
296 lines
12 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT. */
public const string PACKAGE_NAME;
[CCode (cprefix = "Midori", lower_case_cprefix = "midori_")]
namespace Midori {
public const string VERSION_SUFFIX;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-stock.h")]
namespace Stock {
public const string WEB_BROWSER;
public const string TRANSFER;
public const string PLUGINS;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-frontend.h")]
public static unowned Midori.Browser web_app_new (
string webapp, [CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? uris, [CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? commands, int reset, string? block);
public static unowned Midori.Browser private_app_new (string? config,
string? webapp, [CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? uris, [CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? commands, int reset, string? block);
public static unowned App normal_app_new (string? config, string nickname, bool diagnostic,
[CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? uris, [CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? commands, int reset, string? block);
public static void normal_app_on_quit (App app);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-array.h")]
public static bool array_from_file (Katze.Array array, string filename, string format) throws GLib.Error;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-app.h")]
public class App : GLib.Object {
public App (string? name=null);
public static void setup ([CCode (array_length_pos = 0.9)] ref unowned string[] args, [CCode (array_length = false)] GLib.OptionEntry[]? entries);
public static void set_instance_is_running (bool is_running);
public Browser create_browser ();
public GLib.List<weak Browser> get_browsers ();
public void send_notification (string title, string message);
public bool send_command ([CCode (array_length = false)] string[] command);
public string name { get; set; }
public Midori.WebSettings settings { owned get; set; }
public Katze.Array bookmarks { get; set; }
public Katze.Array trash { get; set; }
public Katze.Array search_engines { get; set; }
public Katze.Array history { get; set; }
public Katze.Array extensions { owned get; set; }
public Katze.Array browsers { get; }
public Browser? browser { get; }
public bool crashed { get; }
public signal void add_browser (Browser browser);
public signal void remove_browser (Browser browser);
public signal void quit ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-browser.h")]
public class Browser : Window {
public Browser ();
public unowned Gtk.Widget add_item (Katze.Item item);
public unowned Gtk.Widget add_uri (string uri);
public unowned View get_nth_tab (int n);
public GLib.List<weak View> get_tabs ();
public void block_action (Gtk.Action action);
public void unblock_action (Gtk.Action action);
public unowned Gtk.ActionGroup get_action_group ();
public static unowned Browser get_for_widget (Gtk.Widget widget);
public unowned string[] get_toolbar_actions ();
public Katze.Array proxy_array { get; }
public Gtk.MenuBar menubar { owned get; }
public Gtk.Toolbar navigationbar { owned get; }
public Gtk.Notebook notebook { owned get; }
public Midori.Panel panel { owned get; }
public string uri { owned get; set; }
public Gtk.Widget? tab { get; set; }
public uint load_status { get; }
public Gtk.Statusbar statusbar { owned get; }
public string statusbar_text { owned get; set; }
public Midori.WebSettings settings { owned get; set; }
public Katze.Array? bookmarks { owned get; set; }
public Katze.Array? trash { owned get; set; }
public Katze.Array? search_engines { owned get; set; }
public Katze.Array? history { owned get; set; }
public bool show_tabs { get; set; }
public signal Browser new_window (Browser? browser);
public signal void add_tab (View tab);
public signal void remove_tab (View tab);
public void close_tab (View tab);
public signal void switch_tab (View? old_view, View? new_view);
public signal void activate_action (string name);
public signal void add_download (WebKit.Download download);
public signal void populate_tool_menu (Gtk.Menu menu);
public signal void quit ();
public signal void send_notification (string title, string message);
public static void update_history (Katze.Item item, string type, string event);
public signal void show_preferences (Katze.Preferences preferences);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-panel.h")]
public class Panel : Gtk.HBox {
public Panel ();
public int append_page (Midori.Viewable viewable);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-extension.h")]
public class Extension : GLib.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
public Extension ();
public unowned Midori.App get_app ();
public void install_boolean (string name, bool default_value);
public void install_integer (string name, int default_value);
public void install_string (string name, string default_value);
public void install_string_list (string name, string[]? default_value);
public bool get_boolean (string name);
public int get_integer (string name);
public unowned string get_string (string name);
public void set_boolean (string name, bool value);
public void set_integer (string name, int value);
public void set_string (string name, string value);
public unowned string get_config_dir ();
public string? stock_id { get; set; }
public string name { owned get; set; }
public string description { owned get; set; }
public bool use_markup { get; set; }
public string version { owned get; set; }
public string authors { owned get; set; }
public string website { owned get; set; }
public string key { owned get; set; }
public signal void activate (Midori.App app);
public bool is_prepared ();
public bool is_active ();
public signal void deactivate ();
public signal void open_preferences ();
public static void load_from_folder (Midori.App app, [CCode (array_length = false)] string[]? keys, bool activate);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-view.h")]
public class View : Tab {
[CCode (type = "GtkWidget*")]
public View.with_title (string? title=null, WebSettings? settings=null
, bool append=false);
public void set_uri (string uri);
public void set_html (string data, string? uri=null, GLib.Object? frame=null);
public unowned string get_display_uri ();
public unowned string get_display_title ();
public unowned string get_icon_uri ();
public unowned string get_link_uri ();
public bool has_selection ();
public unowned string get_selected_text ();
public Gtk.MenuItem get_proxy_menu_item ();
public Gtk.Widget duplicate ();
public Gtk.Menu get_tab_menu ();
public Pango.EllipsizeMode get_label_ellipsize ();
public Gtk.Label get_proxy_tab_label ();
public unowned Katze.Item get_proxy_item ();
public void search_text (string text, bool case_sensitive, bool forward);
public bool execute_script (string script, out string exception);
public Gdk.Pixbuf get_snapshot (int width, int height);
public void populate_popup (Gtk.Menu menu, bool manual);
public void reload (bool from_cache);
public Gtk.Widget add_info_bar (Gtk.MessageType type, string message, GLib.Callback? callback, void* object, ...);
public ContextAction get_page_context_action (WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result);
public void list_plugins (GLib.StringBuilder ns_plugins, bool html);
public void list_video_formats (GLib.StringBuilder formats, bool html);
public static void list_versions (GLib.StringBuilder markup, bool html);
public string title { get; }
public Gdk.Pixbuf icon { get; }
public float zoom_level { get; }
public Katze.Array news_feeds { get; }
public WebSettings settings { owned get; set; }
public GLib.Object net { get; }
public signal bool download_requested (WebKit.Download download);
public signal bool about_content (string uri);
public signal void new_view (Midori.View new_view, Midori.NewView where, bool user_initiated);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-locationaction.h")]
public class LocationAction : Gtk.Action {
public static string render_uri ([CCode (array_length = false)] string[] keys, string uri_escaped);
public static string render_title ([CCode (array_length = false)] string[] keys, string title);
public double progress { get; set; }
public string secondary_icon { get; set; }
public unowned string get_text ();
public void set_text (string text);
public signal void submit_uri (string uri, bool new_tab);
public signal bool key_press_event (Gdk.EventKey event);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-searchaction.h")]
public class SearchAction : Gtk.Action {
public static Katze.Item? get_engine_for_form (WebKit.WebView web_view, Pango.EllipsizeMode ellipsize);
public static string token_for_uri (string uri);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-view.h", cprefix = "MIDORI_DOWNLOAD_")]
public enum DownloadType {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-view.h", cprefix = "MIDORI_DELAY_")]
public enum Delay {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-websettings.h")]
public class WebSettings : Midori.Settings {
public WebSettings ();
public MidoriStartup load_on_startup { get; set; }
public static bool has_plugin_support ();
public static bool skip_plugin (string path);
public static unowned string get_system_name (out unowned string? architecture, out unowned string? platform);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/midori-websettings.h", cprefix = "MIDORI_STARTUP_")]
public enum MidoriStartup {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "midori/sokoke.h", lower_case_cprefix = "sokoke_")]
namespace Sokoke {
public static string magic_uri (string uri, bool allow_search, bool allow_relative);
public static uint gtk_action_count_modifiers (Gtk.Action action);
#if HAVE_WIN32
public static string get_win32_desktop_lnk_path_for_filename (string filename);
public static void create_win32_desktop_lnk (string prefix, string filename, string uri);
[CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "")]
namespace Linux {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "execinfo.h", array_length = false)]
public unowned string[] backtrace_symbols (void* buffer, int size);