MIDORI_VERSION_SUFFIX resolves to a string that needs to be added to each extension's version at build time. If it is different than the running Midori's, it is shown in the extension list.
590 lines
22 KiB
590 lines
22 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 André Stösel <andre@stoesel.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
using Gtk;
using Gdk;
using WebKit;
using Midori;
namespace HistoryList {
enum TabTreeCells {
enum TabClosingBehavior {
enum TabClosingBehaviorModel {
private abstract class HistoryWindow : Gtk.Window {
public Midori.Browser browser { get; construct set; }
protected Gtk.TreeView? treeview = null;
public HistoryWindow (Midori.Browser browser) {
GLib.Object (type: Gtk.WindowType.POPUP,
window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER,
browser: browser);
public virtual void walk (int step) {
Gtk.TreePath? path;
Gtk.TreeViewColumn? column;
this.treeview.get_cursor (out path, out column);
unowned int[] indices = path.get_indices ();
int new_index = indices[0] + step;
var model = this.treeview.get_model () as Gtk.ListStore;
int length = model.iter_n_children(null);
while (new_index < 0 || new_index >= length)
new_index = new_index < 0 ? length + new_index : new_index - length;
path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_indices (new_index);
this.treeview.set_cursor (path, column, false);
public abstract void make_update ();
public abstract void clean_up ();
private class TabWindow : HistoryWindow {
protected Gtk.HBox? hbox;
protected Gtk.VBox? vbox;
protected bool is_dirty = false;
protected void store_append_row (GLib.PtrArray list, Gtk.ListStore store, out Gtk.TreeIter iter) {
for (var i = list.len; i > 0; i--) {
Midori.View view = list.index (i - 1) as Midori.View;
Gdk.Pixbuf? icon = null;
view.get ("icon", ref icon);
unowned string title = view.get_display_title ();
store.append (out iter);
store.set (iter, TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_PIXBUF, icon,
TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_STRING, title,
TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_POINTER, view);
protected virtual void insert_rows (Gtk.ListStore store) {
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
unowned GLib.PtrArray list = this.browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history");
unowned GLib.PtrArray list_new = this.browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history-new");
store_append_row (list, store, out iter);
store_append_row (list_new, store, out iter);
public TabWindow (Midori.Browser browser) {
base (browser);
this.vbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 1);
this.add (this.vbox);
this.hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 1);
var sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null);
sw.set_policy (PolicyType.NEVER , PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
sw.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.ETCHED_IN);
this.hbox.pack_start (sw, true, true, 0);
var store = new Gtk.ListStore (TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_COUNT,
typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof (string), typeof (void*));
this.insert_rows (store);
this.vbox.pack_start (this.hbox, true, true, 0);
this.treeview = new Gtk.TreeView.with_model (store);
sw.add (treeview);
this.treeview.set_model (store);
this.treeview.set ("headers-visible", false);
this.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes (
-1, "Icon",
new CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_PIXBUF);
this.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes (
-1, "Title",
new CellRendererText (), "text", TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_STRING);
Requisition requisition;
int height;
int max_lines = 10;
requisition = Requisition();
this.treeview.get_preferred_width(out requisition.width, null);
this.treeview.get_preferred_height(out requisition.height, null);
this.treeview.size_request (out requisition);
int length = store.iter_n_children(null);
if (length > max_lines) {
height = requisition.height / length * max_lines + 2;
} else {
height = requisition.height + 2;
sw.set_size_request (320, height);
this.show_all ();
public override void make_update () {
this.is_dirty = true;
Gtk.TreePath? path;
Gtk.TreeViewColumn? column;
this.treeview.get_cursor (out path, out column);
var model = this.treeview.get_model () as Gtk.ListStore;
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
unowned Midori.View? view = null;
model.get_iter (out iter, path);
model.get (iter, TabTreeCells.TREE_CELL_POINTER, out view);
this.browser.set ("tab", view);
public override void clean_up () {
if(this.is_dirty) {
Gtk.TreePath? path;
Gtk.TreeViewColumn? column;
this.treeview.get_cursor (out path, out column);
path = new Gtk.TreePath.from_indices (0);
this.treeview.set_cursor (path, column, false);
this.make_update ();
this.is_dirty = false;
private class NewTabWindow : TabWindow {
protected bool old_tabs = false;
protected bool first_step = true;
protected override void insert_rows (Gtk.ListStore store) {
Gtk.TreeIter iter;
unowned GLib.PtrArray list = this.browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history-new");
store_append_row (list, store, out iter);
if ((int)list.len == 0) {
this.old_tabs = true;
var label = new Gtk.Label (_("There are no unvisited tabs"));
this.vbox.pack_start (label, true, true, 0);
unowned GLib.PtrArray list_old = this.browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history");
store_append_row (list_old, store, out iter);
public override void walk (int step) {
if (this.first_step == false || step != 1) {
base.walk (step);
this.first_step = false;
public override void clean_up () {
if(this.is_dirty) {
if(this.old_tabs) {
base.clean_up ();
} else {
unowned GLib.PtrArray list = this.browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history");
Midori.View view = list.index (list.len - 1) as Midori.View;
this.browser.set ("tab", view);
public NewTabWindow (Midori.Browser browser) {
base (browser);
private class PreferencesDialog : Dialog {
protected Manager hl_manager;
protected ComboBox closing_behavior;
public PreferencesDialog (Manager manager) {
this.hl_manager = manager;
this.title = _("Preferences for %s").printf( _("History-List"));
if (this.get_class ().find_property ("has-separator") != null)
this.set ("has-separator", false);
this.border_width = 5;
this.set_modal (true);
this.set_default_size (350, 100);
this.create_widgets ();
this.response.connect (response_cb);
private void response_cb (Dialog source, int response_id) {
switch (response_id) {
case ResponseType.APPLY:
int value;
TreeIter iter;
this.closing_behavior.get_active_iter (out iter);
var model = this.closing_behavior.get_model ();
model.get (iter, TabClosingBehaviorModel.VALUE, out value);
this.hl_manager.set_integer ("TabClosingBehavior", value);
this.hl_manager.preferences_changed ();
this.destroy ();
case ResponseType.CANCEL:
this.destroy ();
private void create_widgets () {
ListStore model;
TreeIter iter;
TreeIter? active_iter = null;
var table = new Table (1, 2, true);
var renderer = new CellRendererText ();
var label = new Label ( _("Tab closing behavior"));
table.attach_defaults (label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
var tab_closing_behavior = this.hl_manager.get_integer ("TabClosingBehavior");
model = new ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (int));
model.append (out iter);
model.set (iter, TabClosingBehaviorModel.TEXT, _("Do nothing"),
TabClosingBehaviorModel.VALUE, TabClosingBehavior.NONE);
if (TabClosingBehavior.NONE == tab_closing_behavior)
active_iter = iter;
model.append (out iter);
model.set (iter, TabClosingBehaviorModel.TEXT, _("Switch to last viewed tab"),
TabClosingBehaviorModel.VALUE, TabClosingBehavior.LAST);
if (TabClosingBehavior.LAST == tab_closing_behavior)
active_iter = iter;
model.append (out iter);
model.set (iter, TabClosingBehaviorModel.TEXT, _("Switch to newest tab"),
TabClosingBehaviorModel.VALUE, TabClosingBehavior.NEW);
if (TabClosingBehavior.NEW == tab_closing_behavior)
active_iter = iter;
this.closing_behavior = new ComboBox.with_model (model);
this.closing_behavior.set_active_iter (active_iter);
this.closing_behavior.pack_start (renderer, true);
this.closing_behavior.set_attributes (renderer, "text", 0);
table.attach_defaults (this.closing_behavior, 1, 2, 0, 1);
(get_content_area() as Gtk.Box).pack_start (table, false, true, 0);
this.vbox.pack_start (table, false, true, 0);
this.add_button (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, ResponseType.CANCEL);
this.add_button (Gtk.STOCK_APPLY, ResponseType.APPLY);
this.show_all ();
private class Manager : Midori.Extension {
public signal void preferences_changed ();
protected uint escKeyval;
protected uint modifier_count;
protected int closing_behavior;
protected HistoryWindow? history_window;
protected ulong[] tmp_sig_ids = new ulong[2];
protected bool ignoreNextChange = false;
public void preferences_changed_cb () {
this.closing_behavior = this.get_integer ("TabClosingBehavior");
public bool key_press (Gdk.EventKey event_key) {
if (event_key.is_modifier > 0) {
return false;
public bool key_release (Gdk.EventKey event_key, Browser browser) {
if (event_key.is_modifier > 0) {
if (this.modifier_count == 0 || event_key.keyval == this.escKeyval) {
browser.disconnect (this.tmp_sig_ids[0]);
browser.disconnect (this.tmp_sig_ids[1]);
if (this.modifier_count == 0) {
this.history_window.make_update ();
} else {
this.modifier_count = 0;
this.history_window.clean_up ();
this.history_window.destroy ();
this.history_window = null;
return false;
public void walk (Gtk.Action action, Browser browser, Type type, int step) {
Midori.View? view = null;
view = browser.get_data<Midori.View?> ("history-list-last-change");
if (view != null) {
this.tab_list_resort (browser, view);
browser.set_data<Midori.View?> ("history-list-last-change", null);
if (this.history_window == null || this.history_window.get_type () != type) {
if (this.history_window == null) {
this.modifier_count = Midori.Sokoke.gtk_action_count_modifiers (action);
this.tmp_sig_ids[0] = browser.key_press_event.connect ((ek) => {
return this.key_press (ek);
this.tmp_sig_ids[1] = browser.key_release_event.connect ((ek) => {
return this.key_release (ek, browser);
} else {
this.history_window.destroy ();
this.history_window = null;
Bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=618750
Code: this.history_window = (Gtk.Window) GLib.Object.new (type);
if (type == typeof (TabWindow)) {
this.history_window = new TabWindow (browser);
} else if (type == typeof (NewTabWindow)) {
this.history_window = new NewTabWindow (browser);
var hw = this.history_window as HistoryWindow;
hw.walk (step);
public void special_function (Gtk.Action action, Browser browser) {
if (this.history_window != null) {
this.ignoreNextChange = true;
this.history_window.make_update ();
void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) {
ulong sidTabNext, sidTabPrevious;
var acg = new Gtk.AccelGroup ();
browser.add_accel_group (acg);
var action_group = browser.get_action_group ();
Gtk.Action action;
action = action_group.get_action ("TabNext");
browser.block_action (action);
sidTabNext = action.activate.connect ((a) => {
this.walk (a, browser, typeof (TabWindow), 1);
action = action_group.get_action ("TabPrevious");
browser.block_action (action);
sidTabPrevious = action.activate.connect ((a) => {
this.walk (a, browser, typeof (TabWindow), -1);
action = new Gtk.Action ("HistoryListNextNewTab",
_("Next new Tab (History List)"),
_("Next new tab from history"), null);
action.activate.connect ((a) => {
this.walk (a, browser, typeof (NewTabWindow), 1);
action_group.add_action_with_accel (action, "<Ctrl>1");
action.set_accel_group (acg);
action.connect_accelerator ();
action = new Gtk.Action ("HistoryListPreviousNewTab",
_("Previous new Tab (History List)"),
_("Previous new tab from history"), null);
action.activate.connect ((a) => {
this.walk (a, browser, typeof (NewTabWindow), -1);
action_group.add_action_with_accel (action, "<Ctrl>2");
action.set_accel_group (acg);
action.connect_accelerator ();
action = new Gtk.Action ("HistoryListSpecialFunction",
_("Display tab in background (History List)"),
_("Display the current selected tab in background"), null);
action.activate.connect ((a) => {
this.special_function (a, browser);
action_group.add_action_with_accel (action, "<Ctrl>3");
action.set_accel_group (acg);
action.connect_accelerator ();
browser.set_data<ulong> ("history-list-sid-tab-next", sidTabNext);
browser.set_data<ulong> ("history-list-sid-tab-previous", sidTabPrevious);
browser.set_data<GLib.PtrArray*> ("history-list-tab-history",
new GLib.PtrArray ());
browser.set_data<GLib.PtrArray*> ("history-list-tab-history-new",
new GLib.PtrArray ());
browser.set_data<Midori.View?> ("history-list-last-change", null);
foreach (var tab in browser.get_tabs ())
tab_added (browser, tab);
browser.add_tab.connect (tab_added);
browser.remove_tab.connect (tab_removed);
browser.notify["tab"].connect (this.tab_changed);
void browser_removed (Midori.Browser browser) {
string[] callbacks = { "HistoryListNextNewTab", "HistoryListPreviousNewTab",
"HistoryListSpecialFunction" };
ulong sidTabNext, sidTabPrevious;
sidTabNext = browser.get_data<ulong> ("history-list-sid-tab-next");
sidTabPrevious = browser.get_data<ulong> ("history-list-sid-tab-previous");
Gtk.Action action;
Gtk.ActionGroup action_group;
action_group = browser.get_action_group ();
action = action_group.get_action ("TabNext");
action.disconnect (sidTabNext);
browser.unblock_action (action);
action = action_group.get_action ("TabPrevious");
action.disconnect (sidTabPrevious);
browser.unblock_action (action);
for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
action = action_group.get_action (callbacks[i]);
if (action != null)
action_group.remove_action (action);
browser.add_tab.disconnect (tab_added);
browser.remove_tab.disconnect (tab_removed);
browser.notify["tab"].disconnect (this.tab_changed);
void tab_added (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) {
unowned GLib.PtrArray list = browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history-new");
list.add (view);
void tab_removed (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) {
unowned GLib.PtrArray list = browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history");
unowned GLib.PtrArray list_new = browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history-new");
list.remove (view);
list_new.remove (view);
if (this.closing_behavior == TabClosingBehavior.LAST || this.closing_behavior == TabClosingBehavior.NEW) {
browser.set_data<Midori.View?> ("history-list-last-change", null);
if ((int) list.len > 0 || (int) list_new.len > 0) {
TabWindow hw;
if (this.closing_behavior == TabClosingBehavior.LAST)
hw = new TabWindow (browser);
hw = new NewTabWindow (browser);
hw.make_update ();
hw.destroy ();
void tab_changed (GLib.Object window, GLib.ParamSpec pspec) {
if(this.ignoreNextChange) {
this.ignoreNextChange = false;
} else {
Midori.Browser browser = window as Midori.Browser;
Midori.View view = null;
Midori.View last_view = null;
browser.get ("tab", ref view);
last_view = browser.get_data<Midori.View?> ("history-list-last-change");
if (last_view != null) {
this.tab_list_resort (browser, last_view);
browser.set_data<Midori.View?> ("history-list-last-change", view);
void tab_list_resort (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) {
unowned GLib.PtrArray list = browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history");
unowned GLib.PtrArray list_new = browser.get_data<GLib.PtrArray> ("history-list-tab-history-new");
list.remove (view);
list_new.remove (view);
list.add (view);
void activated (Midori.App app) {
this.preferences_changed ();
foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
browser_added (browser);
app.add_browser.connect (browser_added);
void deactivated () {
var app = get_app ();
foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
browser_removed (browser);
app.add_browser.disconnect (browser_added);
void show_preferences () {
var dialog = new PreferencesDialog (this);
dialog.show ();
internal Manager () {
GLib.Object (name: _("History List"),
description: _("Move to the last used tab when switching or closing tabs"),
version: "0.4" + Midori.VERSION_SUFFIX,
authors: "André Stösel <andre@stoesel.de>");
this.install_integer ("TabClosingBehavior", TabClosingBehavior.LAST);
this.activate.connect (activated);
this.deactivate.connect (deactivated);
this.open_preferences.connect (show_preferences);
this.preferences_changed.connect (preferences_changed_cb);
construct {
this.escKeyval = Gdk.keyval_from_name ("Escape");
public Midori.Extension extension_init () {
return new HistoryList.Manager ();