
126 lines
4.3 KiB

;; @module smtp.lsp
;; @description Send mail using SMTP protocol
;; @version 2.0 - March 2008, Cormullion added AUTH PLAIN authentication
;; @version 2.1 - changes for 10.0
;; @version 2.2 - doc changes
;; @version 2.3 - fix in mail-send-body, thanks to Alessandro
;; @version 2.31 - removed spurious apostrophe
;; @author Lutz Mueller 2001-2010, Cormullion 2008
;; <h2>Routines for sending mail</h2>
;; This module implements routines to communicate with a SMTP mail server
;; for sending email. To use this module include the following 'load' statement
;; at the beginning of the program file:
;; <pre>
;; (load "/usr/share/newlisp/modules/smtp.lsp")
;; ; or shorter
;; (module "smtp.lsp")
;; </pre>
;; To see debugging information: <br><br>
;; <tt>(set 'debug-flag true)</tt>
(context 'SMTP)
(set 'debug-flag nil)
;; @syntax (SMTP:send-mail <str-from> <str-to> <str-subject> <str-message> <str-server>i [<str-usr> str-pass>]])
;; @param <str-from> The email address of the sender.
;; @param <str-to> The email address of the recipient.
;; @param <str-subject> The subject line of the email.
;; @param <str-message> The message part of the email.
;; @param <str-server> The address of the SMTP server.
;; @param <str-user> Optional user name for authentication.
;; @param <str-pass> Optional password for authentication.
;; @return On success 'true', on failure 'nil'.
;; In case the function fails returning 'nil', the function
;; 'SMTP:get-error-text' can be used to receive the error text.
;; @example
;;(SMTP:send-mail "" "" "Greetings"
;; "How are you today? - john doe -" "" "jdoe" "secret")
;; This logs in to the server, tries to authenticate using the username 'jdoe' and password 'secret' (if supplied),
;; and sends an email with the format:
;; <pre>
;; From:
;; To:
;; Subject: Greetings
;; Message: How are you today? - John Doe -
;; </pre>
(context 'SMTP)
(set 'debug-flag nil)
(define (send-mail mail-from mail-to mail-subject mail-body SMTP-server (user-name "") (password ""))
(set 'from-hostname (nth 1 (parse mail-from "@")))
(set 'socket (net-connect SMTP-server 25))
(confirm-request "2")
(net-send-get-result (append "HELO " from-hostname) "2")
(unless (and (empty? user-name) (empty? password))
(mail-authorize user-name password) true)
(net-send-get-result (append "MAIL FROM: <" mail-from ">") "2")
(net-send-get-result (append "RCPT TO: <" mail-to ">") "2")
(net-send-get-result "DATA" "3")
(confirm-request "2")
(net-send-get-result "QUIT" "2")
(or (net-close socket) true)))
(define (confirm-request conf)
(net-receive socket recvbuff 256 "\r\n")
(if debug-flag (println recvbuff) true)
; Empty out pipe. According to SMTP spec, last line has valid code.
; added for 1.8 for newLISP 9.2.0
(while (< 0 (net-peek socket))
(net-receive socket recvbuff 256 "\r\n")
(if debug-flag (println recvbuff)))
(starts-with recvbuff conf))
(define (net-send-get-result str conf)
(set 'send-str (append str "\r\n"))
(if debug-flag (println "sent: " send-str))
(net-send socket send-str)
(if conf (confirm-request conf) true))
(define (mail-authorize user-name password)
(append "AUTH PLAIN "
(base64-enc (append "\000" user-name "\000" password))) "235"))
(define (mail-send-header)
(net-send-get-result (append "TO: " mail-to))
(net-send-get-result (append "FROM: " mail-from))
(net-send-get-result (append "SUBJECT: " mail-subject))
(net-send-get-result (append "X-Mailer: newLISP v." (string (nth -2 (sys-info))))))
(define (mail-send-body )
(net-send-get-result "")
(dolist (lne (parse mail-body "\r\n"))
(if (starts-with lne ".")
(net-send-get-result (append "." lne))
(net-send-get-result lne)))
(net-send-get-result "."))
(define (get-error-text)
(context 'MAIN)
; test
; (set 'SMTP:debug-flag true)
; (SMTP:send-mail
; ""
; ""
; "title"
; "body"
; ""
; ""
; "password"))
; eof