dir (blddir + '/docs') Utils.check_dir (blddir + '/docs/user') os.chdir (blddir + '/docs/user') command = bld.env['RST2HTML'] + ' -stg ' + \ '--stylesheet=../../../docs/user/midori.css ' + \ '../../../docs/user/midori.txt ' + 'midori.html' Utils.exec_command (command) os.chdir ('../../..') bld.install_files ('${DOCDIR}/midori/user/', blddir + '/docs/user/midori.html') if bld.env['INTLTOOL']: obj = bld.new_task_gen ('intltool_po') obj.podir = 'po' obj.appname = APPNAME if bld.env['GTKDOC_SCAN'] and Options.commands['build']: bld.add_subdirs ('docs/api') bld.install_files ('${DOCDIR}/midori/api/', blddir + '/docs/api/*') if bld.env['HAVE_HILDON']: appdir = '${DATADIR}/applications/hildon' bld.install_files ('${DATADIR}/dbus-1/services', 'data/com.nokia.' + APPNAME + '.service') else: appdir = '${MDATADIR}/applications' if bld.env['INTLTOOL']: obj = bld.new_task_gen ('intltool_in') obj.source = 'data/' + APPNAME + '.desktop.in' obj.install_path = appdir obj.flags = '-d' bld.install_files (appdir, 'data/' + APPNAME + '.desktop') else: folder = os.path.dirname (bld.env['waf_config_files'][0]) + '/data' Utils.check_dir (folder) desktop = APPNAME + '.desktop' pre = open ('data/' + desktop + '.in') after = open (folder + '/' + desktop, 'w') try: try: for line in pre: if line != '': if line[0] == '_': after.write (line[1:]) else: after.write (line) after.close () Utils.pprint ('BLUE', desktop + '.in -> ' + desktop) bld.install_files (appdir, folder + '/' + desktop) except: Utils.pprint ('BLUE', 'File ' + desktop + ' not generated') finally: pre.close () if bld.env['RSVG_CONVERT']: Utils.check_dir (blddir + '/data') command = bld.env['RSVG_CONVERT'] + \ ' -o ' + blddir + '/data/logo-shade.png ' + \ srcdir + '/data/logo-shade.svg' if not Utils.exec_command (command): bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', blddir + '/data/logo-shade.png') else: Utils.pprint ('BLUE', "logo-shade could not be rasterized.") bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/error.html') bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/speeddial-head.html') bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/speeddial.json') bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/mootools.js') if Options.commands['check']: bld.add_subdirs ('tests') def shutdown (): if Options.commands['install'] or Options.commands['uninstall']: dir = Build.bld.get_install_path ('${MDATADIR}/icons/hicolor') icon_cache_updated = False if not Options.options.destdir: # update the pixmap cache directory try: command = 'gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s' % dir if not Utils.exec_command (command): Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated Gtk icon cache.") icon_cache_updated = True except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update icon cache.") if not icon_cache_updated: Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Icon cache not updated. " "After install, run this:") Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s" % dir) elif Options.commands['check']: test = UnitTest.unit_test () test.change_to_testfile_dir = True test.want_to_see_test_output = True test.want_to_see_test_error = True test.run () test.print_results () elif Options.options.update_po: os.chdir('./po') try: try: size_old = os.stat (APPNAME + '.pot').st_size except: size_old = 0 subprocess.call (['intltool-update', '-p', '-g', APPNAME]) size_new = os.stat (APPNAME + '.pot').st_size if size_new <> size_old: Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated po template.") try: command = 'intltool-update -r -g %s' % APPNAME Utils.exec_command (command) Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated translations.") except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update translations.") except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to generate po template.") Utils.pprint ('RED', "Make sure intltool is installed.") os.chdir ('..') elif Options.options.run: folder = os.path.dirname (Build.bld.env['waf_config_files'][0]) try: relfolder = os.path.relpath (folder) except: pass try: ext = 'MIDORI_EXTENSION_PATH=' + relfolder + os.sep + 'extensions' nls = 'NLSPATH=' + relfolder + os.sep + 'po' lang = os.environ['LANG'] try: for lang in os.listdir (folder + os.sep + 'po'): if lang[3:] == 'mo': lang = lang[:-3] else: continue Utils.check_dir (folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang) Utils.check_dir (folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang + \ os.sep + 'LC_MESSAGES') os.symlink (folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang + '.mo', folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang + os.sep + \ 'LC_MESSAGES' + os.sep + APPNAME + '.mo') except: pass command = relfolder + os.sep + APPNAME + os.sep + APPNAME print ext + ' ' + nls + ' ' + command Utils.exec_command (ext + ' ' + nls + ' ' + command) except: Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to run application.")