2007-12-16 23:20:24 +01:00

62 lines
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. Save files on change as opposed to on quit
. Position menus properly
. Use an animated throbber
. Add a context menu to the pageholder
. Make tabs autoshrink
. New tabs from a TabNew action should always open in the foreground
. Middle click toolbuttons or menuitems should open new tabs
. Implement userscript support
. Actual multiple window support, some things just ignore this currently
. Custom context menu actions
. custom tab names
. Open an auto-vanishing findbox with '.'
. Support gettext
. Custom panels, loaded from (x)htm(l) files or websites
. Drag tabs onto the panel to have it in the sidebar.
. Save completion stores
. analogus to blocked popups, blocked scripts moving layers on load
. per-site blocking of individual elements on a page
. statusbar icon 'cookies blocked', icon 'popups blocked'
. per-site settings accessible via statusbar icons, ie. cookies, popups, plugins
. cookieSafe like, a list of cookies, with type, block, allow
. support mouse gestures
. optional internal source view using gtksourceview
. automatic update checks (browser, extensions)?
. auto-group tabs by opener, with colors?
. mark (dogear) a selection so that it isn't cleared implicitly, multiply on one page
. have an internal uri scheme, eg. 'res:', to reference eg. themed icons
. 'about:' uris: about, blank, cache, config, plugins
. panel of open tabs (with tree-structure), optional thumbnail-view
. spell check support
. allow full page zoom (how do we incorporate it in the gui?)
. check specific bookmarks for updates automatically (as an extension?)
. mark "new" as well as "actually modified" tabs specially (even over sessions)
. customizable toolbars, custom buttons (uri, title, icon)
. searchEngine: "Show in context menu"
. use libnotify for events, e.g. download finished
. save screenshot of a document
. right-click a textbox in a search form and choose 'add to websearch'
. support extensions written in lua
. the scrollbar must be exactly at the right (left) edge if maximized: fitt's law
. detailed css element view, maybe in 'properties'?
. reuse running instance, probably via libunique
. respect design principle "no warnings but undo of backups"?
. support widgets 1.0 spec in tool windows and standalone
. blank page: several custom links, displayed as thumbnails, like Opera
. handle downloads, optionally in a downloadbar
. Implement userstyle support
. Protected tabs prompt when attempting to close them
. provide a 'sleep mode' after a crash where open documents are loaded manually
. option to run plugins or scripts only on demand, like NoScript, per-site
. optional http redirection manually or on timeout
. style: none, compatible (b/w), default, [styles], "media", ["media" styles], ...
. mouse pointer coordinates in the status bar
. draw rectangle with the mouse, x/y/x2/y2 in the statusbar
. formfill (like Opera's magic wand)
. private browsing mode (no browsing, download or search history)
. shared bookmarks and config
. custom-mode, e.g. hide menubar and use help icon to have a help viewer
. dead tabs: download, aborted page
. on url load, for big files, ask "Open or save?"
. middle-click on selection to open <selection>