2012-09-12 14:12:08 +02:00

384 lines
16 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoats.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
namespace Katze {
extern static string mkdir_with_parents (string pathname, int mode);
namespace Sokoke {
extern static string js_script_eval (void* ctx, string script, void* error);
namespace Midori {
public class SpeedDial : GLib.Object {
string filename;
string? html = null;
List<Spec> thumb_queue = null;
WebKit.WebView thumb_view = null;
Spec? spec = null;
public GLib.KeyFile keyfile;
public bool close_buttons_left { get; set; default = false; }
public signal void refresh ();
public class Spec {
public string dial_id;
public string uri;
public Spec (string dial_id, string uri) {
this.dial_id = dial_id;
this.uri = uri;
public SpeedDial (string new_filename, string? fallback = null) {
filename = new_filename;
keyfile = new GLib.KeyFile ();
try {
keyfile.load_from_file (filename, GLib.KeyFileFlags.NONE);
catch (GLib.Error io_error) {
string json;
size_t len;
try {
FileUtils.get_contents (fallback ?? (filename + ".json"),
out json, out len);
catch (GLib.Error fallback_error) {
json = "'{}'";
len = 4;
var script = new StringBuilder.sized (len);
script.append ("var json = JSON.parse (");
script.append_len (json, (ssize_t)len);
script.append ("""
var keyfile = '';
for (var i in json['shortcuts']) {
var tile = json['shortcuts'][i];
keyfile += '[Dial ' + tile['id'].substring (1) + ']\n'
+ 'uri=' + tile['href'] + '\n'
+ 'img=' + tile['img'] + '\n'
+ 'title=' + tile['title'] + '\n\n';
var columns = json['width'] ? json['width'] : 3;
var rows = json['shortcuts'] ? json['shortcuts'].length / columns : 0;
keyfile += '[settings]\n'
+ 'columns=' + columns + '\n'
+ 'rows=' + (rows > 3 ? rows : 3) + '\n\n';
try {
keyfile.load_from_data (
Sokoke.js_script_eval (null, script.str, null),
-1, 0);
catch (GLib.Error eval_error) {
GLib.critical ("Failed to parse %s as speed dial JSON: %s",
fallback ?? (filename + ".json"), eval_error.message);
Katze.mkdir_with_parents (
Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
Environment.get_user_cache_dir (),
"midori", "thumbnails"), 0700);
foreach (string tile in keyfile.get_groups ()) {
try {
string img = keyfile.get_string (tile, "img");
keyfile.remove_key (tile, "img");
string uri = keyfile.get_string (tile, "uri");
if (img != null && uri[0] != '\0' && uri[0] != '#') {
uchar[] decoded = Base64.decode (img);
FileUtils.set_data (build_thumbnail_path (uri), decoded);
catch (GLib.Error img_error) {
/* img and uri can be missing */
public string get_next_free_slot () {
uint slot_count = 0;
foreach (string tile in keyfile.get_groups ()) {
try {
if (keyfile.has_key (tile, "uri"))
catch (KeyFileError error) { }
uint slot = 1;
while (slot <= slot_count) {
string tile = "Dial %u".printf (slot);
if (!keyfile.has_group (tile))
return "Dial %u".printf (slot);
return "Dial %u".printf (slot_count + 1);
public void add (string uri, string title, Gdk.Pixbuf img) {
string id = get_next_free_slot ();
add_with_id (id, uri, title, img);
public void add_with_id (string id, string uri, string title, Gdk.Pixbuf img) {
keyfile.set_string (id, "uri", uri);
keyfile.set_string (id, "title", title);
Katze.mkdir_with_parents (Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
Paths.get_cache_dir (), "thumbnails"), 0700);
string filename = build_thumbnail_path (uri);
try {
img.save (filename, "png", null, "compression", "7", null);
catch (Error error) {
critical ("Failed to save speed dial thumbnail: %s", error.message);
save ();
string build_thumbnail_path (string filename) {
string thumbnail = Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, filename) + ".png";
return Path.build_filename (Paths.get_cache_dir (), "thumbnails", thumbnail);
public unowned string get_html () throws Error {
bool load_missing = true;
if (html != null)
return html;
string? head = null;
string filename = Paths.get_res_filename ("speeddial-head.html");
if (keyfile != null
&& FileUtils.get_contents (filename, out head, null)) {
string header = head.replace ("{title}", _("Speed Dial")).
replace ("{click_to_add}", _("Click to add a shortcut")).
replace ("{enter_shortcut_address}", _("Enter shortcut address")).
replace ("{enter_shortcut_name}", _("Enter shortcut title")).
replace ("{are_you_sure}", _("Are you sure you want to delete this shortcut?"));
var markup = new StringBuilder (header);
uint slot_count = 1;
foreach (string tile in keyfile.get_groups ()) {
try {
if (keyfile.has_key (tile, "uri"))
catch (KeyFileError error) { }
/* Try to guess the best X by X grid size */
uint grid_index = 3;
while ((grid_index * grid_index) < slot_count)
/* Percent width size of one slot */
uint slot_size = (100 / grid_index);
/* No editing in private/ app mode or without scripts */
markup.append_printf (
"%s<style>.cross { display:none }</style>%s" +
"<style> div.shortcut { height: %d%%; width: %d%%; }</style>\n",
Paths.is_readonly () ? "" : "<noscript>",
Paths.is_readonly () ? "" : "</noscript>",
slot_size + 1, slot_size - 4);
/* Combined width of slots should always be less than 100%.
* Use half of the remaining percentage as a margin size */
uint div_factor;
if (slot_size * grid_index >= 100 && grid_index > 4)
div_factor = 8;
div_factor = 2;
uint margin = (100 - ((slot_size - 4) * grid_index)) / div_factor;
if (margin > 9)
margin = margin % 10;
markup.append_printf (
"<style> body { overflow:hidden } #content { margin-left: %u%%; }</style>", margin);
if (close_buttons_left)
markup.append_printf (
"<style>.cross { left: -14px }</style>");
foreach (string tile in keyfile.get_groups ()) {
try {
string uri = keyfile.get_string (tile, "uri");
if (uri != null && uri.str ("://") != null && tile.has_prefix ("Dial ")) {
string title = keyfile.get_string (tile, "title");
string thumb_filename = build_thumbnail_path (uri);
uint slot = tile.substring (5, -1).to_int ();
string encoded;
try {
uint8[] thumb;
FileUtils.get_data (thumb_filename, out thumb);
encoded = Base64.encode (thumb);
catch (FileError error) {
encoded = null;
if (load_missing)
get_thumb (tile, uri);
markup.append_printf ("""
<div class="shortcut" id="%u"><div class="preview">
<a class="cross" href="#" onclick='clearShortcut("%u");'></a>
<a href="%s"><img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" title='%s'></a>
</div><div class="title" onclick='renameShortcut("%u");'>%s</div></div>
slot, slot, uri, encoded ?? "", title, slot, title ?? "");
else if (tile != "settings")
keyfile.remove_group (tile);
catch (KeyFileError error) { }
markup.append_printf ("""
<div class="shortcut" id="%u"><div class="preview new">
<a class="add" href="#" onclick='return getAction("%u");'></a>
</div><div class="title">%s</div></div>
slot_count + 1, slot_count + 1, _("Click to add a shortcut"));
markup.append_printf ("</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
html = markup.str;
html = "";
return html;
public void save_message (string message) throws Error {
string msg = message.substring (16, -1);
string[] parts = msg.split (" ", 4);
string action = parts[0];
if (action == "add" || action == "rename"
|| action == "delete" || action == "swap") {
uint slot_id = parts[1].to_int () ;
string dial_id = "Dial %u".printf (slot_id);
if (action == "delete") {
string uri = keyfile.get_string (dial_id, "uri");
string file_path = build_thumbnail_path (uri);
keyfile.remove_group (dial_id);
FileUtils.unlink (file_path);
else if (action == "add") {
keyfile.set_string (dial_id, "uri", parts[2]);
get_thumb (dial_id, parts[2]);
else if (action == "rename") {
uint offset = parts[0].length + parts[1].length + 2;
string title = msg.substring (offset, -1);
keyfile.set_string (dial_id, "title", title);
else if (action == "swap") {
uint slot2_id = parts[2].to_int ();
string dial2_id = "Dial %u".printf (slot2_id);
string uri = keyfile.get_string (dial_id, "uri");
string title = keyfile.get_string (dial_id, "title");
string uri2 = keyfile.get_string (dial2_id, "uri");
string title2 = keyfile.get_string (dial2_id, "title");
keyfile.set_string (dial_id, "uri", uri2);
keyfile.set_string (dial2_id, "uri", uri);
keyfile.set_string (dial_id, "title", title2);
keyfile.set_string (dial2_id, "title", title);
save ();
void save () {
html = null;
try {
FileUtils.set_contents (filename, keyfile.to_data ());
catch (Error error) {
critical ("Failed to update speed dial: %s", error.message);
refresh ();
void load_status (GLib.Object thumb_view_, ParamSpec pspec) {
if (thumb_view.load_status != WebKit.LoadStatus.FINISHED)
return_if_fail (spec != null);
var img = (thumb_view.parent as Gtk.OffscreenWindow).get_pixbuf ();
var pixbuf_scaled = img.scale_simple (240, 160, Gdk.InterpType.TILES);
img = pixbuf_scaled;
thumb_view.realize ();
var img = midori_view_web_view_get_snapshot (thumb_view, 240, 160);
unowned string title = thumb_view.get_title ();
add_with_id (spec.dial_id, spec.uri, title ?? spec.uri, img);
thumb_queue.remove (spec);
if (thumb_queue != null && thumb_queue.data != null) {
spec = thumb_queue.data;
thumb_view.load_uri (spec.uri);
/* disconnect_by_func (thumb_view, load_status) */;
void get_thumb (string dial_id, string uri) {
if (thumb_view == null) {
thumb_view = new WebKit.WebView ();
var settings = new WebKit.WebSettings ();
settings. set ("enable-scripts", false,
"enable-plugins", false,
"auto-load-images", true,
"enable-html5-database", false,
"enable-html5-local-storage", false);
if (settings.get_class ().find_property ("enable-java-applet") != null)
settings.set ("enable-java-applet", false);
thumb_view.settings = settings;
var offscreen = new Gtk.OffscreenWindow ();
offscreen.add (thumb_view);
thumb_view.set_size_request (800, 600);
offscreen.show_all ();
/* What we are doing here is a bit of a hack. In order to render a
thumbnail we need a new view and load the url in it. But it has
to be visible and packed in a container. So we secretly pack it
into the notebook of the parent browser. */
notebook.add (thumb_view);
thumb_view.destroy.connect (Gtk.widget_destroyed);
/* We use an empty label. It's not invisible but hard to spot. */
notebook.set_tab_label (thumb_view, new Gtk.EventBox ());
thumb_view.show ();
thumb_queue.append (new Spec (dial_id, uri));
if (thumb_queue.nth_data (1) != null)
spec = thumb_queue.data;
thumb_view.notify["load-status"].connect (load_status);
thumb_view.load_uri (spec.uri);