#! /usr/bin/env python # WAF build script for midori # This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. import Params import pproc as subprocess import os if bld.env ()['INTLTOOL_UPDATE']: os.chdir ('./po') try: try: size_old = os.stat ('midori.pot').st_size except: size_old = 0 subprocess.call (['intltool-update', '--pot']) size_new = os.stat ('midori.pot').st_size if size_new <> size_old: Params.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated po template.") try: intltool_update = subprocess.Popen (['intltool-update', '-r'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) intltool_update.wait () Params.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated translations.") except: Params.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update translations.") except: Params.pprint ('RED', "Failed to generate po template.") os.chdir ('..') obj = bld.create_obj ('intltool_po') obj.appname = 'midori'