/** * An autosuggest textbox control. * from Nicholas C. Zakas (Author) example: http://www.nczonline.net/ * Adopted for Midori by Alexander V. Butenko <a.butenka@gmail.com> */ function AutoSuggestControl(oTextbox /*:HTMLInputElement*/, oProvider /*:SuggestionProvider*/) { /** * The currently selected suggestions. * @scope private */ this.cur /*:int*/ = -1; /** * The dropdown list layer. * @scope private */ this.layer = null; /** * Suggestion provider for the autosuggest feature. * @scope private. */ this.provider /*:SuggestionProvider*/ = oProvider; /** * The textbox to capture. * @scope private */ this.textbox /*:HTMLInputElement*/ = oTextbox; //initialize the control this.init(); } /** * Autosuggests one or more suggestions for what the user has typed. * If no suggestions are passed in, then no autosuggest occurs. * @scope private * @param aSuggestions An array of suggestion strings. * @param bTypeAhead If the control should provide a type ahead suggestion. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.autosuggest = function (aSuggestions /*:Array*/) { if (aSuggestions.length > 0) { this.showSuggestions(aSuggestions); } else { this.hideSuggestions(); } }; /** * Creates the dropdown layer to display multiple suggestions. * @scope private */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.createDropDown = function () { var sDiv = document.getElementById("suggestions_box"); if (sDiv) { this.layer = sDiv; return; } this.layer = document.createElement("div"); this.layer.className = "suggestions"; this.layer.id = "suggestions_box"; this.layer.style.visibility = "hidden"; this.layer.style.width = this.textbox.offsetWidth; document.body.appendChild(this.layer); }; /** * Gets the left coordinate of the textbox. * @scope private * @return The left coordinate of the textbox in pixels. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.getLeft = function () /*:int*/ { var oNode = this.textbox; var iLeft = 0; while (oNode.tagName != "BODY") { iLeft += oNode.offsetLeft; oNode = oNode.offsetParent; } return iLeft; }; /** * Gets the top coordinate of the textbox. * @scope private * @return The top coordinate of the textbox in pixels. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.getTop = function () /*:int*/ { var oNode = this.textbox; var iTop = 0; while(oNode.tagName != "BODY") { iTop += oNode.offsetTop; oNode = oNode.offsetParent; } return iTop; }; /** * Handles three keydown events. * @scope private * @param oEvent The event object for the keydown event. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.handleKeyDown = function (oEvent /*:Event*/) { switch(oEvent.keyCode) { case 38: //up arrow this.previousSuggestion(); break; case 40: //down arrow this.nextSuggestion(); break; case 13: //enter this.hideSuggestions(); break; } }; /** * Handles keyup events. * @scope private * @param oEvent The event object for the keyup event. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.handleKeyUp = function (oEvent /*:Event*/) { var iKeyCode = oEvent.keyCode; if (iKeyCode == 8 || iKeyCode == 46) { this.provider.requestSuggestions(this); //make sure not to interfere with non-character keys } else if (iKeyCode < 32 || (iKeyCode >= 33 && iKeyCode < 46) || (iKeyCode >= 112 && iKeyCode <= 123) ) { //ignore } else if (oEvent.ctrlKey) { this.hideSuggestions(); } else { //request suggestions from the suggestion provider this.provider.requestSuggestions(this); } }; /** * Hides the suggestion dropdown. * @scope private */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.hideSuggestions = function () { this.layer.style.visibility = "hidden"; }; /** * Highlights the given node in the suggestions dropdown. * @scope private * @param oSuggestionNode The node representing a suggestion in the dropdown. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.highlightSuggestion = function (oSuggestionNode) { for (var i=0; i < this.layer.childNodes.length; i++) { var oNode = this.layer.childNodes[i]; if (oNode == oSuggestionNode) { oNode.className = "current" } else if (oNode.className == "current") { oNode.className = ""; } } }; /** * Initializes the textbox with event handlers for * auto suggest functionality. * @scope private */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.init = function () { //save a reference to this object var oThis = this; //assign the onkeyup event handler this.textbox.onkeyup = function (oEvent) { //check for the proper location of the event object if (!oEvent) { oEvent = window.event; } //call the handleKeyUp() method with the event object oThis.handleKeyUp(oEvent); }; //assign onkeydown event handler this.textbox.onkeydown = function (oEvent) { //check for the proper location of the event object if (!oEvent) { oEvent = window.event; } //call the handleKeyDown() method with the event object oThis.handleKeyDown(oEvent); }; //assign onblur event handler (hides suggestions) this.textbox.onblur = this.textbox.onclick = function () { oThis.hideSuggestions(); }; //create the suggestions dropdown this.createDropDown(); }; /** * Highlights the next suggestion in the dropdown and * places the suggestion into the textbox. * @scope private */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.nextSuggestion = function () { var cSuggestionNodes = this.layer.childNodes; if (!cSuggestionNodes.length) return; if (this.cur == cSuggestionNodes.length-1) this.cur = -1; var oNode = cSuggestionNodes[++this.cur]; this.highlightSuggestion(oNode); this.textbox.value = oNode.firstChild.nodeValue; }; /** * Highlights the previous suggestion in the dropdown and * places the suggestion into the textbox. * @scope private */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.previousSuggestion = function () { var cSuggestionNodes = this.layer.childNodes; if (!cSuggestionNodes.length) return; if (this.cur == -1 || this.cur == 0) this.cur = cSuggestionNodes.length; var oNode = cSuggestionNodes[--this.cur]; this.highlightSuggestion(oNode); this.textbox.value = oNode.firstChild.nodeValue; }; /** * Builds the suggestion layer contents, moves it into position, * and displays the layer. * @scope private * @param aSuggestions An array of suggestions for the control. */ AutoSuggestControl.prototype.showSuggestions = function (aSuggestions /*:Array*/) { var oThis = this; var oDiv = null; this.layer.innerHTML = ""; //clear contents of the layer for (var i=0; i < aSuggestions.length; i++) { oDiv = document.createElement("div"); oDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(aSuggestions[i])); this.layer.appendChild(oDiv); } this.layer.style.left = this.getLeft() + "px"; this.layer.style.top = (this.getTop()+this.textbox.offsetHeight) + "px"; this.layer.style.visibility = "visible"; this.layer.style.position = "absolute"; this.layer.onmousedown = this.layer.onmouseup = this.layer.onmouseover = function (oEvent) { var oEvent = oEvent || window.event; var oTarget = oEvent.target || oEvent.srcElement; if (oEvent.type == "mousedown") { oThis.textbox.value = oTarget.firstChild.nodeValue; oThis.hideSuggestions(); } else if (oEvent.type == "mouseover") { oThis.highlightSuggestion(oTarget); } else { oThis.textbox.focus(); } }; }; /** * Request suggestions for the given autosuggest control. * @scope protected * @param oAutoSuggestControl The autosuggest control to provide suggestions for. */ FormSuggestions.prototype.requestSuggestions = function (oAutoSuggestControl /*:AutoSuggestControl*/) { var aSuggestions = []; var sTextboxValue = oAutoSuggestControl.textbox.value.toLowerCase(); if (!this.suggestions) return; //search for matching suggestions if (sTextboxValue.length) for (var i=0; i < this.suggestions.length; i++) { if (this.suggestions[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(sTextboxValue) == 0) { aSuggestions.push(this.suggestions[i]); } } //provide suggestions to the control oAutoSuggestControl.autosuggest(aSuggestions); }; function initSuggestions () { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName ("input"); if (inputs.length == 0) return false; for (i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) { var ename = inputs[i].getAttribute("name"); var eid = inputs[i].getAttribute("id"); var autocomplete = inputs[i].getAttribute ("autocomplete"); if (!ename && eid) ename=eid; if (inputs[i].type == "text" && autocomplete != "off") var smth = new AutoSuggestControl (inputs[i], new FormSuggestions (ename)); } return true; };