2012-09-17 19:26:56 +02:00

59 lines
2.1 KiB

Copyright (C) 2012 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
struct TestCase {
public string data;
public string? expected;
const TestCase[] filenames = {
{ "/tmp/midori-user/tumblr123.jpg", ".jpg" },
{ "https://green.cat/8019B6/a.b/500.jpg", ".jpg" },
{ "http://example.com/file.png", ".png" }
static void download_extension () {
foreach (var filename in filenames) {
string? result = Midori.Download.get_extension_for_uri (filename.data);
Katze.assert_str_equal (filename.data, result, filename.expected);
static void download_unique () {
string folder = DirUtils.make_tmp ("cacheXXXXXX");
string filename = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, folder, "foo.png");
string unique = Midori.Download.get_unique_filename (filename);
Katze.assert_str_equal (folder, unique, filename);
FileUtils.set_contents (filename, "12345");
unique = Midori.Download.get_unique_filename (filename);
filename = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, folder, "foo-0.png");
Katze.assert_str_equal (folder, unique, filename);
FileUtils.set_contents (filename, "12345");
unique = Midori.Download.get_unique_filename (filename);
filename = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, folder, "foo-1.png");
Katze.assert_str_equal (folder, unique, filename);
filename = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, folder, "foo-9.png");
FileUtils.set_contents (filename, "12345");
unique = Midori.Download.get_unique_filename (filename);
filename = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, folder, "foo-10.png");
Katze.assert_str_equal (folder, unique, filename);
DirUtils.remove (folder);
void main (string[] args) {
Test.init (ref args);
Test.add_func ("/download/extension", download_extension);
Test.add_func ("/download/unique", download_unique);
Test.run ();