# amalgamation makefile for newLISP v. 10.x.x on Mac OSX with readline support # Concats all newLISP source files into one big file. At least on gcc v.4.0.1 # on Mac OS X there is no speed advantage through better optimization of the # compiler. But other platforms compilers may show different results. # # needs readline library and headerfiles installed (X tools) # OBJS = newlisp-amal.o pcre.o CFLAGS = -Wall -m32 -O1 -I/usr/include -c -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX -DSUPPORT_UTF8 -DFFI CC = gcc default: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(OBJS) -m32 -lm -lreadline -lffi -o newlisp strip newlisp .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< newlisp-amal.c: cat newlisp.c nl-symbol.c nl-math.c nl-list.c nl-liststr.c nl-string.c nl-filesys.c \ nl-sock.c nl-import.c nl-xml-json.c nl-web.c nl-matrix.c nl-debug.c nl-utf8.c > newlisp-amal.c $(OBJS): newlisp.h primes.h protos.h makefile_amal_darwin_utf8_ffi