#! /usr/bin/env python # WAF build script for midori import Params import pproc as subprocess import Common APPNAME = 'midori' VERSION = '0.0.18' try: git = subprocess.Popen (['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if not git.wait (): VERSION = (VERSION + '-' + git.stdout.read ()).strip () except: pass srcdir = '.' blddir = '_build_' def configure (conf): conf.check_tool ('compiler_cc') if not Params.g_options.disable_nls: conf.check_tool ('intltool') # FIXME if we have intltool but not msgfmt the build breaks if conf.env['INTLTOOL']: nls = 'yes' conf.define ('ENABLE_NLS', 1) conf.define ('MIDORI_LOCALEDIR', 'LOCALEDIR', 0) else: nls = 'not available' else: nls = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('localization', 'support', nls) conf.check_pkg ('gtk+-2.0', destvar='GTK', vnum='2.6.0', mandatory=True) conf.check_pkg ('webkit-1.0', destvar='WEBKIT', vnum='0.1', mandatory=True) conf.check_pkg ('libxml-2.0', destvar='LIBXML', vnum='2.6', mandatory=True) conf.check_pkg ('libsexy', destvar='LIBSEXY', vnum='0.1', mandatory=True) if conf.find_program ('convert', var='CONVERT'): icons = 'yes' else: icons = 'no' conf.check_message_custom ('icon optimization', 'support', icons) # FIXME we need numbers conf.define ('GTK_VER', '-') conf.define ('WEBKIT_VER', '-') conf.define ('LIBXML_VER', '-') conf.define ('LIBSEXY_VER', '-') conf.define ('PACKAGE_VERSION', VERSION) conf.define ('PACKAGE_NAME', APPNAME) conf.define ('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', 'christian@twotoasts.de') conf.define ('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', APPNAME) conf.define ('SOKOKE_DEBUG_', '-') conf.write_config_header ('config.h') def set_options (opt): opt.tool_options ('compiler_cc') opt.tool_options ('intltool') opt.add_option ('--disable-nls', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disables native language support', dest='disable_nls') def build (bld): bld.add_subdirs ('katze src data') if bld.env ()['INTLTOOL']: bld.add_subdirs ('po') if bld.env ()['INTLTOOL']: obj = bld.create_obj ('intltool_in') obj.source = 'midori.desktop.in' obj.destvar = 'PREFIX' obj.subdir = 'share/applications' obj.flags = '-d' else: # FIXME: process desktop.in without intltool Params.pprint ('BLUE', "File midori.desktop not generated") if bld.env ()['INTLTOOL']: install_files ('DATADIR', 'applications', 'midori.desktop') def shutdown (): dir = Common.path_install ('DATADIR', 'icons/hicolor') icon_cache_updated = False if not Params.g_options.destdir: # update the pixmap cache directory try: subprocess.call (['gtk-update-icon-cache', '-q', '-f', '-t', dir]) Params.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated Gtk icon cache.") icon_cache_updated = True except: Params.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update icon cache.") if not icon_cache_updated: Params.pprint ('YELLOW', "Icon cache not updated. After install, run this:") Params.pprint ('YELLOW', "gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s" % dir)