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2016-06-11 17:22:37 +00:00
# make <option>
# to see a list of all options, enter 'make help'
# Note! on some systems do 'gmake' instead of 'make' (most BSD)
# for 'make install' you have to login as 'root' else do 'make install_home'
# note that 'make install_home' will not install guiserver files which
# must be in /usr/local/share/newlisp in MacOX X and UNIX machines
# to make the distribution archive: 'make dist'
# to clean up (delete .o *~ core etc.): 'make clean'
# for customization options, like install location, 64-bit nerwlisp,
# newLISP as a library etc., see the file doc/INSTALL.txt
# Regular expressions are on all platforms Perl Compatible Regular Expresssions PCRE
# see PCRE can be localized to other languages than English
# by generating different character tables, see documentation at
# and file LOCALIZATION for details
VERSION = 10.7.0
default: makefile_build
make -f makefile_build
all: default
@echo "\nDo one of the following:"
@echo " make # auto-select one of the predefined makefiles and build newLISP"
@echo " make help # display this help"
@echo " make install # install on LINUX/UNIX in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share (need to be root)"
@echo " make uninstall # uninstall on LINUX/UNIX from /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share (need to be root)"
@echo " make install_home # install on LINUX/UNIX in users home directory "
@echo " make uninstall_home # uninstall on LINUX/UNIX from users home directory "
@echo " make clean # remove all *.o and .tar files etc. USE BETWEEN FLAVORS!"
@echo " make check # run qa-dot, qa-net, qa-xml etc. test scripts"
@echo " make test # same as 'make check' but less output"
@echo " make testall # run an extended test suite with less output"
@echo " make version # replace version number in several files after changing in Makefile"
@echo " make bench # benchmark relative to 32-bit Mac OS 10.5 on MacMini 1.83Ghz"
@echo " make dist # make a source distribution .tgz package "
@echo " make android_dist # make a source package for Android NDK compilation"
@echo " make android_dist_utf8 # make a source package for Android NDK compilationi utf8"
@echo "Note! on some systems use gmake instead of make."
@echo "Note! not all makefiles are listed in this help, specifically 64-bit versions."
@echo " "
@echo "Readline is for commandline editing support and requires libreadline and headerfiles."
@echo "Not all makefiles contain libreadline support, but is easy to add (see other makefieles)."
@echo "If there is no UTF-8 option for your OS, consult makefile_xxx."
@echo " "
@echo "For more customization options (exe dir, install dir, 64-biti, etc) see the file doc/INSTALL"
# make newlisp.exe and newlisp.dll on a MinGW, MSYS system
# also needs the installer NSYS installed
make clean
make -f makefile_mingw_ffi
rm *.o
make -f makefile_mingwdll_ffi
rm *.o
./newlisp qa-dot
# make newlisp.exe and newlisp.dll in UTF-8 flavor
make clean
make -f makefile_mingw_utf8_ffi
rm *.o
make -f makefile_mingwdll_utf8_ffi
rm *.o
./newlisp qa-dot
tar czvf newlisp-win-utf8.tgz newlisp.exe newlisp.dll
make clean
make -f makefile_mingw64_ffi
rm *.o
make -f makefile_mingw64dll_ffi
rm *.o
./newlisp qa-dot
tar czvf newlisp-win64.tgz newlisp.exe newlisp.dll
# make newlisp.exe and newlisp.dll in UTF-8 flavor
make clean
make -f makefile_mingw64_utf8_ffi
rm *.o
make -f makefile_mingw64dll_utf8_ffi
rm *.o
./newlisp qa-dot
tar czvf newlisp-win64-utf8.tgz newlisp.exe newlisp.dll
# make a Windows installer package
make -f makefile_wings
make -f makefile_wings64
# scripts for making UBUNTU linux packages
make clean
cp makefile_original_install makefile_install
make -f makefile_linuxLP64_ffi
cp util/description-pak .
sudo checkinstall --nodoc --maintainer "" --pkgrelease 1 --default
rm description-pak
mv *.deb ../Desktop
make clean
cp makefile_original_install makefile_install
make -f makefile_linuxLP64_utf8_ffi
cp util/description-pak .
sudo checkinstall --nodoc --maintainer "" --pkgrelease utf8 --default
rm description-pak
mv *.deb ../Desktop
# scripts for making Mac OS X disk image installers
# makefile_darwin_package needs a previous /Applications/
make clean
make -f makefile_darwin_utf8_leopardPPC_ffi
make -f makefile_darwin_package
hdiutil create -srcfolder newLISP-image newlisp-$(VERSION)-OSX-ppc.dmg
mv newlisp-$(VERSION)-OSX-ppc.dmg ..
sudo rm -rf Package_contents
sudo rm -rf newLISP-image
# makefile_darwin_package needs a previous /Applications/
make clean
make -f makefile_darwinLP64_utf8_ffi
make -f makefile_darwin_package
hdiutil create -srcfolder newLISP-image newlisp-$(VERSION)-OSX-intel.dmg
mv newlisp-$(VERSION)-OSX-intel.dmg ..
sudo rm -rf Package_contents
sudo rm -rf newLISP-image
# this cleans up the distribution directory for a clean build from scratch
# this cleans the tree for a rebuild using the same configuration as before
-rm -f *~ *.bak *.o *.obj *.map *.core core *.tgz *.txt TEST newlisp-universal
-rm -f newlisp-js*.*
-rm -rf newlisp-js-$(VERSION)
-rm -f guiserver/*.class */*~ */._*
-rm -f doc/*.bak util/*.bak examples/*.bak modules/*.bak
-chmod 644 *.h *.c Makefile makefile*
-chmod 755 configure configure-alt examples/*
-chmod 644 doc/* modules/*.lsp examples/*.lsp examples/*.html
-chmod 755 doc/index.cgi
-chmod 644 guiserver/*
-chmod 755 guiserver/index.cgi
-chmod 755 guiserver/images
-chmod 644 guiserver/images/*
-chmod 755 guiserver/images/index.cgi
-chmod 755 guiserver/java
-chmod 644 guiserver/java/*
-chmod 755 guiserver/java/index.cgi
-rm -f makefile_build makefile_install config.h test-*
# run test scripts
./newlisp qa-dot
./newlisp qa-dot
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-dictionary
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-xml
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-json
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-setsig
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-net
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-cilk
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-ref
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-message
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-win-dll
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-bigint 10000
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-bench
# old naming for check
make check | grep '>>>'
./newlisp qa-dot ; echo qa-dot
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-dictionary
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-xml
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-json
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-setsig
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-net
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-net6
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-cilk
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-ref
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-message
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-win-dll
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-blockmemory
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-exception
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-float
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-foop
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-local-domain
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-inplace
# ./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-utf16path
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-pipefork
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-libffi
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-bigint 10000
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-longnum
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-factorfibo 60
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-bench
make checkall | grep '>>>'
# benchmark
./newlisp qa-specific-tests/qa-bench
# install
# makefile_install normally is created by the configure script
# but when using 'make -f makefile_xxx' the file hasn't been
# created and is created with this dependency
cp makefile_original_install makefile_install
install: makefile_install
-make -f makefile_install install
-make -f makefile_install uninstall
-make -f makefile_install install_home
-make -f makefile_install uninstall_home
# This makes the main newlisp-x.x.x.tgz source distribuition package
dist: clean
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/guiserver
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/guiserver/images
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/guiserver/java
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/modules
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/examples
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/doc
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/util
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/qa-specific-tests
-mkdir newlisp-$(VERSION)/newlisp-js
cp README newlisp-$(VERSION)
cp nl*.c newlisp.c *.h pcre*.c index.cgi newlisp-$(VERSION)
cp win64-dll.def win-*.* unix*.c newlisp-$(VERSION)
cp Makefile configure* makefile* qa-dot qa-comma newlisp-$(VERSION)
cp modules/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/modules
cp examples/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/examples
cp doc/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/doc
cp util/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/util
cp qa-specific-tests/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/qa-specific-tests
cp -R guiserver/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/guiserver
cp -R newlisp-js/* newlisp-$(VERSION)/newlisp-js
tar czvf newlisp-$(VERSION).tgz newlisp-$(VERSION)/*
rm -rf newlisp-$(VERSION)
mv newlisp-$(VERSION).tgz ..
# this makes a Android source package for compilation using the Android NDK
# may want to change APP_PLATFORM spec to something different
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/jni
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/libs
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/libs/armeabi
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/obj
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/obj/local
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/obj/local/armeabi
cp nl*.c newlisp.c *.h pcre*.c newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/jni
rm newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/jni/win-ffi.h
cp doc/Android.html newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)
cp util/ newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/jni/
cp util/ newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/jni
tar czvf newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION).tgz newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)/*
rm -rf newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION)
mv newlisp-ndk-utf8-$(VERSION).tgz ..
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/jni
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/libs
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/libs/armeabi
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/obj
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/obj/local
-mkdir newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/obj/local/armeabi
cp nl*.c newlisp.c *.h pcre*.c newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/jni
rm newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/jni/win-ffi.h
rm newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/jni/nl-utf8.c
cp doc/Android.html newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)
cp util/ newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/jni
cp util/ newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/jni
tar czvf newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION).tgz newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)/*
rm -rf newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION)
mv newlisp-ndk-$(VERSION).tgz ..
# this changes to the current version number in several files
# before doing a 'make version' the VERSION variable at the beginning
# of this file has to be changed to the new number
sed -i.bak -E 's/int version = .+;/int version = $(INT_VERSION);/' newlisp.c
sed -i.bak -E 's/newLISP v.[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+(-dev)? /newLISP v.$(VERSION) /' newlisp.c
sed -i.bak -E 's/newLISP\/[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+(-dev)?/newLISP\/$(VERSION)/' nl-web.c
sed -i.bak -E 's/newLISP v.+ Manual/newLISP v.$(VERSION) Manual/' doc/newlisp_manual.html
sed -i.bak -E 's/Reference v.+<\/h2>/Reference v.$(VERSION)<\/h2>/' doc/newlisp_manual.html
sed -i.bak -E 's/newlisp-.....-win/newlisp-$(INT_VERSION)-win/' guiserver/newlisp-gs.nsi
sed -i.bak -E 's/and newLISP .+ on /and newLISP $(VERSION) on /' guiserver/newlisp-gs.nsi
sed -i.bak -E 's/newlisp-.....-win/newlisp-$(INT_VERSION)-win/' guiserver/newlisp64-gs.nsi
sed -i.bak -E 's/and newLISP .+ on /and newLISP $(VERSION) on /' guiserver/newlisp64-gs.nsi
sed -i.bak -E 's/VERSION=.+/VERSION=$(VERSION)/' configure-alt
sed -i.bak -E 's/VERSION=.+/VERSION=$(VERSION)/' makefile_original_install
sed -i.bak -E 's/VERSION=.+/VERSION=$(VERSION)/' makefile_darwin_package
sed -i.bak -E 's/VERSION=.+/VERSION=$(VERSION)/' makefile_wings
sed -i.bak -E 's/VERSION=.+/VERSION=$(VERSION)/' makefile_wings64
# Prepare the manual file for PDF conversion, by replaceing all <span class="function"></span>
# with <font color="#DD0000"></font> in the syntax statements and replacing &rarr; (one line
# arrow with &rArr; (double line arrow). This is necessary when using OpenOffcice PDF conversion
util/preparepdf doc/newlisp_manual.html doc/newlisp_manual_preparepdf.html
# end of file