#! /usr/bin/env python # WAF build script for midori # This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. import os tests = os.listdir ('tests') for test in tests: folder = 'tests' + os.sep + test if os.path.isdir (folder): files = os.listdir (folder) target = test source = '' for fila in files: if fila[-2:] == '.c': source += ' ' + test + os.sep + fila elif file[-5:] == '.vala': source += ' ' + test + os.sep + fila if not source: Utils.pprint ('RED', folder + ': No source files found') continue else: if test[-2:] == '.c': target = test[:-2] elif test[-5:] == '.vala': target = test[:-5] else: continue source = test obj = bld.new_task_gen ('cc', 'program') obj.target = 'test-' + target obj.includes = '.. ../midori ../panels' obj.cflags = ['-DEXTENSION_PATH="' + os.path.abspath ('_build_/default/extensions') + '"'] obj.source = source obj.uselib = 'UNIQUE LIBSOUP GIO GTK SQLITE WEBKIT LIBXML' obj.uselib_local = 'midori-core' obj.unit_test = 1