#!/usr/bin/env newlisp # OpenGL and GLUT demo - opengl-demo.lsp # using simple import and callback API # tested on Windows and OS X (Intel) 32-bit only! # version 1.2, July 2009 - make drawObject working with motion # this version runs only on 32-bit newLISP and libraries # for 64-bit newlisp use http://www.newlisp.org/downloads/OpenGL/opengl-demo-ffi-lsp.txt, # which runs both 32/64 versions of newLISP. For this extended ffi version newLISP 10.4.0 # or later is required. The extended ffi interface is present in all binary distributions # (Windows, OSX, Ubuntu) # WIn32 # opengl32.dll - should be already on you WindowsXP installation or at www.opengl.org # glut32.dll - available here: http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/ # Note! on Windows 7 glut32.dll should be installed c:/Windows/SysWOW64/ not system32 # # Linux/UNIX - not tested # libGLU.so - should be on your Linux/UNIX installation or at www.opengl.org # glut-3.7.so - already on your system or at: # http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/ # # Mac OS X - works well on Intel based Mac OS X, will not work on PPC # nothing needs to be installed on Mac OX X 10.4 and later # libGL.dylib - in /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.Framework # GLUT - in /System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.Framework # # for a complete function reference for OpenGL look here: # http://www.opengl.org/documentation/ # # for descriptions and refence to GLU see here: # http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/ # # Calling patterns for OpenGL functions: # Functions are described in the manual with the following types: # # All the following integer types are passed as is or with (int ...): # GLenum GLboolean GLbitfield GLbyte GLshort GLint GLsizei GLubyte GLushort GLuint # and types ending in: 3b, si, 3s # # The following double float types are passed as is or with (float ...): # GLdouble GLclampd # and types ending in: 3d # # The following small float types are must with (flt ...) conversion: # GLfloat GLclampf # and all types ending 3f: # (when (= 256 (& 256 (last (sys-info)))) ; if it is 64 bit version (println "This file can run only on the 32-bit version of newLISP") (println "Use opengl-demo-ffi.lsp, which runs on both, 32-bit and 64-bit") (exit)) (if (= ostype "OSX") ;; drawings will be visible only on x86 based OS X (begin (set 'GL_LIB "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.Framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib") (set 'GLUT_LIB "/System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.Framework/GLUT") ) (find ostype '("Windows", "Cygwin")) (begin (set 'GL_LIB "opengl32.dll") (set 'GLUT_LIB "glut32.dll")) (= ostype "Linux") ;; not tested (begin (set 'GL_LIB "libGL.so") (set 'GLUT_LIB "libglut.so")) ) (import GL_LIB "glClear") (import GL_LIB "glClearColor") (import GL_LIB "glEnable") (import GL_LIB "glHint") (import GL_LIB "glColor3d") (import GL_LIB "glBegin") (import GL_LIB "glEnd") (import GL_LIB "glVertex3d") (import GL_LIB "glFlush") (import GL_LIB "glFinish") (import GL_LIB "glRotated") (import GL_LIB "glLineWidth") (import GLUT_LIB "glutInit") (import GLUT_LIB "glutDisplayFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutInitWindowSize") (import GLUT_LIB "glutInitDisplayMode") (import GLUT_LIB "glutInitWindowPosition") (import GLUT_LIB "glutDisplayFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutKeyboardFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutMouseFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutJoystickFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutMotionFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutIdleFunc") (import GLUT_LIB "glutCreateWindow") (import GLUT_LIB "glutCreateSubWindow") (import GLUT_LIB "glutMainLoop") (import GLUT_LIB "glutSwapBuffers") (import GLUT_LIB "glutPostRedisplay") (import GLUT_LIB "glutSolidCube") (import GLUT_LIB "glutSolidTeapot") (import GLUT_LIB "glutWireCube") (import GLUT_LIB "glutWireTeapot") (constant 'GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT 0x00004000) (constant 'GL_TRIANGLES 0x0004) (constant 'GL_BLEND 0x0BE2) (constant 'GL_LINE_SMOOTH 0x0B20) (constant 'GL_DONT_CARE 0x1100) (constant 'GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT 0x0C52) (constant 'GLUT_DOUBLE 0x0002) (constant 'GLUT_SINGLE 0x0000) (constant 'GLUT_RGB 0x0000) (constant 'GLUT_RGBA 0x0000) (set 'argc 0) (set 'argv1 "") (set 'argv (pack "lu" argv1)) (set 'rotx 0.0) (set 'roty 0.0) (set 'PI (mul (acos 0) 2)) (define (draw) (glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) (glRotated rotx 0.0 1.0 0.0) (glRotated roty 1.0 0.0 0.0) (glutWireTeapot 0.5) (glutSwapBuffers) ) (define (drawObject) (glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) (glColor3d 1.0 0.85 0.35) (glRotated rotx 0.0 1.0 0.0) (glRotated roty 1.0 0.0 0.0) (glBegin GL_TRIANGLES) (glVertex3d 0.0 0.6 0.0) (glVertex3d -0.2 -0.3 0.0) (glVertex3d 0.2 -0.3 0.0) (glEnd) (glutSwapBuffers) ) (define (rotation) (set 'rotx (mod (sub rotx .01) PI)) (set 'roty (mod (sub roty .012) PI)) (sleep 10) (glutPostRedisplay) ) (define (keyboard key x y) (if (= (& key 0xFF) 27) (exit)) ; 0xFF mask necessary in Windows (println "key:" (& key 0xFF) " x:" x " y:" y)) (define (mouse button state x y) (if (= state 0) (glutIdleFunc 0) ; auto-motion off on button press (glutIdleFunc (callback 4 'rotation))) ; auto-motion on (println "mouse button: " button " state:" state " x:" x " y:" y)) (define (joystick button x y z) (println "joystick button: " button " x: " x " y: " y " z: " z)) (define (motion x y) (set 'rotx (mul (div 200 x) PI)) (set 'roty (mul (div 150 y) PI)) (glutPostRedisplay) (println "x:" x " y:" y) (reset)) (glutInit (address argc) (address argv)) (glutInitDisplayMode (| GLUT_RGB GLUT_DOUBLE )) (glutInitWindowSize 800 600) (glutInitWindowPosition 80 80) (set 'id (glutCreateWindow "OpenGL and newLISP - drag mouse - ESC to exit")) (glClearColor (flt 0.5) (flt 0.3) (flt 0.3) (flt 0.0)) (glColor3d 1.0 0.85 0.35) (glutDisplayFunc (callback 0 'draw)) ;(glutDisplayFunc (callback 0 'drawObject)) (glutKeyboardFunc (callback 1 'keyboard)) (glutMouseFunc (callback 2 'mouse)) (glutMotionFunc (callback 3 'motion)) (glutIdleFunc (callback 4 'rotation)) (glutJoystickFunc (callback 5 'joystick) 50) (glutMainLoop) ;; eof ;(glEnable GL_BLEND) ;(glEnable GL_LINE_SMOOTH) ; turn on antialiasing ;(glHint GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT GL_DONT_CARE) ;(glLineWidth 3)