2012-09-02 21:14:49 +02:00

139 lines
5.5 KiB

Copyright (C) 2012 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
namespace Midori {
public class HSTS : GLib.Object, Soup.SessionFeature {
public class Directive {
public Soup.Date? expires = null;
public bool sub_domains = false;
public Directive (bool include_sub_domains) {
expires = new Soup.Date.from_now (int.MAX);
sub_domains = include_sub_domains;
public Directive.from_header (string header) {
var param_list = Soup.header_parse_param_list (header);
string? max_age = param_list.lookup ("max-age");
if (max_age != null)
expires = new Soup.Date.from_now (max_age.to_int ());
if (param_list.lookup_extended ("includeSubDomains", null, null))
sub_domains = true;
Soup.header_free_param_list (param_list);
public bool is_valid () {
return expires != null && !expires.is_past ();
File file;
HashTable<string, Directive> whitelist;
bool debug = false;
public HSTS (owned string filename) {
whitelist = new HashTable<string, Directive> (str_hash, str_equal);
read_cache (File.new_for_path (Paths.get_config_filename (null, "hsts")));
file = File.new_for_path (filename);
read_cache (file);
if (strcmp (Environment.get_variable ("MIDORI_DEBUG"), "hsts") == 0)
debug = true;
async void read_cache (File file) {
try {
var stream = new DataInputStream (yield file.read_async ());
do {
string? line = yield stream.read_line_async ();
if (line == null)
string[] parts = line.split (" ", 2);
if (parts[0] == null || parts[1] == null)
var directive = new Directive.from_header (parts[1]);
if (directive.is_valid ())
append_to_whitelist (parts[0], directive);
} while (true);
catch (Error error) { }
/* No sub-features */
public bool add_feature (Type type) { return false; }
public bool remove_feature (Type type) { return false; }
public bool has_feature (Type type) { return false; }
public void attach (Soup.Session session) { session.request_queued.connect (queued); }
public void detach (Soup.Session session) { /* FIXME disconnect */ }
/* Never called but required by the interface */
public void request_started (Soup.Session session, Soup.Message msg, Soup.Socket socket) { }
public void request_queued (Soup.Session session, Soup.Message message) { }
public void request_unqueued (Soup.Session session, Soup.Message msg) { }
bool should_secure_host (string host) {
Directive? directive = whitelist.lookup (host);
if (directive == null)
directive = whitelist.lookup ("*." + host);
return directive != null && directive.is_valid ();
void queued (Soup.Session session, Soup.Message message) {
if (should_secure_host (message.uri.host)) {
message.uri.set_scheme ("https");
session.requeue_message (message);
if (debug)
stdout.printf ("HSTS: Enforce %s\n", message.uri.host);
else if (message.uri.scheme == "http")
message.finished.connect (strict_transport_security_handled);
void append_to_whitelist (string host, Directive directive) {
whitelist.insert (host, directive);
if (directive.sub_domains)
whitelist.insert ("*." + host, directive);
async void append_to_cache (string host, string header) {
if (Midori.Paths.is_readonly ())
try {
var stream = file.append_to/* FIXME _async*/ (FileCreateFlags.NONE);
yield stream.write_async ((host + " " + header + "\n").data);
yield stream.flush_async ();
catch (Error error) {
critical ("Failed to update %s: %s", file.get_path (), error.message);
void strict_transport_security_handled (Soup.Message message) {
if (message == null || message.uri == null)
unowned string? hsts = message.response_headers.get_one ("Strict-Transport-Security");
if (hsts == null)
var directive = new Directive.from_header (hsts);
if (directive.is_valid ()) {
append_to_whitelist (message.uri.host, directive);
append_to_cache (message.uri.host, hsts);
if (debug)
stdout.printf ("HSTS: '%s' sets '%s' valid? %s\n",
message.uri.host, hsts, directive.is_valid ().to_string ());