Christian Dywan e643cc8c10 Replace unmaintained docs with FAQ from the wiki
Realistically nobody maintains offline documentation and
none of the people claiming to look into it ever did, whereas
the FAQ is being updated by or with input from individuals.

faq.html was copied from http://wiki.xfce.org/_export/xhtml/midori/faq
and all <link rel="stylesheet"> tags were replaced with
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="faq.css" />.
2011-03-08 23:25:37 +01:00

594 lines
24 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python
# WAF build script for midori
# This file is licensed under the terms of the expat license, see the file EXPAT.
import sys
# Waf version check, for global waf installs
from Constants import WAFVERSION
if WAFVERSION[:3] != '1.5':
print ('Incompatible Waf, use 1.5')
sys.exit (1)
import Build
import Options
import Utils
import pproc as subprocess
import os
import UnitTest
import unittestw as UnitTest
import Task
from TaskGen import extension, feature, taskgen
import misc
from Configure import find_program_impl
major = 0
minor = 3
micro = 2
APPNAME = 'midori'
VERSION = str (major) + '.' + str (minor) + '.' + str (micro)
if os.path.isdir ('.git'):
git = Utils.cmd_output (['git', 'describe'], silent=True)
if git:
VERSION = git.strip ()
srcdir = '.'
blddir = '_build_'
def option_enabled (option):
if getattr (Options.options, 'enable_' + option):
return True
if getattr (Options.options, 'disable_' + option):
return False
return True
def is_mingw (env):
if 'CC' in env:
cc = env['CC']
if not isinstance (cc, str):
cc = ''.join (cc)
return cc.find ('mingw') != -1# or cc.find ('wine') != -1
return False
# Compile Win32 res files to (resource) object files
def rc_file(self, node):
rctask = self.create_task ('winrc')
rctask.set_inputs (node)
rctask.set_outputs (node.change_ext ('.rc.o'))
self.compiled_tasks.append (rctask)
rc_file = extension ('.rc')(rc_file)
Task.simple_task_type ('winrc', '${WINRC} -o${TGT} ${SRC}', color='BLUE',
before='cc cxx', shell=False)
def configure (conf):
def option_checkfatal (option, desc):
if hasattr (Options.options, 'enable_' + option):
if getattr (Options.options, 'enable_' + option):
Utils.pprint ('RED', desc + ' N/A')
sys.exit (1)
def dirname_default (dirname, default, defname=None):
if getattr (Options.options, dirname) == '':
dirvalue = default
dirvalue = getattr (Options.options, dirname)
if not defname:
defname = dirname
conf.define (defname, dirvalue)
return dirvalue
conf.check_tool ('compiler_cc')
if option_enabled ('vala'):
if find_program_impl (conf.env, 'valac'):
conf.check_tool ('vala')
conf.check_message ('program', 'valac', False, False)
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'Vala is required for some extensions.')
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'Pass --disable-vala to not build with Vala.')
sys.exit (1)
conf.check_tool ('glib2')
if option_enabled ('nls'):
conf.check_tool ('intltool')
if conf.env['INTLTOOL'] and conf.env['POCOM']:
nls = 'yes'
option_checkfatal ('nls', 'localization')
nls = 'N/A'
nls = 'no '
conf.define ('ENABLE_NLS', [0,1][nls == 'yes'])
if conf.find_program ('rsvg-convert', var='RSVG_CONVERT'):
icons = 'yes'
icons = 'no '
if is_mingw (conf.env) or Options.platform == 'win32':
conf.find_program ('windres', var='WINRC')
conf.env['platform'] = 'win32'
# This is specific to cross compiling with mingw
if is_mingw (conf.env) and Options.platform != 'win32':
if not 'AR' in os.environ and not 'RANLIB' in os.environ:
conf.env['AR'] = os.environ['CC'][:-3] + 'ar'
if conf.find_program (os.environ['CC'][:-3] + 'windres', var='WINRC'):
os.environ['WINRC'] = os.environ['CC'][:-3] + 'windres'
Options.platform = 'win32'
# Make sure we don't have -fPIC in the CCFLAGS
conf.env["shlib_CCFLAGS"] = []
# Adjust file naming
conf.env["shlib_PATTERN"] = 'lib%s.dll'
conf.env['program_PATTERN'] = '%s.exe'
# Use Visual C++ compatible alignment
conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-mms-bitfields')
conf.env['staticlib_LINKFLAGS'] = []
Utils.pprint ('BLUE', 'Mingw recognized, assuming cross compile.')
dirname_default ('LIBDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib'))
if conf.env['PREFIX'] == '/usr':
dirname_default ('SYSCONFDIR', '/etc')
dirname_default ('SYSCONFDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'etc'))
dirname_default ('DATADIR', os.path.join (conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share'),
# Use MDATADIR because DATADIR is a constant in objidl.h on Windows
conf.undefine ('DATADIR')
dirname_default ('DOCDIR', os.path.join (conf.env['MDATADIR'], 'doc'))
if not APPNAME in conf.env['DOCDIR']:
conf.env['DOCDIR'] += '/' + APPNAME
conf.define ('DOCDIR', conf.env['DOCDIR'])
if option_enabled ('apidocs'):
conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-scan', var='GTKDOC_SCAN')
conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mktmpl', var='GTKDOC_MKTMPL')
conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mkdb', var='GTKDOC_MKDB')
conf.find_program ('gtkdoc-mkhtml', var='GTKDOC_MKHTML')
if conf.env['GTKDOC_SCAN'] and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKTMPL'] \
and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKDB'] and conf.env['GTKDOC_MKHTML']:
api_docs = 'yes'
option_checkfatal ('apidocs', 'API documentation')
api_docs = 'N/A'
api_docs = 'no '
def check_pkg (name, version='', mandatory=True, var=None, args=''):
if not var:
var = name.split ('-')[0].upper ()
conf.check_cfg (package=name, uselib_store=var, args='--cflags --libs ' + args,
atleast_version=version, mandatory=mandatory)
return conf.env['HAVE_' + var]
if option_enabled ('unique'):
check_pkg ('unique-1.0', '0.9', False)
unique = ['N/A', 'yes'][conf.env['HAVE_UNIQUE'] == 1]
if unique != 'yes':
option_checkfatal ('unique', 'single instance')
unique = 'no '
conf.define ('HAVE_UNIQUE', [0,1][unique == 'yes'])
if option_enabled ('libnotify'):
check_pkg ('libnotify', mandatory=False)
libnotify = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBNOTIFY'] == 1]
if libnotify != 'yes':
option_checkfatal ('libnotify', 'notifications')
libnotify = 'no '
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBNOTIFY', [0,1][libnotify == 'yes'])
conf.check (lib='m', mandatory=True)
check_pkg ('gmodule-2.0', '2.8.0', False)
check_pkg ('gthread-2.0', '2.8.0', False)
check_pkg ('gio-2.0', '2.16.0')
args = ''
if Options.platform == 'win32':
args = '--define-variable=target=win32'
elif sys.platform != 'darwin':
check_pkg ('x11')
# Pass /usr/X11R6/include for OpenBSD
conf.check (header_name='X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h',
includes='/usr/X11R6/include', mandatory=False)
conf.check (lib='Xss', libpath='/usr/X11R6/lib', mandatory=False)
check_pkg ('gtk+-2.0', '2.10.0', var='GTK', args=args)
check_pkg ('webkit-1.0', '1.1.1', args=args)
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.25.2')
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_25_2', 1)
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.27.90', False, var='LIBSOUP_2_27_90')
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.29.3', False, var='LIBSOUP_2_29_3')
check_pkg ('libsoup-2.4', '2.29.91', False, var='LIBSOUP_2_29_91')
check_pkg ('libxml-2.0', '2.6')
check_pkg ('sqlite3', '3.0', True, var='SQLITE')
if conf.env['HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_27_90']:
idn = 'yes'
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBIDN', 0)
if option_enabled ('libidn'):
check_pkg ('libidn', '1.0', False)
idn = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_LIBIDN'] == 1]
if idn != 'yes':
option_checkfatal ('libidn', 'international domain names')
idn = 'no '
conf.define ('HAVE_LIBIDN', [0,1][idn == 'yes'])
if option_enabled ('hildon'):
if check_pkg ('hildon-1', mandatory=False, var='HILDON'):
check_pkg ('libosso', var='HILDON')
check_pkg ('hildon-1', '2.2', var='HILDON_2_2')
check_pkg ('hildon-fm-2', var='HILDON_FM')
hildon = ['N/A','yes'][conf.env['HAVE_HILDON'] == 1]
if hildon != 'yes':
option_checkfatal ('hildon', 'Maemo integration')
hildon = 'no '
conf.define ('HAVE_HILDON', [0,1][hildon == 'yes'])
# Store options in env, since 'Options' is not persistent
if 'CC' in os.environ: conf.env['CC'] = os.environ['CC'].split()
conf.env['addons'] = option_enabled ('addons')
conf.env['tests'] = option_enabled ('tests')
conf.env['docs'] = option_enabled ('docs')
if 'LINGUAS' in os.environ: conf.env['LINGUAS'] = os.environ['LINGUAS']
conf.check (header_name='unistd.h')
if not conf.env['HAVE_UNIQUE']:
if Options.platform == 'win32':
conf.check (lib='ws2_32')
check_pkg ('openssl', mandatory=False)
conf.define ('USE_SSL', [0,1][conf.env['HAVE_OPENSSL'] == 1])
conf.define ('HAVE_NETDB_H', [0,1][conf.check (header_name='netdb.h')])
conf.check (header_name='sys/wait.h')
conf.check (header_name='sys/select.h')
conf.check (function_name='inet_aton', header_name='sys/types.h sys/socket.h netinet/in.h arpa/inet.h')
conf.check (function_name='inet_addr', header_name='sys/types.h sys/socket.h netinet/in.h arpa/inet.h')
conf.define ('HAVE_OSX', int(sys.platform == 'darwin'))
if Options.platform == 'win32':
conf.env.append_value ('LINKFLAGS', '-mwindows')
conf.env.append_value ('program_LINKFLAGS', ['-Wl,--out-implib=default/midori/libmidori.a', '-Wl,--export-all-symbols'])
conf.check (header_name='signal.h')
conf.define ('PACKAGE_NAME', APPNAME)
conf.define ('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori')
conf.define ('MIDORI_MAJOR_VERSION', major)
conf.define ('MIDORI_MINOR_VERSION', minor)
conf.define ('MIDORI_MICRO_VERSION', micro)
conf.write_config_header ('config.h')
conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -include config.h'.split ())
debug_level = Options.options.debug_level
compiler = conf.env['CC_NAME']
if debug_level != '' and compiler != 'gcc':
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'No debugging level support for ' + compiler)
sys.exit (1)
elif debug_level == '':
debug_level = 'debug'
if compiler == 'gcc':
if debug_level == 'none':
if 'CCFLAGS' in os.environ:
conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', os.environ['CCFLAGS'].split ())
elif debug_level == 'debug':
conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS', '-Wall -O0 -g'.split ())
elif debug_level == 'full':
# -Wdeclaration-after-statement
# -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes
# -Wwrite-strings -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations -Wmissing-include-dirs
conf.env.append_value ('CCFLAGS',
'-Wall -Wextra -O1 -g '
'-Waggregate-return -Wno-unused-parameter '
'-Wno-missing-field-initializers '
'-Wredundant-decls -Wmissing-noreturn '
'-Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align '
'-Winline -Wformat-security -fno-common '
'-Winit-self -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement '
'-Wmissing-format-attribute -Wnested-externs '
if debug_level == 'full':
conf.env.append_value ('VALAFLAGS', '--enable-checking'.split ())
elif debug_level == 'none':
conf.env.append_value ('VALAFLAGS', '--disable-assert')
print ('''
Localization: %(nls)s (intltool)
Icon optimizations: %(icons)s (rsvg-convert)
Notifications: %(libnotify)s (libnotify)
IDN support: %(idn)s (libidn or libsoup 2.27.90)
API documentation: %(api_docs)s (gtk-doc)
''' % locals ())
if unique == 'yes' and conf.check_cfg (modversion='unique-1.0') == '1.0.4':
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'unique 1.0.4 found, this version is erroneous.')
Utils.pprint ('RED', 'Please use an older or newer version.')
def set_options (opt):
def is_maemo (): return os.path.exists ('/etc/osso-af-init/')
def add_enable_option (option, desc, group=None, disable=False):
if group == None:
group = opt
option_ = option.replace ('-', '_')
group.add_option ('--enable-' + option, action='store_true',
default=False, help='Enable ' + desc, dest='enable_' + option_)
group.add_option ('--disable-' + option, action='store_true',
default=disable, help='Disable ' + desc, dest='disable_' + option_)
opt.tool_options ('compiler_cc')
opt.get_option_group ('--check-c-compiler').add_option('-d', '--debug-level',
action = 'store', default = '',
help = 'Specify the debugging level. [\'none\', \'debug\', \'full\']',
choices = ['', 'none', 'debug', 'full'], dest = 'debug_level')
opt.tool_options ('gnu_dirs')
opt.parser.remove_option ('--oldincludedir')
opt.parser.remove_option ('--htmldir')
opt.parser.remove_option ('--dvidir')
opt.parser.remove_option ('--pdfdir')
opt.parser.remove_option ('--psdir')
opt.tool_options ('intltool')
opt.add_option ('--run', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Run application after building it', dest='run')
group = opt.add_option_group ('Localization and documentation', '')
add_enable_option ('nls', 'native language support', group)
group.add_option ('--update-po', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Update localization files', dest='update_po')
add_enable_option ('docs', 'informational text files', group)
add_enable_option ('apidocs', 'API documentation', group, disable=True)
group = opt.add_option_group ('Optional features', '')
add_enable_option ('unique', 'single instance support', group)
add_enable_option ('vala', 'Vala support', group)
add_enable_option ('libidn', 'international domain name support', group)
add_enable_option ('libnotify', 'notification support', group)
add_enable_option ('addons', 'building of extensions', group)
add_enable_option ('tests', 'building of tests', group, disable=True)
add_enable_option ('hildon', 'Maemo integration', group, disable=not is_maemo ())
# Provided for compatibility
opt.add_option ('--build', help='Ignored')
opt.add_option ('--disable-maintainer-mode', help='Ignored')
# Taken from Geany's wscript, modified to support LINGUAS variable
def write_linguas_file (self):
linguas = ''
# Depending on Waf version, getcwd() is different
if os.path.exists ('./po'):
podir = './po'
podir = '../po'
if 'LINGUAS' in Build.bld.env:
files = Build.bld.env['LINGUAS']
for f in files.split (' '):
if os.path.exists (podir + '/' + f + '.po'):
linguas += f + ' '
files = os.listdir (podir)
for f in files:
if f.endswith ('.po'):
linguas += '%s ' % f[:-3]
f = open (podir + '/LINGUAS', 'w')
f.write ('# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit.\n%s\n' % linguas)
f.close ()
write_linguas_file = feature ('intltool_po')(write_linguas_file)
def build (bld):
bld.add_group ()
bld.add_subdirs ('midori icons')
if bld.env['addons']:
bld.add_subdirs ('extensions')
bld.add_group ()
if bld.env['docs']:
bld.install_files ('${DOCDIR}/', \
'AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog EXPAT README data/faq.html data/faq.css')
# Install default configuration
bld.install_files ('${SYSCONFDIR}/xdg/' + APPNAME + '/', 'data/search')
if bld.env['INTLTOOL']:
obj = bld.new_task_gen ('intltool_po')
obj.podir = 'po'
obj.appname = APPNAME
if bld.env['GTKDOC_SCAN'] and Options.commands['build']:
bld.add_subdirs ('docs/api')
bld.install_files ('${DOCDIR}/api/', blddir + '/docs/api/*')
if not is_mingw (bld.env) and Options.platform != 'win32':
if bld.env['HAVE_HILDON']:
appdir = '${MDATADIR}/applications/hildon'
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/dbus-1/services',
'data/com.nokia.' + APPNAME + '.service')
appdir = '${MDATADIR}/applications'
if bld.env['INTLTOOL']:
obj = bld.new_task_gen ('intltool_in')
obj.source = 'data/' + APPNAME + '.desktop.in'
obj.install_path = appdir
obj.flags = ['-d', '-c']
bld.install_files (appdir, 'data/' + APPNAME + '.desktop')
folder = os.path.abspath (blddir + '/default/data')
Utils.check_dir (folder)
desktop = APPNAME + '.desktop'
pre = open ('data/' + desktop + '.in')
after = open (folder + '/' + desktop, 'w')
for line in pre:
if line != '':
if line[0] == '_':
after.write (line[1:])
after.write (line)
after.close ()
Utils.pprint ('BLUE', desktop + '.in -> ' + desktop)
bld.install_files (appdir, folder + '/' + desktop)
Utils.pprint ('BLUE', 'File ' + desktop + ' not generated')
pre.close ()
if bld.env['RSVG_CONVERT']:
Utils.check_dir (blddir + '/data')
command = bld.env['RSVG_CONVERT'] + \
' -o ' + blddir + '/data/logo-shade.png ' + \
srcdir + '/data/logo-shade.svg'
if not Utils.exec_command (command):
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', blddir + '/data/logo-shade.png')
Utils.pprint ('BLUE', "logo-shade could not be rasterized.")
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/error.html')
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/speeddial-head.html')
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/speeddial.json')
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/mootools.js')
if bld.env['addons']:
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/autosuggestcontrol.js')
bld.install_files ('${MDATADIR}/' + APPNAME + '/res', 'data/autosuggestcontrol.css')
# FIXME: Determine the library naming for other platforms
if bld.env['platform'] == 'win32':
extensions = os.listdir ('data/extensions')
for extension in extensions:
folder = 'lib' + extension + '.dll'
source = 'data/extensions/' + extension + '/config'
if os.path.exists (source):
bld.install_files ('${SYSCONFDIR}/xdg/' + APPNAME + \
'/extensions/' + folder, source)
elif Options.platform == 'linux':
extensions = os.listdir ('data/extensions')
for extension in extensions:
folder = 'lib' + extension + '.so'
source = 'data/extensions/' + extension + '/config'
if os.path.exists (source):
bld.install_files ('${SYSCONFDIR}/xdg/' + APPNAME + \
'/extensions/' + folder, source)
if Options.commands['check'] or bld.env['tests']:
bld.add_subdirs ('tests')
if Options.commands['clean']:
distclean ()
def check (ctx):
# The real work happens in shutdown ()
def distclean ():
if os.path.exists ('po/LINGUAS'):
os.remove ('po/LINGUAS')
if os.path.exists ('po/midori.pot'):
os.remove ('po/midori.pot')
def shutdown ():
if Options.commands['install'] or Options.commands['uninstall']:
dir = Build.bld.get_install_path ('${MDATADIR}/icons/hicolor')
icon_cache_updated = False
if not Options.options.destdir:
# update the pixmap cache directory
command = 'gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s' % dir
if not Utils.exec_command (command):
Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated Gtk icon cache.")
icon_cache_updated = True
Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update icon cache.")
if not icon_cache_updated:
Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Icon cache not updated. "
"After install, run this:")
Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s" % dir)
elif Options.commands['check']:
test = UnitTest.unit_test ()
test.change_to_testfile_dir = True
test.want_to_see_test_output = True
test.want_to_see_test_error = True
test.run ()
test.print_results ()
elif Options.options.update_po:
size_old = os.stat (APPNAME + '.pot').st_size
size_old = 0
subprocess.call (['intltool-update', '-p', '-g', APPNAME])
size_new = os.stat (APPNAME + '.pot').st_size
if size_new != size_old:
Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated po template.")
command = 'intltool-update -r -g %s' % APPNAME
Utils.exec_command (command)
Utils.pprint ('YELLOW', "Updated translations.")
Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to update translations.")
Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to generate po template.")
Utils.pprint ('RED', "Make sure intltool is installed.")
os.chdir ('..')
elif Options.options.run:
folder = os.path.abspath (blddir + '/default')
relfolder = folder
if not is_mingw (Build.bld.env):
relfolder = os.path.relpath (folder)
ext = 'MIDORI_EXTENSION_PATH=' + relfolder + os.sep + 'extensions'
nls = 'MIDORI_NLSPATH=' + relfolder + os.sep + 'po'
lang = os.environ['LANG']
for lang in os.listdir (folder + os.sep + 'po'):
if lang[3:] == 'mo':
lang = lang[:-3]
Utils.check_dir (folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang)
Utils.check_dir (folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang + \
os.sep + 'LC_MESSAGES')
os.symlink (folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang + '.mo',
folder + os.sep + 'po' + os.sep + lang + os.sep + \
'LC_MESSAGES' + os.sep + APPNAME + '.mo')
command = ext + ' ' + nls + ' '
if is_mingw (Build.bld.env):
# This works only if everything is installed to that prefix
os.chdir (Build.bld.env['PREFIX'] + os.sep + 'bin')
command += ' wine cmd /k "PATH=%PATH%;' + Build.bld.env['PREFIX'] + os.sep + 'bin' + ' && ' + APPNAME + '.exe"'
command += ' ' + relfolder + os.sep + APPNAME + os.sep + APPNAME
print (command)
Utils.exec_command (command)
except Exception:
msg = sys.exc_info()[1] # Python 2/3 compatibility
Utils.pprint ('RED', "Failed to run application: " + str (msg))