/* Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Dywan This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. */ [CCode (cprefix = "Midori", lower_case_cprefix = "midori_")] namespace Midori { public const string VERSION_SUFFIX; [CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori.h")] public class App : GLib.Object { public App (); public Browser create_browser (); public GLib.List get_browsers (); [NoAccessorMethod] public string name { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Midori.WebSettings settings { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object bookmarks { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object trash { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object search_engines { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object history { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object extensions { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object browsers { get; } public Browser? browser { get; } [HasEmitter] public signal void add_browser (Browser browser); public signal void remove_browser (Browser browser); [HasEmitter] public signal void quit (); } public class Browser : Gtk.Window { public Browser (); public int add_item (GLib.Object item); public int add_uri (string uri); public unowned View get_nth_tab (int n); public GLib.List get_tabs (); public void block_action (Gtk.Action action); public void unblock_action (Gtk.Action action); public unowned Gtk.ActionGroup get_action_group (); public unowned Browser get_for_widget (Gtk.Widget widget); public unowned string[] get_toolbar_actions (); public unowned GLib.Object get_proxy_items (); [NoAccessorMethod] public Gtk.MenuBar menubar { owned get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Gtk.Toolbar navigationbar { owned get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Gtk.Notebook notebook { owned get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Gtk.Widget panel { owned get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string uri { owned get; set; } public Gtk.Widget? tab { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public uint load_status { get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public Gtk.Statusbar statusbar { owned get; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string statusbar_text { owned get; set; } public Midori.WebSettings settings { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object bookmarks { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object trash { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object search_engines { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public GLib.Object history { owned get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public bool show_tabs { get; set; } public signal Browser new_window (Browser? browser); [HasEmitter] public signal void add_tab (View tab); [HasEmitter] public signal void remove_tab (View tab); [HasEmitter] public signal void activate_action (string name); public signal void add_download (GLib.Object download); public signal void populate_tool_menu (Gtk.Menu menu); [HasEmitter] public signal void quit (); } public class Extension : GLib.Object { [CCode (has_construct_function = false)] public Extension (); public unowned Midori.App get_app (); public void install_boolean (string name, bool default_value); public void install_integer (string name, int default_value); public void install_string (string name, string default_value); public bool get_boolean (string name); public int get_integer (string name); public unowned string get_string (string name); public void set_boolean (string name, bool value); public void set_integer (string name, int value); public void set_string (string name, string value); [NoAccessorMethod] public string name { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string description { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string version { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string authors { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string website { get; set; } [NoAccessorMethod] public string key { get; set; } public signal void activate (Midori.App app); public signal void deactivate (); public signal void open_preferences (); } public class View : Gtk.VBox { [CCode (type = "GtkWidget*")] public View (GLib.Object net); public View.with_title (string? title=null, WebSettings? settings=null , bool append=false); public void set_uri (string uri); public bool is_blank (); public unowned string get_display_uri (); public unowned string get_display_title (); public unowned string get_icon_uri (); public unowned string get_link_uri (); public bool has_selection (); public string get_selected_text (); public Gtk.MenuItem get_proxy_menu_item (); public Gtk.Menu get_tab_menu (); public Pango.EllipsizeMode get_label_ellipsize (); public Gtk.Label get_proxy_tab_label (); public Katze.Item get_proxy_item (); public bool can_view_source (); public bool can_find (); public void search_text (string text, bool case_sensitive, bool forward); public void mark_text_matches (string text, bool case_sensitive); public void set_highlight_text_matches (bool highlight); public bool execute_script (string script, out string exception); public Gdk.Pixbuf get_snapshot (int width, int height); public unowned WebKit.WebView get_web_view (); public void populate_popup (Gtk.Menu menu, bool manual); public bool can_reload (); public void reload (bool from_cache); public string uri { get; } public string title { get; } public int security { get; } public string mime_type { get; } public Gdk.Pixbuf icon { get; } public int load_status { get; } public double progress { get; set; } public bool minimized { get; } public float zoom_level { get; } public GLib.Object news_feeds { get; } public string statusbar_text { get; } public WebSettings settings { get; set; } public GLib.Object net { get; } [HasEmitter] public signal bool download_requested (WebKit.Download download); } public class WebSettings : WebKit.WebSettings { public WebSettings (); [NoAccessorMethod] public MidoriStartup load_on_startup { get; set; } } [CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-websettings.h", cprefix = "MIDORI_STARTUP_")] public enum MidoriStartup { BLANK_PAGE, HOMEPAGE, LAST_OPEN_PAGES, DELAYED_PAGES } [CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/sokoke.h", lower_case_cprefix = "sokoke_")] namespace Sokoke { public static uint gtk_action_count_modifiers (Gtk.Action action); } }