#!/usr/bin/env newlisp ;; client for client/server demo ;; ;; USAGE: client hostName ;; ;; 'hostName' contains a string with the name or IP number ;; of the computer running the server application ;; ;; The client prompts for input and sends it to the ;; server which sends it back converted to uppercase ;; ;; The server has to be started first in a different ;; terminal window or on a different computer. ;; ;; v 1.3 ;; v 1.4 change net-receive for v 10.0 ;; (define (net-client-receive socket , buf) (net-receive socket buf 256) (print "\n" buf "\ninput or 'quit' to exit:") (if (= buf "bye bye!") (exit)) (net-send socket (read-line))) (define (client host-computer) (set 'socket (net-connect host-computer 1111)) (if (not socket) (print "could not connect, is the server started?\n") (while true (net-client-receive socket)))) (if (not (main-args 2)) (begin (print "USAGE: client hostName\n") (exit))) (client (main-args 2)) (exit)