This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. TODO: . Use an update timeout in KatzePropertyProxy instead of only focus-out . Show a loading mouse pointer . Scroll tabs w/o switching tabs . Import and export of the bookmarks file, or using one from a specific path . Custom context menu actions, like in Thunar or Epiphany . Custom tab names . Analogus to blocked popups, blocked scripts moving layers on load (extension) . Per-site blocking of individual elements on a page . Statusbar icon 'cookies blocked', icon 'popups blocked' . Per-site settings accessible via statusbar icons, ie. cookies, popups, plugins . CookieSafe like, a list of cookies, with type, block, allow . Automatic update checks (browser, extensions)? . Auto-group tabs by opener, with colors? . Mark (dogear) a selection so that it isn't cleared implicitly, multiply on one page . Have an internal uri scheme, eg. 'res:', to reference eg. themed icons . 'about:' uris: about, blank, cache, config, plugins . Panel of open tabs (with tree-structure), optional thumbnail-view . Check specific bookmarks for updates automatically (extension) . Mark "new" as well as "actually modified" tabs specially (even over sessions) . SearchEngine: "Show in context menu" . Save screenshot of a document? . Right-click a textbox in a search form and choose 'add to websearch' . Honor design principle "no warnings but undo of backups"? . Support widgets 1.0 spec in tool windows and standalone? . Protected tabs prompt when attempting to close them . Provide a 'sleep mode' after a crash where open documents are loaded manually . Option to run plugins or scripts only on demand, like NoScript, per-site . Optional http redirection manually or on timeout . Style: none, compatible (b/w), default, [styles], "media", ["media" styles], ... . Mouse pointer coordinates in the status bar (extension) . Draw rectangle with the mouse, x/y/x2/y2 in the statusbar (extension) . Formfill (like Opera's magic wand) . Private browsing mode (no browsing, download or search history) . Shared bookmarks and config . Custom-mode, e.g. hide menubar and use help icon to have a help viewer . Prevent dead tabs: download, aborted page