2012-09-09 22:34:33 +02:00

317 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (C) 2012 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
namespace Sokoke {
extern static bool show_uri (Gdk.Screen screen, string uri, uint32 timestamp) throws Error;
extern static bool message_dialog (Gtk.MessageType type, string short, string detailed, bool modal);
namespace Midori {
namespace Download {
public static bool is_finished (WebKit.Download download) {
switch (download.status) {
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.FINISHED:
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.CANCELLED:
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.ERROR:
return true;
return false;
public static int get_type (WebKit.Download download) {
return download.get_data<int> ("midori-download-type");
public static void set_type (WebKit.Download download, int type) {
download.set_data<int> ("midori-download-type", type);
public static double get_progress (WebKit.Download download) {
/* Avoid a bug in WebKit */
if (download.status == WebKit.DownloadStatus.CREATED)
return 0.0;
return download.progress;
public static string get_tooltip (WebKit.Download download) {
string filename = Path.get_basename (download.destination_uri);
/* i18n: Download tooltip (size): 4KB of 43MB */
string size = _("%s of %s").printf (
format_size (download.current_size),
format_size (download.total_size));
/* Finished, no speed or remaining time */
if (is_finished (download) || download.status == WebKit.DownloadStatus.CREATED)
return "%s\n%s".printf (filename, size);
uint64 total_size = download.total_size, current_size = download.current_size;
double elapsed = download.get_elapsed_time (),
diff = elapsed / current_size,
estimated = (total_size - current_size) * diff;
int hour = 3600, minute = 60;
int hours = (int)(estimated / hour),
minutes = (int)((estimated - (hours * hour)) / minute),
seconds = (int)((estimated - (hours * hour) - (minutes * minute)));
string hours_ = ngettext ("%d hour", "%d hours", hours).printf (hours);
string minutes_ = ngettext ("%d minute", "%d minutes", minutes).printf (minutes);
string seconds_ = ngettext ("%d second", "%d seconds", seconds).printf (seconds);
double last_time = download.get_data<int> ("last-time");
uint64 last_size = download.get_data<uint64> ("last-size");
string eta = "";
if (estimated > 0) {
if (hours > 0)
eta = hours_ + ", " + minutes_;
else if (minutes >= 10)
eta = minutes_;
else if (minutes < 10 && minutes > 0)
eta = minutes_ + ", " + seconds_;
else if (seconds > 0)
eta = seconds_;
if (eta != "")
/* i18n: Download tooltip (estimated time) : - 1 hour, 5 minutes remaning */
eta = _(" - %s remaining").printf (eta);
string speed;
if (elapsed != last_time) {
speed = format_size ((uint64)(
(current_size - last_size) / (elapsed - last_time)));
/* i18n: Unknown number of bytes, used for transfer rate like ?B/s */
speed = _("?B");
/* i18n: Download tooltip (transfer rate): (130KB/s) */
speed = _(" (%s/s)").printf (speed);
if (elapsed - last_time > 5.0) {
download.set_data<int> ("last-time", (int)elapsed);
download.set_data<uint64> ("last-size", current_size);
return "%s\n%s %s%s".printf (filename, size, speed, eta);
public static string get_content_type (WebKit.Download download, string? mime_type) {
string? content_type = ContentType.guess (download.suggested_filename, null, null);
if (content_type == null) {
content_type = ContentType.from_mime_type (mime_type);
if (content_type == null)
content_type = ContentType.from_mime_type ("application/octet-stream");
return content_type;
public static bool has_wrong_checksum (WebKit.Download download) {
int status = download.get_data<int> ("checksum-status");
if (status == 0) {
/* Link Fingerprint */
string? original_uri = download.network_request.get_data<string> ("midori-original-uri");
if (original_uri == null)
original_uri = download.get_uri ();
string? fingerprint;
ChecksumType checksum_type = URI.get_fingerprint (original_uri, out fingerprint, null);
/* By default, no wrong checksum */
status = 2;
if (fingerprint != null) {
try {
string filename = Filename.from_uri (download.destination_uri);
string contents;
size_t length;
bool y = FileUtils.get_contents (filename, out contents, out length);
string checksum = Checksum.compute_for_string (checksum_type, contents, length);
/* Checksums are case-insensitive */
if (!y || fingerprint.ascii_casecmp (checksum) != 0)
status = 1; /* wrong checksum */
catch (Error error) {
status = 1; /* wrong checksum */
download.set_data<int> ("checksum-status", status);
return status == 1;
public static bool action_clear (WebKit.Download download, Gtk.Widget widget) throws Error {
switch (download.status) {
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.CREATED:
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.STARTED:
download.cancel ();
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.FINISHED:
if (open (download, widget))
return true;
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.CANCELLED:
return true;
critical ("action_clear: %d", download.status);
warn_if_reached ();
return false;
public static string action_stock_id (WebKit.Download download) {
switch (download.status) {
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.CREATED:
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.STARTED:
return Gtk.Stock.CANCEL;
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.FINISHED:
if (has_wrong_checksum (download))
return Gtk.Stock.DIALOG_WARNING;
return Gtk.Stock.OPEN;
case WebKit.DownloadStatus.CANCELLED:
return Gtk.Stock.CLEAR;
critical ("action_stock_id: %d", download.status);
warn_if_reached ();
return Gtk.Stock.MISSING_IMAGE;
public static bool open (WebKit.Download download, Gtk.Widget widget) throws Error {
if (!has_wrong_checksum (download))
return Sokoke.show_uri (widget.get_screen (),
download.destination_uri, Gtk.get_current_event_time ());
Sokoke.message_dialog (Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
_("The downloaded file is erroneous."),
_("The checksum provided with the link did not match. This means the file is probably incomplete or was modified afterwards."),
return false;
public unowned string fallback_extension (string? extension, string mime_type) {
if (extension != null && extension[0] != '\0')
return extension;
if ("css" in mime_type)
return ".css";
if ("javascript" in mime_type)
return ".js";
if ("html" in mime_type)
return ".htm";
if ("plain" in mime_type)
return ".txt";
return "";
public string clean_filename (string filename) {
#if HAVE_WIN32
return filename.delimit ("/\\<>:\"|?*", '_');
return filename.delimit ("/", '_');
public string get_suggested_filename (WebKit.Download download) {
/* https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83161
https://d19vezwu8eufl6.cloudfront.net/nlp/slides%2F03-01-FormalizingNB.pdf */
return clean_filename (download.get_suggested_filename ());
public string get_filename_suggestion_for_uri (string mime_type, string uri) {
/* Try to provide a good default filename, UTF-8 encoded */
string filename = clean_filename (Soup.URI.decode (uri));
/* Take the rest of the URI if needed */
if (filename.has_suffix ("/") || uri.index_of_char ('.') == -1)
return Path.build_filename (filename, fallback_extension (null, mime_type));
return filename;
public static string? get_extension_for_uri (string uri, out string basename) {
if (&basename != null)
basename = null;
/* Find the last slash and the last period *after* the last slash. */
int last_slash = uri.last_index_of_char ('/');
/* Huh, URI without slashes? */
if (last_slash == -1)
return null;
int period = uri.last_index_of_char ('.', last_slash);
if (period == -1)
return null;
/* The extension, or "." if it ended with a period */
string extension = uri.substring (period, -1);
if (&basename != null)
basename = uri.substring (0, period);
return extension;
public string get_unique_filename (string filename) {
if (Posix.access (filename, Posix.F_OK) != 0) {
string basename;
string? extension = get_extension_for_uri (filename, out basename);
string? new_filename = null;
int i = -1;
do {
new_filename = "%s-%d%s".printf (basename, i++, extension ?? "");
} while (Posix.access (new_filename, Posix.F_OK) == 0);
return new_filename;
return filename;
public string prepare_destination_uri (WebKit.Download download, string? folder) {
string suggested_filename = get_suggested_filename (download);
string basename = File.new_for_uri (suggested_filename).get_basename ();
string download_dir;
if (folder == null) {
download_dir = Paths.get_tmp_dir ();
Katze.mkdir_with_parents (download_dir, 0700);
download_dir = folder;
string destination_filename = Path.build_filename (download_dir, basename);
try {
return Filename.to_uri (get_unique_filename (destination_filename));
catch (Error error) {
return "file://" + destination_filename;
public static bool has_enough_space (WebKit.Download download, string uri) {
var folder = File.new_for_uri (uri).get_parent ();
uint64 free_space;
try {
var info = folder.query_filesystem_info ("filesystem::free");
free_space = info.get_attribute_uint64 ("filesystem::free");
catch (Error error) {
free_space = 0;
bool can_write = Posix.access (folder.get_path (), Posix.F_OK) == 0;
if (free_space < download.total_size || !can_write) {
string message;
string detailed_message;
if (!can_write) {
message = _("The file \"%s\" can't be saved in this folder.").printf (
Path.get_basename (uri));
detailed_message = _("You don't have permission to write in this location.");
else if (free_space < download.total_size) {
message = _("There is not enough free space to download \"%s\".").printf (
Path.get_basename (uri));
detailed_message = _("The file needs %s but only %s are left.").printf (
format_size (download.total_size), format_size (free_space));
assert_not_reached ();
Sokoke.message_dialog (Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, message, detailed_message, false);
return false;
return true;