Christian Dywan 6931025617 Introduce --private/ -p distinct from --app/ -a
Private mode gets a particular window title, always defaults
to reading the default config folder but never saves data.

App mode applies a custom window layout with no toolbars
and using the page icon as the window icon.

From now on private and app are independant modes, so apps
can save data if config is given. Both can also be combined.
2011-04-04 23:45:45 +02:00

2205 lines
64 KiB

Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
Copyright (C) 2009 Dale Whittaker <dayul@users.sf.net>
Copyright (C) 2009 Alexander Butenko <a.butenka@gmail.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the file COPYING for the full license text.
#include "sokoke.h"
#include <config.h>
#include "midori-stock.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <glib/gprintf.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <stringprep.h>
#include <punycode.h>
#include <idna.h>
#include <hildon/hildon-file-chooser-dialog.h>
#include <libosso.h>
#include <hildon/hildon.h>
#include <hildon-mime.h>
#include <hildon-uri.h>
#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 12, 0)
gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip (GtkWidget* widget,
gboolean has_tooltip)
/* Do nothing */
gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GtkWidget* widget,
const gchar* text)
if (text && *text)
static GtkTooltips* tooltips = NULL;
if (G_UNLIKELY (!tooltips))
tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new ();
gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, widget, text, NULL);
gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text (GtkToolItem* toolitem,
const gchar* text)
if (text && *text)
static GtkTooltips* tooltips = NULL;
if (G_UNLIKELY (!tooltips))
tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new ();
gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip (toolitem, tooltips, text, NULL);
static gchar*
sokoke_js_string_utf8 (JSStringRef js_string)
size_t size_utf8;
gchar* string_utf8;
g_return_val_if_fail (js_string, NULL);
size_utf8 = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize (js_string);
string_utf8 = g_new (gchar, size_utf8);
JSStringGetUTF8CString (js_string, string_utf8, size_utf8);
return string_utf8;
sokoke_js_script_eval (JSContextRef js_context,
const gchar* script,
gchar** exception)
gchar* value;
JSStringRef js_value_string;
g_return_val_if_fail (js_context, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (script, FALSE);
JSStringRef js_script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString (script);
JSValueRef js_exception = NULL;
JSValueRef js_value = JSEvaluateScript (js_context, js_script,
JSContextGetGlobalObject (js_context), NULL, 0, &js_exception);
JSStringRelease (js_script);
if (!js_value)
JSStringRef js_message = JSValueToStringCopy (js_context,
js_exception, NULL);
value = sokoke_js_string_utf8 (js_message);
if (exception)
*exception = value;
g_warning ("%s", value);
g_free (value);
JSStringRelease (js_message);
return NULL;
js_value_string = JSValueToStringCopy (js_context, js_value, NULL);
value = sokoke_js_string_utf8 (js_value_string);
JSStringRelease (js_value_string);
return value;
static void
sokoke_message_dialog_response_cb (GtkWidget* dialog,
gint response,
gpointer data)
gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
sokoke_message_dialog (GtkMessageType message_type,
const gchar* short_message,
const gchar* detailed_message,
gboolean modal)
GtkWidget* dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (
NULL, 0, message_type,
"%s", short_message);
gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog),
"%s", detailed_message);
if (modal)
gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
G_CALLBACK (sokoke_message_dialog_response_cb), NULL);
gtk_widget_show (dialog);
* sokoke_show_uri_with_mime_type:
* @screen: a #GdkScreen, or %NULL
* @uri: the URI to show
* @mime_type: a MIME type
* @timestamp: the timestamp of the event
* @error: the location of a #GError, or %NULL
* Shows the specified URI with an appropriate application,
* as though it had the specified MIME type.
* On Maemo, hildon_mime_open_file_with_mime_type() is used.
* See also: sokoke_show_uri().
* Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if an error occurred
sokoke_show_uri_with_mime_type (GdkScreen* screen,
const gchar* uri,
const gchar* mime_type,
guint32 timestamp,
GError** error)
gboolean success;
osso_context_t* osso;
DBusConnection* dbus;
osso = osso_initialize (PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, FALSE, NULL);
if (!osso)
g_print ("Failed to initialize libosso\n");
return FALSE;
dbus = (DBusConnection *) osso_get_dbus_connection (osso);
if (!dbus)
osso_deinitialize (osso);
g_print ("Failed to get dbus connection from osso context\n");
return FALSE;
success = (hildon_mime_open_file_with_mime_type (dbus,
uri, mime_type) == 1);
osso_deinitialize (osso);
GFile* file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
gchar* content_type;
GAppInfo* app_info;
GList* files;
gpointer context;
content_type = g_content_type_from_mime_type (mime_type);
app_info = g_app_info_get_default_for_type (content_type,
!g_str_has_prefix (uri, "file://"));
g_free (content_type);
files = g_list_prepend (NULL, file);
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 14, 0)
context = gdk_app_launch_context_new ();
gdk_app_launch_context_set_screen (context, screen);
gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (context, timestamp);
context = g_app_launch_context_new ();
success = g_app_info_launch (app_info, files, context, error);
g_object_unref (app_info);
g_list_free (files);
g_object_unref (file);
return success;
static void
sokoke_open_with_response_cb (GtkWidget* dialog,
gint response,
GtkEntry* entry)
if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
const gchar* command = gtk_entry_get_text (entry);
const gchar* uri = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "uri");
sokoke_spawn_program (command, uri);
gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
static GAppInfo*
sokoke_default_for_uri (const gchar* uri,
gchar** scheme_ptr)
gchar* scheme;
GAppInfo* info;
scheme = g_uri_parse_scheme (uri);
if (scheme_ptr != NULL)
*scheme_ptr = scheme;
if (!scheme)
return NULL;
info = g_app_info_get_default_for_uri_scheme (scheme);
#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 28, 0)
if (!info)
gchar* type = g_strdup_printf ("x-scheme-handler/%s", scheme);
info = g_app_info_get_default_for_type (type, FALSE);
g_free (type);
if (info != NULL && scheme_ptr != NULL)
g_free (scheme);
return info;
* sokoke_show_uri:
* @screen: a #GdkScreen, or %NULL
* @uri: the URI to show
* @timestamp: the timestamp of the event
* @error: the location of a #GError, or %NULL
* Shows the specified URI with an appropriate application. This
* supports xdg-open, exo-open and gnome-open as fallbacks if
* GIO doesn't do the trick.
* x-scheme-handler is supported for GLib < 2.28 as of 0.3.3.
* On Maemo, hildon_uri_open() is used.
* Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if an error occurred
sokoke_show_uri (GdkScreen* screen,
const gchar* uri,
guint32 timestamp,
GError** error)
HildonURIAction* action = hildon_uri_get_default_action_by_uri (uri, NULL);
return hildon_uri_open (uri, action, error);
#elif defined (G_OS_WIN32)
const gchar* fallbacks [] = { "explorer" };
gsize i;
GAppInfo *app_info;
GFile *file;
gchar *free_uri;
g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen) || !screen, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (!error || !*error, FALSE);
file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
app_info = g_file_query_default_handler (file, NULL, error);
if (app_info != NULL)
GdkAppLaunchContext *context;
gboolean result;
GList l;
context = gdk_app_launch_context_new ();
gdk_app_launch_context_set_screen (context, screen);
gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (context, timestamp);
l.data = (char *)file;
l.next = l.prev = NULL;
result = g_app_info_launch (app_info, &l, (GAppLaunchContext*)context, error);
g_object_unref (context);
g_object_unref (app_info);
g_object_unref (file);
if (result)
return TRUE;
g_object_unref (file);
free_uri = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, NULL);
if (free_uri)
gchar *quoted = g_shell_quote (free_uri);
uri = quoted;
g_free (free_uri);
free_uri = quoted;
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (fallbacks); i++)
gchar* command = g_strconcat (fallbacks[i], " ", uri, NULL);
gboolean result = g_spawn_command_line_async (command, error);
g_free (command);
if (result)
g_free (free_uri);
return TRUE;
if (error)
*error = NULL;
g_free (free_uri);
return FALSE;
#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 28, 0)
GAppInfo* info;
gchar* scheme;
const gchar* fallbacks [] = { "xdg-open", "exo-open", "gnome-open" };
gsize i;
GtkWidget* dialog;
GtkWidget* box;
gchar* filename;
gchar* ms;
GtkWidget* entry;
g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen) || !screen, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (!error || !*error, FALSE);
sokoke_recursive_fork_protection (uri, TRUE);
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 14, 0)
if (gtk_show_uri (screen, uri, timestamp, error))
return TRUE;
if (g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri (uri, NULL, NULL))
return TRUE;
#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 28, 0)
info = sokoke_default_for_uri (uri, &scheme);
if (info)
gchar* argument = g_strdup (&uri[scheme - uri]);
GList* uris = g_list_prepend (NULL, argument);
if (g_app_info_launch_uris (info, uris, NULL, NULL))
g_list_free (uris);
g_free (scheme);
g_object_unref (info);
return TRUE;
g_list_free (uris);
g_free (scheme);
g_object_unref (info);
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (fallbacks); i++)
gchar* command = g_strconcat (fallbacks[i], " ", uri, NULL);
gboolean result = g_spawn_command_line_async (command, error);
g_free (command);
if (result)
return TRUE;
if (error)
*error = NULL;
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Open with"), NULL, 0,
box = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, "file:///"))
filename = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, NULL);
filename = g_strdup (uri);
ms = g_strdup_printf (_("Choose an application or command to open \"%s\":"),
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), gtk_label_new (ms), TRUE, FALSE, 4);
g_free (ms);
entry = gtk_entry_new ();
gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (entry), TRUE);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), entry, TRUE, FALSE, 4);
g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
G_CALLBACK (sokoke_open_with_response_cb), entry);
g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dialog), "uri",
filename, (GDestroyNotify)g_free);
gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
gtk_widget_grab_focus (entry);
return TRUE;
sokoke_spawn_program (const gchar* command,
const gchar* argument)
GError* error;
g_return_val_if_fail (command != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (argument != NULL, FALSE);
if (!g_strstr_len (argument, 8, "://")
&& !g_str_has_prefix (argument, "about:"))
gboolean success;
osso_context_t* osso;
DBusConnection* dbus;
osso = osso_initialize (PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, FALSE, NULL);
if (!osso)
sokoke_message_dialog (GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
_("Could not run external program."),
"Failed to initialize libosso", FALSE);
return FALSE;
dbus = (DBusConnection *) osso_get_dbus_connection (osso);
if (!dbus)
osso_deinitialize (osso);
sokoke_message_dialog (GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
_("Could not run external program."),
"Failed to get dbus connection from osso context", FALSE);
return FALSE;
error = NULL;
/* FIXME: This is not correct, find a proper way to do this */
success = (osso_application_top (osso, command, argument) == OSSO_OK);
osso_deinitialize (osso);
GAppInfo* info;
GFile* file;
GList* files;
info = g_app_info_create_from_commandline (command,
file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (argument);
files = g_list_append (NULL, file);
error = NULL;
success = g_app_info_launch (info, files, NULL, &error);
g_object_unref (file);
g_list_free (files);
if (!success)
sokoke_message_dialog (GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
_("Could not run external program."),
error ? error->message : "", FALSE);
if (error)
g_error_free (error);
return FALSE;
/* FIXME: Implement Hildon specific version */
gchar* uri_format;
gchar* argument_quoted;
gchar* command_ready;
gchar** argv;
if ((uri_format = strstr (command, "%u")))
uri_format[1] = 's';
argument_quoted = g_shell_quote (argument);
if (strstr (command, "%s"))
command_ready = g_strdup_printf (command, argument_quoted);
command_ready = g_strconcat (command, " ", argument_quoted, NULL);
g_free (argument_quoted);
error = NULL;
if (!g_shell_parse_argv (command_ready, NULL, &argv, &error))
sokoke_message_dialog (GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
_("Could not run external program."),
error->message, FALSE);
g_error_free (error);
g_free (command_ready);
return FALSE;
g_free (command_ready);
error = NULL;
if (!g_spawn_async (NULL, argv, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, &error))
sokoke_message_dialog (GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,
_("Could not run external program."),
error->message, FALSE);
g_error_free (error);
g_strfreev (argv);
return TRUE;
sokoke_spawn_app (const gchar* uri,
gboolean private)
const gchar* executable = sokoke_get_argv (NULL)[0];
/* "midori"
"c:/Program Files/Midori/bin/midori.exe" */
gchar* quoted = g_shell_quote (executable);
gchar* command;
if (private)
command = g_strconcat (quoted, " -c ", sokoke_set_config_dir (NULL),
" -p", NULL);
command = g_strconcat (quoted, " -a", NULL);
g_free (quoted);
sokoke_spawn_program (command, uri);
g_free (command);
* sokoke_hostname_from_uri:
* @uri: an URI string
* @path: location of a string, or %NULL
* Returns the hostname of the specified URI.
* If there is a path, it is stored in @path.
* Return value: a newly allocated hostname
sokoke_hostname_from_uri (const gchar* uri,
gchar** path)
gchar* hostname;
if ((hostname = strchr (uri, '/')))
gchar* pathname;
if (hostname[1] == '/')
hostname += 2;
if ((pathname = strchr (hostname, '/')))
if (path != NULL)
*path = pathname;
return g_strndup (hostname, pathname - hostname);
return g_strdup (hostname);
return g_strdup (uri);
* sokoke_hostname_to_ascii:
* @uri: an URI string
* The specified hostname is encoded if it is not ASCII.
* If no IDN support is available at compile time,
* the hostname will be returned unaltered.
* Return value: a newly allocated hostname
static gchar*
sokoke_hostname_to_ascii (const gchar* hostname)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_27_90
return g_hostname_to_ascii (hostname);
uint32_t* q;
char* encoded;
int rc;
if ((q = stringprep_utf8_to_ucs4 (hostname, -1, NULL)))
rc = idna_to_ascii_4z (q, &encoded, IDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);
free (q);
if (rc == IDNA_SUCCESS)
return encoded;
return g_strdup (hostname);
* sokoke_uri_to_ascii:
* @uri: an URI string
* The specified URI is parsed and the hostname
* part of it is encoded if it is not ASCII.
* If no IDN support is available at compile time,
* the URI will be returned unaltered.
* Return value: a newly allocated URI
sokoke_uri_to_ascii (const gchar* uri)
gchar* proto = NULL;
gchar* path = NULL;
gchar* hostname;
gchar* encoded;
if (strchr (uri, '/') && (proto = strchr (uri, ':')))
gulong offset;
gchar* buffer;
offset = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (uri, proto);
buffer = g_malloc0 (offset + 1);
g_utf8_strncpy (buffer, uri, offset);
proto = buffer;
hostname = sokoke_hostname_from_uri (uri, &path);
encoded = sokoke_hostname_to_ascii (hostname);
if (encoded)
gchar* res = g_strconcat (proto ? proto : "", proto ? "://" : "",
encoded, path, NULL);
g_free (encoded);
return res;
g_free (hostname);
return g_strdup (uri);
static gchar*
sokoke_idn_to_punycode (gchar* uri)
gchar* result = sokoke_uri_to_ascii (uri);
g_free (uri);
return result;
return uri;
* sokoke_search_uri:
* @uri: a search URI with or without %s
* @keywords: keywords
* Takes a search engine URI and inserts the specified
* keywords. The @keywords are percent encoded. If the
* search URI contains a %s they keywords are inserted
* in that place, otherwise appended to the URI.
* Return value: a newly allocated search URI
gchar* sokoke_search_uri (const gchar* uri,
const gchar* keywords)
gchar* escaped;
gchar* search;
g_return_val_if_fail (keywords != NULL, NULL);
if (!uri)
return g_strdup (keywords);
escaped = g_uri_escape_string (keywords, ":/", TRUE);
if (strstr (uri, "%s"))
search = g_strdup_printf (uri, escaped);
search = g_strconcat (uri, escaped, NULL);
g_free (escaped);
return search;
static void
sokoke_resolve_hostname_cb (SoupAddress *address,
guint status,
gpointer data)
if (status == SOUP_STATUS_OK)
*(gint *)data = 1;
*(gint *)data = 2;
* sokoke_resolve_hostname
* @hostname: a string typed by a user
* Takes a string that was typed by a user,
* resolves the hostname, and returns the status.
* Return value: %TRUE if is a valid host, else %FALSE
sokoke_resolve_hostname (const gchar* hostname)
gchar* uri;
gint host_resolved = 0;
uri = g_strconcat ("http://", hostname, NULL);
if (sokoke_prefetch_uri (uri, sokoke_resolve_hostname_cb,
GTimer* timer = g_timer_new ();
while (!host_resolved && g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL) < 10)
g_main_context_iteration (NULL, FALSE);
g_timer_destroy (timer);
g_free (uri);
return host_resolved == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
sokoke_external_uri (const gchar* uri)
GAppInfo* info;
if (!uri || !strncmp (uri, "http", 4)
|| !strncmp (uri, "file", 4)
|| !strncmp (uri, "about:", 6))
return FALSE;
info = sokoke_default_for_uri (uri, NULL);
if (info)
g_object_unref (info);
return info != NULL;
* sokoke_magic_uri:
* @uri: a string typed by a user
* Takes a string that was typed by a user,
* guesses what it is, and returns an URI.
* If it was a search, %NULL will be returned.
* Return value: a newly allocated URI, or %NULL
sokoke_magic_uri (const gchar* uri)
gchar** parts;
gchar* search;
g_return_val_if_fail (uri, NULL);
/* Just return if it's a javascript: or mailto: uri */
if (!strncmp (uri, "javascript:", 11)
|| !strncmp (uri, "mailto:", 7)
|| sokoke_external_uri (uri)
|| !strncmp (uri, "data:", 5)
|| !strncmp (uri, "about:", 6))
return g_strdup (uri);
/* Add file:// if we have a local path */
if (g_path_is_absolute (uri))
return g_strconcat ("file://", uri, NULL);
/* Do we have a protocol? */
if (g_strstr_len (uri, 8, "://"))
return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (g_strdup (uri));
/* Do we have an IP address? */
if (g_ascii_isdigit (uri[0]) && g_strstr_len (uri, 4, "."))
return g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL);
search = NULL;
if (!strchr (uri, ' ') &&
((search = strchr (uri, ':')) || (search = strchr (uri, '@'))) &&
search[0] && !g_ascii_isalpha (search[1]))
return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL));
if ((!strcmp (uri, "localhost") || strchr (uri, '/'))
&& sokoke_resolve_hostname (uri))
return g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL);
if (!search)
parts = g_strsplit (uri, ".", 0);
if (parts[0] && parts[1])
if (!(parts[1][1] == '\0' && !g_ascii_isalpha (parts[1][0])))
if (!strchr (parts[0], ' ') && !strchr (parts[1], ' '))
search = g_strconcat ("http://", uri, NULL);
g_strfreev (parts);
return sokoke_idn_to_punycode (search);
g_strfreev (parts);
return NULL;
* sokoke_uri_unescape_string:
* @uri: an URI string
* Unescape @uri if needed, and pass through '+' and '%20'.
* Return value: a newly allocated URI
sokoke_uri_unescape_string (const gchar* uri)
if (strchr (uri,'%') || strchr (uri, ' '))
/* Preserve %20 for pasting URLs into other windows */
gchar* unescaped = g_uri_unescape_string (uri, "+");
gchar* spaced = sokoke_replace_variables (unescaped, " ", "%20", NULL);
g_free (unescaped);
return spaced;
return g_strdup (uri);
* sokoke_format_uri_for_display:
* @uri: an URI string
* Formats an URI for display, for instance by converting
* percent encoded characters and by decoding punycode.
* Return value: a newly allocated URI
sokoke_format_uri_for_display (const gchar* uri)
if (uri && g_str_has_prefix (uri, "http://"))
gchar* unescaped = sokoke_uri_unescape_string (uri);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_27_90
gchar* path = NULL;
gchar* hostname;
gchar* decoded;
if (!unescaped)
return g_strdup (uri);
else if (!g_utf8_validate (unescaped, -1, NULL))
g_free (unescaped);
return g_strdup (uri);
hostname = sokoke_hostname_from_uri (unescaped, &path);
decoded = g_hostname_to_unicode (hostname);
if (decoded)
gchar* result = g_strconcat ("http://", decoded, path, NULL);
g_free (unescaped);
g_free (decoded);
g_free (hostname);
return result;
g_free (hostname);
return unescaped;
gchar* decoded;
if (!unescaped)
return g_strdup (uri);
else if (!g_utf8_validate (unescaped, -1, NULL))
g_free (unescaped);
return g_strdup (uri);
if (!idna_to_unicode_8z8z (unescaped, &decoded, 0) == IDNA_SUCCESS)
return unescaped;
g_free (unescaped);
return decoded;
return unescaped;
return g_strdup (uri);
sokoke_combo_box_add_strings (GtkComboBox* combobox,
const gchar* label_first, ...)
const gchar* label;
/* Add a number of strings to a combobox, terminated with NULL
This works only for text comboboxes */
va_list args;
va_start (args, label_first);
for (label = label_first; label; label = va_arg (args, const gchar*))
gtk_combo_box_append_text (combobox, label);
va_end (args);
void sokoke_widget_set_visible (GtkWidget* widget, gboolean visible)
/* Show or hide the widget */
if (visible)
gtk_widget_show (widget);
gtk_widget_hide (widget);
sokoke_container_show_children (GtkContainer* container)
/* Show every child but not the container itself */
gtk_container_foreach (container, (GtkCallback)(gtk_widget_show_all), NULL);
typedef enum
} SokokeDesktop;
static SokokeDesktop
sokoke_get_desktop (void)
#elif defined (GDK_WINDOWING_X11)
static SokokeDesktop desktop = SOKOKE_DESKTOP_UNTESTED;
/* Are we running in Xfce >= 4.8? */
if (!g_strcmp0 (g_getenv ("DESKTOP_SESSION"), "xfce"))
/* Are we running in Xfce <= 4.6? */
GdkDisplay* display = gdk_display_get_default ();
Display* xdisplay = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display);
Window root_window = RootWindow (xdisplay, 0);
Atom save_mode_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (
display, "_DT_SAVE_MODE");
Atom actual_type;
int actual_format;
unsigned long n_items, bytes;
gchar* value;
int status = XGetWindowProperty (xdisplay, root_window,
save_mode_atom, 0, (~0L),
False, AnyPropertyType, &actual_type, &actual_format,
&n_items, &bytes, (unsigned char**)&value);
if (status == Success)
if (n_items == 6 && !strncmp (value, "xfce4", 6))
XFree (value);
return desktop;
* sokoke_xfce_header_new:
* @icon: an icon name
* @title: the title of the header
* Creates an Xfce style header *if* Xfce is running.
* Return value: A #GtkWidget or %NULL
* Since 0.1.2 @icon may be NULL, and a default is used.
sokoke_xfce_header_new (const gchar* icon,
const gchar* title)
g_return_val_if_fail (title, NULL);
/* Create an xfce header with icon and title
This returns NULL if the desktop is not Xfce */
if (sokoke_get_desktop () == SOKOKE_DESKTOP_XFCE)
GtkWidget* entry;
GtkStyle* style;
gchar* markup;
GtkWidget* xfce_heading;
GtkWidget* hbox;
GtkWidget* image;
GtkWidget* label;
GtkWidget* vbox;
GtkWidget* separator;
xfce_heading = gtk_event_box_new ();
entry = gtk_entry_new ();
style = gtk_widget_get_style (entry);
gtk_widget_modify_bg (xfce_heading, GTK_STATE_NORMAL,
hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 6);
if (icon)
image = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (icon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES,
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
gtk_widget_modify_fg (label, GTK_STATE_NORMAL
, &style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
markup = g_strdup_printf ("<span size='large' weight='bold'>%s</span>",
gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (xfce_heading), hbox);
g_free (markup);
gtk_widget_destroy (entry);
vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), xfce_heading, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
separator = gtk_hseparator_new ();
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), separator, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
return vbox;
return NULL;
sokoke_widget_set_pango_font_style (GtkWidget* widget,
PangoStyle style)
/* Conveniently change the pango font style
For some reason we need to reset if we actually want the normal style */
if (style == PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL)
gtk_widget_modify_font (widget, NULL);
PangoFontDescription* font_description = pango_font_description_new ();
pango_font_description_set_style (font_description, PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC);
gtk_widget_modify_font (widget, font_description);
pango_font_description_free (font_description);
static gboolean
sokoke_on_entry_focus_in_event (GtkEntry* entry,
GdkEventFocus* event,
gpointer userdata)
gint has_default = GPOINTER_TO_INT (
g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (entry), "sokoke_has_default"));
if (has_default)
gtk_entry_set_text (entry, "");
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (entry), "sokoke_has_default",
sokoke_widget_set_pango_font_style (GTK_WIDGET (entry),
return FALSE;
static gboolean
sokoke_on_entry_focus_out_event (GtkEntry* entry,
GdkEventFocus* event,
gpointer userdata)
const gchar* text = gtk_entry_get_text (entry);
if (text && !*text)
const gchar* default_text = (const gchar*)g_object_get_data (
G_OBJECT (entry), "sokoke_default_text");
gtk_entry_set_text (entry, default_text);
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (entry),
"sokoke_has_default", GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
sokoke_widget_set_pango_font_style (GTK_WIDGET (entry),
return FALSE;
static void
sokoke_on_entry_drag_data_received (GtkEntry* entry,
GdkDragContext* drag_context,
gint x,
gint y,
guint timestamp,
gpointer user_data)
sokoke_on_entry_focus_in_event (entry, NULL, NULL);
sokoke_entry_set_default_text (GtkEntry* entry,
const gchar* default_text)
/* Note: The default text initially overwrites any previous text */
gchar* old_value = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (entry),
if (!old_value)
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (entry), "sokoke_has_default",
sokoke_widget_set_pango_font_style (GTK_WIDGET (entry),
gtk_entry_set_text (entry, default_text);
g_signal_connect (entry, "drag-data-received",
G_CALLBACK (sokoke_on_entry_drag_data_received), NULL);
g_signal_connect (entry, "focus-in-event",
G_CALLBACK (sokoke_on_entry_focus_in_event), NULL);
g_signal_connect (entry, "focus-out-event",
G_CALLBACK (sokoke_on_entry_focus_out_event), NULL);
else if (!gtk_widget_has_focus (GTK_WIDGET (entry)))
gint has_default = GPOINTER_TO_INT (
g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (entry), "sokoke_has_default"));
if (has_default)
gtk_entry_set_text (entry, default_text);
sokoke_widget_set_pango_font_style (GTK_WIDGET (entry),
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (entry), "sokoke_default_text",
sokoke_key_file_get_string_default (GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group,
const gchar* key,
const gchar* default_value,
GError** error)
gchar* value = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, group, key, error);
return value == NULL ? g_strdup (default_value) : value;
sokoke_key_file_get_integer_default (GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group,
const gchar* key,
const gint default_value,
GError** error)
if (!g_key_file_has_key (key_file, group, key, NULL))
return default_value;
return g_key_file_get_integer (key_file, group, key, error);
sokoke_key_file_get_double_default (GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group,
const gchar* key,
const gdouble default_value,
GError** error)
if (!g_key_file_has_key (key_file, group, key, NULL))
return default_value;
return g_key_file_get_double (key_file, group, key, error);
sokoke_key_file_get_boolean_default (GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group,
const gchar* key,
const gboolean default_value,
GError** error)
if (!g_key_file_has_key (key_file, group, key, NULL))
return default_value;
return g_key_file_get_boolean (key_file, group, key, error);
sokoke_key_file_get_string_list_default (GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group,
const gchar* key,
gsize* length,
gchar** default_value,
gsize* default_length,
GError* error)
gchar** value = g_key_file_get_string_list (key_file, group, key, length, NULL);
if (!value)
value = g_strdupv (default_value);
if (length)
*length = *default_length;
return value;
sokoke_key_file_save_to_file (GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* filename,
GError** error)
gchar* data;
gboolean success = FALSE;
data = g_key_file_to_data (key_file, NULL, error);
if (!data)
return FALSE;
success = g_file_set_contents (filename, data, -1, error);
g_free (data);
return success;
sokoke_widget_get_text_size (GtkWidget* widget,
const gchar* text,
gint* width,
gint* height)
PangoLayout* layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout (widget, text);
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, width, height);
g_object_unref (layout);
* sokoke_action_create_popup_menu_item:
* @action: a #GtkAction
* Creates a menu item from an action, just like
* gtk_action_create_menu_item(), but it won't
* display an accelerator.
* Note: This menu item is not a proxy and will
* not reflect any changes to the action.
* Return value: a new #GtkMenuItem
sokoke_action_create_popup_menu_item (GtkAction* action)
GtkWidget* menuitem;
GtkWidget* icon;
gchar* label;
gchar* stock_id;
gchar* icon_name;
gboolean sensitive;
gboolean visible;
g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (action), NULL);
return gtk_action_create_menu_item (action);
g_object_get (action,
"label", &label,
"stock-id", &stock_id,
"icon-name", &icon_name,
"sensitive", &sensitive,
"visible", &visible,
if (GTK_IS_TOGGLE_ACTION (action))
menuitem = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);
gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (menuitem),
gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action)));
if (GTK_IS_RADIO_ACTION (action))
gtk_check_menu_item_set_draw_as_radio (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (menuitem),
else if (stock_id)
if (label)
menuitem = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);
icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);
gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), icon);
menuitem = gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock (stock_id, NULL);
menuitem = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);
if (icon_name)
icon = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (icon_name, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);
gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), icon);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (menuitem, sensitive);
sokoke_widget_set_visible (menuitem, visible);
gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (menuitem, TRUE);
g_signal_connect_swapped (menuitem, "activate",
G_CALLBACK (gtk_action_activate), action);
return menuitem;
* sokoke_time_t_to_julian:
* @timestamp: a time_t timestamp value
* Calculates a unix timestamp to a julian day value.
* Return value: an integer.
sokoke_time_t_to_julian (const time_t* timestamp)
GDate* date;
gint64 julian;
date = g_date_new ();
g_date_set_time_t (date, *timestamp);
julian = (gint64)g_date_get_julian (date);
g_date_free (date);
return julian;
* sokoke_days_between:
* @day1: a time_t timestamp value
* @day2: a time_t timestamp value
* Calculates the number of days between two timestamps.
* Return value: an integer.
sokoke_days_between (const time_t* day1,
const time_t* day2)
GDate* date1;
GDate* date2;
gint age;
date1 = g_date_new ();
date2 = g_date_new ();
g_date_set_time_t (date1, *day1);
g_date_set_time_t (date2, *day2);
age = g_date_days_between (date1, date2);
g_date_free (date1);
g_date_free (date2);
return age;
* sokoke_register_stock_items:
* Registers several custom stock items used throughout Midori.
sokoke_register_stock_items (void)
GtkIconSource* icon_source;
GtkIconSet* icon_set;
GtkIconFactory* factory;
gsize i;
typedef struct
const gchar* stock_id;
const gchar* label;
GdkModifierType modifier;
guint keyval;
const gchar* fallback;
} FatStockItem;
static FatStockItem items[] =
{ STOCK_WEB_BROWSER, NULL, 0, 0, "gnome-web-browser" },
{ STOCK_BOOKMARK, N_("_Bookmark"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_FILE },
{ STOCK_BOOKMARK_ADD, N_("Add Boo_kmark"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_ADD },
{ STOCK_EXTENSIONS, N_("_Extensions"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_CONVERT },
{ STOCK_HOMEPAGE, N_("_Homepage"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_HOME },
{ STOCK_SCRIPTS, N_("_Userscripts"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE },
{ STOCK_TAB_NEW, N_("New _Tab"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_ADD },
{ STOCK_PLUGINS, N_("Netscape p_lugins"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_CONVERT },
{ STOCK_USER_TRASH, N_("_Closed Tabs"), 0, 0, "gtk-undo-ltr" },
{ STOCK_WINDOW_NEW, N_("New _Window"), 0, 0, GTK_STOCK_ADD },
{ GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY, N_("New _Folder"), 0, 0, NULL },
factory = gtk_icon_factory_new ();
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (items); i++)
icon_set = gtk_icon_set_new ();
icon_source = gtk_icon_source_new ();
if (items[i].fallback)
gtk_icon_source_set_icon_name (icon_source, items[i].fallback);
items[i].fallback = NULL;
gtk_icon_set_add_source (icon_set, icon_source);
gtk_icon_source_set_icon_name (icon_source, items[i].stock_id);
gtk_icon_set_add_source (icon_set, icon_source);
gtk_icon_source_free (icon_source);
gtk_icon_factory_add (factory, items[i].stock_id, icon_set);
gtk_icon_set_unref (icon_set);
gtk_stock_add_static ((GtkStockItem*)items, G_N_ELEMENTS (items));
gtk_icon_factory_add_default (factory);
g_object_unref (factory);
/* Maemo doesn't theme stock icons. So we map platform icons
to stock icons. These are all monochrome toolbar icons. */
typedef struct
const gchar* stock_id;
const gchar* icon_name;
} CompatItem;
static CompatItem compat_items[] =
{ GTK_STOCK_ADD, "general_add" },
{ GTK_STOCK_BOLD, "general_bold" },
{ GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, "general_close_b" },
{ GTK_STOCK_DELETE, "general_delete" },
{ GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY, "general_toolbar_folder" },
{ GTK_STOCK_FIND, "general_search" },
{ GTK_STOCK_FULLSCREEN, "general_fullsize_b" },
{ GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK, "general_back" },
{ GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD, "general_forward" },
{ GTK_STOCK_GO_UP, "filemanager_folder_up" },
{ GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST, "pdf_viewer_first_page" },
{ GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST, "pdf_viewer_last_page" },
{ GTK_STOCK_INFO, "general_information" },
{ GTK_STOCK_ITALIC, "general_italic" },
{ GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, "general_move_to_folder" },
{ GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES,"general_settings" },
{ GTK_STOCK_REFRESH, "general_refresh" },
{ GTK_STOCK_SAVE, "notes_save" },
{ GTK_STOCK_STOP, "general_stop" },
{ GTK_STOCK_UNDERLINE, "notes_underline" },
{ GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, "pdf_zoomin" },
{ GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, "pdf_zoomout" },
factory = gtk_icon_factory_new ();
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (compat_items); i++)
icon_set = gtk_icon_set_new ();
icon_source = gtk_icon_source_new ();
gtk_icon_source_set_icon_name (icon_source, compat_items[i].icon_name);
gtk_icon_set_add_source (icon_set, icon_source);
gtk_icon_source_free (icon_source);
gtk_icon_factory_add (factory, compat_items[i].stock_id, icon_set);
gtk_icon_set_unref (icon_set);
gtk_icon_factory_add_default (factory);
g_object_unref (factory);
* sokoke_set_config_dir:
* @new_config_dir: an absolute path, or %NULL
* Retrieves and/ or sets the base configuration folder.
* "/" means no configuration is saved.
* Return value: the configuration folder, or %NULL
const gchar*
sokoke_set_config_dir (const gchar* new_config_dir)
static gchar* config_dir = NULL;
if (config_dir)
return config_dir;
if (!new_config_dir)
config_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_config_dir (),
g_return_val_if_fail (g_path_is_absolute (new_config_dir), NULL);
katze_assign (config_dir, g_strdup (new_config_dir));
return config_dir;
* sokoke_remove_path:
* @path: an absolute path
* @ignore_errors: keep removing even if an error occurred
* Removes the file at @path or the folder including any
* child folders and files if @path is a folder.
* If @ignore_errors is %TRUE and @path is a folder with
* children, one of which can't be removed, remaining
* children will be deleted nevertheless
* If @ignore_errors is %FALSE and @path is a folder, the
* removal process will cancel immediately.
* Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if an error occurred
sokoke_remove_path (const gchar* path,
gboolean ignore_errors)
GDir* dir = g_dir_open (path, 0, NULL);
const gchar* name;
if (!dir)
return g_remove (path) == 0;
while ((name = g_dir_read_name (dir)))
gchar* sub_path = g_build_filename (path, name, NULL);
if (!sokoke_remove_path (sub_path, ignore_errors) && !ignore_errors)
return FALSE;
g_free (sub_path);
g_dir_close (dir);
g_rmdir (path);
return TRUE;
* sokoke_find_config_filename:
* @folder: a subfolder
* @filename: a filename or relative path
* Looks for the specified filename in the system config
* directories, depending on the platform.
* Return value: a full path
sokoke_find_config_filename (const gchar* folder,
const gchar* filename)
const gchar* const* config_dirs = g_get_system_config_dirs ();
guint i = 0;
const gchar* config_dir;
gchar* path;
if (!folder)
folder = "";
while ((config_dir = config_dirs[i++]))
path = g_build_filename (config_dir, PACKAGE_NAME, folder, filename, NULL);
if (g_access (path, F_OK) == 0)
return path;
g_free (path);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
config_dir = g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module (NULL);
path = g_build_filename (config_dir, "etc", "xdg", PACKAGE_NAME, folder, filename, NULL);
if (g_access (path, F_OK) == 0)
return path;
g_free (path);
return g_build_filename (SYSCONFDIR, "xdg", PACKAGE_NAME, folder, filename, NULL);
* sokoke_find_data_filename:
* @filename: a filename or relative path
* Looks for the specified filename in the system data
* directories, depending on the platform.
* Return value: a newly allocated full path
sokoke_find_data_filename (const gchar* filename)
const gchar* const* data_dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs ();
guint i = 0;
const gchar* data_dir;
gchar* path;
path = g_build_filename (g_get_user_data_dir (), filename, NULL);
if (g_access (path, F_OK) == 0)
return path;
g_free (path);
while ((data_dir = data_dirs[i++]))
path = g_build_filename (data_dir, filename, NULL);
if (g_access (path, F_OK) == 0)
return path;
g_free (path);
return g_build_filename (MDATADIR, filename, NULL);
* sokoke_get_argv:
* @argument_vector: %NULL
* Retrieves the argument vector passed at program startup.
* Return value: the argument vector
sokoke_get_argv (gchar** argument_vector)
static gchar** stored_argv = NULL;
if (!stored_argv)
stored_argv = g_strdupv (argument_vector);
return stored_argv;
#if !WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION (1, 1, 14)
static void
res_server_handler_cb (SoupServer* res_server,
SoupMessage* msg,
const gchar* path,
GHashTable* query,
SoupClientContext* client,
gpointer data)
if (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/res"))
gchar* filename = g_build_filename ("midori", path, NULL);
gchar* filepath = sokoke_find_data_filename (filename);
gchar* contents;
gsize length;
g_free (filename);
if (g_file_get_contents (filepath, &contents, &length, NULL))
gchar* content_type = g_content_type_guess (filepath, (guchar*)contents,
length, NULL);
gchar* mime_type = g_content_type_get_mime_type (content_type);
g_free (content_type);
soup_message_set_response (msg, mime_type, SOUP_MEMORY_TAKE,
contents, length);
g_free (mime_type);
soup_message_set_status (msg, 200);
soup_message_set_status (msg, 404);
g_free (filepath);
else if (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/stock/"))
GtkIconTheme* icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default ();
const gchar* icon_name = &path[7] ? &path[7] : "";
gint icon_size = 22;
GdkPixbuf* icon;
gchar* contents;
gsize length;
if (g_ascii_isalpha (icon_name[0]))
icon_size = strstr (icon_name, "dialog") ? 48 : 22;
else if (g_ascii_isdigit (icon_name[0]))
guint i = 0;
while (icon_name[i])
if (icon_name[i++] == '/')
gchar* size = g_strndup (icon_name, i - 1);
icon_size = atoi (size);
g_free (size);
icon_name = &icon_name[i];
icon = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (icon_theme, icon_name,
icon_size, 0, NULL);
if (!icon)
icon = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (icon_theme, "gtk-missing-image",
icon_size, 0, NULL);
gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer (icon, &contents, &length, "png", NULL, NULL);
g_object_unref (icon);
soup_message_set_response (msg, "image/png", SOUP_MEMORY_TAKE,
contents, length);
soup_message_set_status (msg, 200);
soup_message_set_status (msg, 404);
sokoke_get_res_server (void)
static SoupServer* res_server = NULL;
SoupAddress* addr = NULL;
if (G_UNLIKELY (!res_server))
addr = soup_address_new ("localhost", SOUP_ADDRESS_ANY_PORT);
soup_address_resolve_sync (addr, NULL);
res_server = soup_server_new ("interface", addr, NULL);
g_object_unref (addr);
soup_server_add_handler (res_server, "/",
res_server_handler_cb, NULL, NULL);
soup_server_run_async (res_server);
return res_server;
sokoke_replace_variables (const gchar* template,
const gchar* variable_first, ...)
gchar* result = g_strdup (template);
const gchar* variable;
va_list args;
va_start (args, variable_first);
for (variable = variable_first; variable; variable = va_arg (args, const gchar*))
const gchar* value = va_arg (args, const gchar*);
GRegex* regex = g_regex_new (variable, 0, 0, NULL);
gchar* replaced = result;
result = g_regex_replace_literal (regex, replaced, -1, 0, value, 0, NULL);
g_free (replaced);
g_regex_unref (regex);
va_end (args);
return result;
* sokoke_window_activate_key:
* @window: a #GtkWindow
* @event: a #GdkEventKey
* Attempts to activate they key from the event, much
* like gtk_window_activate_key(), including keys
* that gtk_accelerator_valid() considers invalid.
* Return value: %TRUE on success
sokoke_window_activate_key (GtkWindow* window,
GdkEventKey* event)
gchar *accel_name;
GQuark accel_quark;
GObject* object;
GSList *slist;
if (gtk_window_activate_key (window, event))
return TRUE;
/* Hack to allow Ctrl + Shift + Tab */
if (event->keyval == 65056)
event->keyval = GDK_Tab;
/* We don't use gtk_accel_groups_activate because it refuses to
activate anything that gtk_accelerator_valid doesn't like. */
accel_name = gtk_accelerator_name (event->keyval, (event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask ()));
accel_quark = g_quark_from_string (accel_name);
g_free (accel_name);
object = G_OBJECT (window);
for (slist = gtk_accel_groups_from_object (object); slist; slist = slist->next)
if (gtk_accel_group_activate (slist->data, accel_quark,
object, event->keyval, event->state))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* sokoke_gtk_action_count_modifiers:
* @action: a #GtkAction
* Counts the number of modifiers in the accelerator
* belonging to the action.
* Return value: the number of modifiers
sokoke_gtk_action_count_modifiers (GtkAction* action)
GtkAccelKey key;
gint mods, cmods = 0;
const gchar* accel_path;
g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (action), 0);
accel_path = gtk_action_get_accel_path (action);
if (accel_path)
if (gtk_accel_map_lookup_entry (accel_path, &key))
mods = key.accel_mods;
while (mods)
if (1 & mods >> 0)
mods = mods >> 1;
return cmods;
* sokoke_file_chooser_dialog_new:
* @title: a window title, or %NULL
* @window: a parent #GtkWindow, or %NULL
* @action: a #GtkFileChooserAction
* Creates a new file chooser dialog, as appropriate for
* the platform, with buttons according to the @action.
* The positive response is %GTK_RESPONSE_OK.
* Return value: a new #GtkFileChooser
sokoke_file_chooser_dialog_new (const gchar* title,
GtkWindow* window,
GtkFileChooserAction action)
const gchar* stock_id = GTK_STOCK_OPEN;
GtkWidget* dialog;
stock_id = GTK_STOCK_SAVE;
dialog = hildon_file_chooser_dialog_new (window, action);
dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (title, window, action,
gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), stock_id);
return dialog;
* sokoke_prefetch_uri:
* @uri: an URI string
* Attempts to prefetch the specified URI, that is
* it tries to resolve the hostname in advance.
* Return value: %TRUE on success
sokoke_prefetch_uri (const char* uri,
SoupAddressCallback callback,
gpointer user_data)
#define MAXHOSTS 50
static gchar* hosts = NULL;
static gint host_count = G_MAXINT;
SoupURI* s_uri;
if (!uri)
return FALSE;
s_uri = soup_uri_new (uri);
if (!s_uri || !s_uri->host)
return FALSE;
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 22, 0)
if (g_hostname_is_ip_address (s_uri->host))
if (g_ascii_isdigit (s_uri->host[0]) && g_strstr_len (s_uri->host, 4, "."))
soup_uri_free (s_uri);
return FALSE;
if (!g_str_has_prefix (uri, "http"))
soup_uri_free (s_uri);
return FALSE;
if (!hosts ||
!g_regex_match_simple (s_uri->host, hosts,
SoupAddress* address;
gchar* new_hosts;
address = soup_address_new (s_uri->host, SOUP_ADDRESS_ANY_PORT);
soup_address_resolve_async (address, 0, 0, callback, user_data);
g_object_unref (address);
if (host_count > MAXHOSTS)
katze_assign (hosts, g_strdup (""));
host_count = 0;
new_hosts = g_strdup_printf ("%s|%s", hosts, s_uri->host);
katze_assign (hosts, new_hosts);
else if (callback)
callback (NULL, SOUP_STATUS_OK, user_data);
soup_uri_free (s_uri);
return TRUE;
* sokoke_recursive_fork_protection
* @uri: the URI to check
* @set_uri: if TRUE the URI will be saved
* Protects against recursive invokations of the Midori executable
* with the same URI.
* As an example, consider having an URI starting with 'tel://'. You
* could attempt to open it with sokoke_show_uri. In turn, 'exo-open'
* might be called. Now quite possibly 'exo-open' is unable to handle
* 'tel://' and might well fall back to 'midori' as default browser.
* To protect against this scenario, call this function with the
* URI and %TRUE before calling any external tool.
* #MidoriApp calls sokoke_recursive_fork_protection() with %FALSE
* and bails out if %FALSE is returned.
* Return value: %TRUE if @uri is new, %FALSE on recursion
sokoke_recursive_fork_protection (const gchar* uri,
gboolean set_uri)
static gchar* fork_uri = NULL;
if (set_uri)
katze_assign (fork_uri, g_strdup (uri));
return g_strcmp0 (fork_uri, uri) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
/* Provide a new way for SoupSession to assume an 'Accept-Language'
string automatically from the return value of g_get_language_names(),
properly formatted according to RFC2616.
Copyright (C) 2009 Mario Sanchez Prada <msanchez@igalia.com>
Copyright (C) 2009 Dan Winship <danw@gnome.org>
Mostly copied from libSoup 2.29, coding style adjusted */
/* Converts a language in POSIX format and to be RFC2616 compliant */
/* Based on code from epiphany-webkit (ephy_langs_append_languages()) */
static gchar *
sokoke_posix_lang_to_rfc2616 (const gchar *language)
if (!strchr (language, '.') && !strchr (language, '@') && language[0] != 'C')
/* change to lowercase and '_' to '-' */
return g_strdelimit (g_ascii_strdown (language, -1), "_", '-');
return NULL;
/* Adds a quality value to a string (any value between 0 and 1). */
static gchar *
sokoke_add_quality_value (const gchar *str,
float qvalue)
if ((qvalue >= 0.0) && (qvalue <= 1.0))
int qv_int = (qvalue * 1000 + 0.5);
return g_strdup_printf ("%s;q=%d.%d",
str, (int) (qv_int / 1000), qv_int % 1000);
return g_strdup (str);
/* Returns a RFC2616 compliant languages list from system locales */
gchar *
sokoke_accept_languages (const gchar* const * lang_names)
GArray *langs_garray = NULL;
char *cur_lang = NULL;
char *prev_lang = NULL;
char **langs_array;
char *langs_str;
float delta;
int i, n_lang_names;
/* Calculate delta for setting the quality values */
n_lang_names = g_strv_length ((gchar **)lang_names);
delta = 0.999 / (n_lang_names - 1);
/* Build the array of languages */
langs_garray = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (char*));
for (i = 0; lang_names[i] != NULL; i++)
cur_lang = sokoke_posix_lang_to_rfc2616 (lang_names[i]);
/* Apart from getting a valid RFC2616 compliant
language, also get rid of extra variants */
if (cur_lang && (!prev_lang ||
(!strcmp (prev_lang, cur_lang) || !strstr (prev_lang, cur_lang))))
gchar *qv_lang = NULL;
/* Save reference for further comparison */
prev_lang = cur_lang;
/* Add the quality value and append it */
qv_lang = sokoke_add_quality_value (cur_lang, 1 - i * delta);
g_array_append_val (langs_garray, qv_lang);
/* Fallback: add "en" if list is empty */
if (langs_garray->len == 0)
gchar* fallback = g_strdup ("en");
g_array_append_val (langs_garray, fallback);
langs_array = (char **) g_array_free (langs_garray, FALSE);
langs_str = g_strjoinv (", ", langs_array);
return langs_str;
* sokoke_register_privacy_item:
* @name: the name of the privacy item
* @label: a user visible, localized label
* @clear: a callback clearing data
* Registers an item to clear data, either via the
* Clear Private Data dialogue or when Midori quits.
* Return value: a #GList if all arguments are %NULL
sokoke_register_privacy_item (const gchar* name,
const gchar* label,
GCallback clear)
static GList* items = NULL;
SokokePrivacyItem* item;
if (name == NULL && label == NULL && clear == NULL)
return items;
g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (label != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail (clear != NULL, NULL);
item = g_new (SokokePrivacyItem, 1);
item->name = g_strdup (name);
item->label = g_strdup (label);
item->clear = clear;
items = g_list_append (items, item);
return NULL;
sokoke_widget_copy_clipboard (GtkWidget* widget,
const gchar* text)
GdkDisplay* display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
GtkClipboard* clipboard;
clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get_for_display (display, GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, text, -1);
clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get_for_display (display, GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY);
gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, text, -1);
sokoke_build_thumbnail_path (const gchar* name)
gchar* path = NULL;
if (name != NULL)
gchar* checksum = g_compute_checksum_for_string (G_CHECKSUM_MD5, name, -1);
gchar* filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s.png", checksum);
path = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "midori", "thumbnails",
filename, NULL);
g_free (filename);
g_free (checksum);
return path;