
526 lines
16 KiB

;; @module stat.lsp
;; @description Basic statistics and plotting library
;; @version 3.0 - Eliminated plot functions and f-prob which now is built-in as prob-f
;; @version 3.1 - Documentation changes
;; @version 3.2 - Documentation, mention built-in 'stats' function since 10.4.2
;; @author Lutz Mueller, 2001-2014
;; <h2>Functions for statistics</h2>
;; To use this module it has to be loaded at the beginning of the
;; program file:
;; <pre>
;; (load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/modules/stat.lsp"))
;; ; or shorter
;; (module "stat.lsp")
;; </pre>
;; All functions work on integers and floats or a mix of both. <lists> are normal
;; LISP lists. <matrices> are lists of lists, one list for each row in the
;; two dimensional data matrix. See the function 'stat:matrix' on how to make matrices
;; from lists.
;; In version 3.0 of 'stat.lsp' the usage for Gnuplot the stat:plot and stat:plotXY
;; functions has been eliminated. Instead use the module 'plot.lsp' shipped with all binary and
;; source distributions. The F-distribution function 'f-prob' has also been eliminated
;; instead use one of new the built-in 'prob-f' or 'crit-f' functions.
;; The documention contains only the call patterns. See the source for more
;; documentation.
;; <h2>Summary of functions</h2><br>
;; <h3>General uni- and bi- variate statistics</h3>
;; <pre>
;; stat:sum - sum of a vector of numbers (see also built-in stats since 10.4.2)
;; stat:mean - arithmetik mean of a vector of numbers (see also built-in stats since 10.4.2)
;; stat:var - estimated variance of numbers in a vector sample
;; stat:sdev - estimated standard deviation of numbers in a vector (see also built-in stats since 10.4.2)
;; stat:sum-sq - sum of squares of a data vector
;; stat:sum-xy - sum of products of a two data vectors
;; stat:corr - correlation coefficient between two vectors (built-in since 10.4.2)
;; stat:cov - covariance of two number vectors
;; stat:sum-d2 - sum of squared differences of a vector from its mean
;; stat:sum-d2xy - sum of squared diffferences of two vectors
;; stat:regression - calculates the intecept and slope of a regression estimate
;; stat:fit - return the fitted line using regression coefficients
;; stat:moments - calulates 1st to 3rd moments from a vector of numbers
;; </pre>
;; <h3>Multi variate statistics</h3>
;; <pre>
;; stat:multiple-reg - calculates a multiple regression
;; stat:cov-matrix - calculates a covariance matrix
;; stat:corr-matrix - calculates a correlation matrix
;; </pre>
;; <h3>Time series</h3>
;; <pre>
;; stat:smooth - smoothes a vector of numbers
;; stat:lag - calcultes a difference list with specified lag
;; stat:cumulate - cumulate a data vector
;; stat:power - calculate the power spectrum of a time series
;; </pre>
;; <h3>Matrix and list utilities</h3>
;; <pre>
;; stat:matrix - make a matrix from column vectors
;; stat:diagonal - make a diagonal matrix
;; stat:get-diagonal - return the diagonal of a matrix in a vector
;; stat:mat-map - map a binary function on to matrices
;; </pre>
(if (< (sys-info -2) 10111)
(constant (global 'term) name))
;; @syntax (stat:corr <X> <Y>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <Y> A list of numbers.
;; @return Correlation coefficient of lists <X> and <Y>.
;; A 'corr' native function is built into newLISP since 10.4.2.
;; @syntax (stat:cov <X> <Y>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <Y> A list of numbers.
;; @return Covariance of data in lists <X> and <Y>
;; @syntax (stat:cov-matrix <X>)
;; @param <X> A matrix of numbers.
;; @return Covariance matrix of <X> with <N> rows and <k> columns.
;; @syntax (stat:corr-matrix <X>)
;; @param <X> A matrix of numbers.
;; @return Correlation matrix of <X> with <N> rows and <k> columns.
;; @syntax (stat:cumulate <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return The cumulated list of <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:diagonal <item> <N>)
;; @param <item> The diagonal element.
;; @return A diagonal matrix of length <N> with <item> in the diagonal.
;; @syntax (stat:fit <X> <Y>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <Y> A list of numbers.
;; @return fitted line based on '(stat:regression X Y)'.
;; @syntax (stat:f-prob <F> <df1> <df2>)
;; @param <F> The variance ratio.
;; @param <df1> Degrees of freedom.
;; @param <df2> Degrees of freedom.
;; @return Probablity of F variance ratio for <df1>, <df2> degress of freedom.
;; @syntax (stat:get-diagonal <X>)
;; @param <X> An matrix filled with numbers.
;; @return A list from the diagonal elements of <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:lag <X> <n>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <n> Lag n.
;; @return A differenced list of <X> with a lag of <n>.
;; If the length of list <X> is <l> then the length of the resulting
;; differenced list is <l - n>.
;; @syntax (stat:mat-map <op> <A> <B>)
;; @return Matrix map, e.g. '(stat:mat-map + A B)'.
;; Used for adding and subtracting matrices.
;; @syntax (stat:matrix <C1> .... <CN>)
;; @param <C1> The first column list of values.
;; @param <CN> The Nth column list of values.
;; @return A matrix off <1> to <N> columns <C>.
;; @syntax (stat:mean <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return The mean of data in list <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:moments <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return Calculates all moments of list <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:multiple-reg <X> <offY>)
;; @param <X> A matrix of numbers.
;; @param <offY> Zero based offset into <Y>.
;; @return Multiple regression of vars in <X> onto <Y> at <offsetY>.
;; @syntax (stat:power <TS>)
;; @param <TS> A time series of numbers.
;; @return The power spectrum of a time series
;; @syntax (stat:regression <X> <Y>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <Y> A list of numbers.
;; returns <(b0 b1)> coefficients of regression <Y = b0 + b1*X>.
;; @syntax (stat:sdev <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return Standard deviation of data in list <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:smooth <X> <alpha>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <alpha> Smoothing coefficient <0 &lt; alpha &lt; 1>.
;; @return Exponentially smoothed sequence in <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:sum <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers,
;; @return Sum of data in list <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:sum-d2 <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return Sum of squared diffs <(x - mean(X))^2> in list <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:sum-d2xy <X> <Y>)
;; @return Sum of squared differences <(x - y)^2> of elements in lists <X> and <Y>.
;; @syntax (stat:sum-sq <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return Sum of <x*x> data elements in list <X>.
;; @syntax (stat:sum-xy <X> <Y>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @param <Y> A list of numbers.
;; @return Sum of products <x*y> data elements in lists <X> and <Y>.
;; @syntax (stat:var <X>)
;; @param <X> A list of numbers.
;; @return The variance of the data in list <X>.
(context 'stat)
;------------------- General uni and bi-variate statistics --------------------
; sum of a data vector X
(define (sum X)
(apply add X))
; mean of a data vector X
(define (mean X)
(div (sum X) (length X)))
; variance of a data vector X
(define (var X)
(div (sum-d2 X) (sub (length X) 1)))
; standard deviation of a data vector X
(define (sdev X)
(sqrt (var X)))
; sum of squares of a data vector X
(define (sum-sq X)
(apply add (map mul X X)))
; sum of the product of data vectors X*Y
(define (sum-xy X Y)
(apply add (map mul X Y)))
; covariance of data vectors X Y
(define (cov X Y)
(sub (sum-xy X Y) (div (mul (sum X) (sum Y)) (length X))))
; sum of sqared differenses of X to mean of X
(define (sum-d2 X)
(sub (sum-sq X) (div (mul (sum X) (sum X)) (length X))))
; Pearson r, product moment correlation of data vectors X and Y
(define (stat:corr X Y)
(div (cov X Y) (sqrt (mul (sum-d2 X) (sum-d2 Y)))))
; regression Yest = b0 + b1*X calculates intercept b0 and slope b1
(define (regression X Y)
(set 'b1 (div (cov X Y) (sum-d2 X)))
(set 'b0 (sub (mean Y) (mul b1 (mean X))))
(list b0 b1))
; fitted line using regression Y on X
(define (fit X Y, coeffs b0 b1)
(set 'coeffs (regression X Y))
(set 'b0 (first coeffs))
(set 'b1 (last coeffs))
(map (lambda (x) (add b0 (mul x b1))) X))
; sum of squared differences of X and Y
(define (sum-d2xy X Y)
(apply add (map (lambda (x y) (mul (sub x y) (sub x y))) X Y)))
; moments of a vector of numbers
(define (moments vector, n median mean avg-dev std-dev var skew kurtosis dev sum)
(set 'n (length vector))
(set 'sum (apply add vector))
(set 'mean (div sum n))
(set 'avg-dev 0 'std-dev 0 'var 0 'skew 0 'kurtosis 0)
(set 'dev (map sub vector (dup mean n)))
(set 'avg-dev (div (apply add (map abs dev)) n))
(set 'var (div (apply add (map mul dev dev)) (- n 1)))
(set 'skew (apply add (map mul dev dev dev)))
(set 'kurtosis (apply add (map mul dev dev dev dev)))
(set 'std-dev (sqrt var))
(if (> var 0.0)
(set 'skew (div skew (mul n var std-dev)))
(set 'kurtosis (sub (div kurtosis (mul n var var)) 3.0))))
(sort vector)
(set 'mid (/ n 2))
(if (= 0 (% n 2))
(set 'median (div (add (nth mid vector) (nth (- mid 1) vector)) 2))
(set 'median (nth mid vector)))
(list n median mean avg-dev std-dev var skew kurtosis)
; (println (format "n: %d" n))
; (println (format "median: %f" median))
; (println (format "mean: %f" mean))
; (println (format "average_deviation: %f" avg-dev))
; (println (format "standard_deviation: %f" std-dev))
; (println (format "variance: %f" var))
; (println (format "skew: %f" skew))
; (println (format "kurtosis: %f" kurtosis))
;-------------------------------- Time Series ----------------------------------
; expontial smoothing with 0 < alpha <= 1
(define (smooth lst alpha , previous slist)
(set 'previous (first lst))
(set 'slist '())
(dolist (elmnt lst)
(set 'previous (add (mul alpha elmnt) (mul (sub 1 alpha) previous)))
(push previous slist))
(reverse slist)) ; could be written shorter starting v.9.9.5
; because push returns the modified list
; seasonal difference list with variable lag
; the resulting list is lag shorterm than the original
(define (lag lst n , sLst)
(set 'sLst lst)
(dotimes (i n) (pop lst))
(set 'sLst (slice sLst 0 (length lst)))
(map sub lst sLst))
; cumulate of a list
(define (cumulate lst , sc cum)
(set 'sc 0.0)
(set 'cum '())
(dolist (x lst)
(push (inc sc x) cum))
(reverse cum)) ; could be written shorter after 9.9.5
; because push returns the list
; power spectrum
; takes a rows by 2 columns matrix with real part in the first and
; imagenary part the in the second column. If all numbers are real
; then the second column is just 0's.
; returns a matrix with two rows. First row contains power numbers
; and second row contains the respective frequencies
(define (power ts , lenOrg fts n n2 ps mid frqs)
; remember original length
(set 'lenOrg (length ts))
; do discrete fourier transform
(set 'fts (transpose (fft ts)))
; calc power spectrum
(set 'n (length (transpose fts)))
(set 'n2 (mul n n))
(set 'ps (map (lambda (x y) (add (mul x x) (mul y y))) (nth 0 fts) (nth 1 fts)))
(set 'ps (map (lambda (x) (mul (div x n2) 2)) ps))
; the first and last are not multiplied by 2, divide them back
; use deprecated nth-set in versions older than 9.9.02
(setf (ps 0) (div (first ps) 2))
(set 'mid (sub (div n 2) 1))
(replace mid ps (div (nth mid ps) 2))
; calc a vector with frequencies, adjusted for the new power-2 length
; which came back from the FFT
(set 'frqs (sequence 0 (- n 1)))
(set 'frqs (map (lambda (x) (mul (div x n) lenOrg)) frqs))
(transpose (matrix ps frqs)))
;------------------------- multivariate statistics -----------------------------
; multiple regression of variables in X onto one of variables in X, Y
; indicated by column offset offY
; X is N rows by k columns, the column at offset offY is Y
; returns a matrix with two rows:
; first row is regression coefficients and multiple R: b0, b1, b2 ....., R
; second row is sum of squares: regression-SQ, error-SQ, total-SQ
; (the unused part of the second row is <tt>nil</tt> padded)
; the SQs can be used to calculate mean sqares for regression and error:
; regression-MSQ = regression-SQ / (k - 1)
; error-MSQ = error-sq / (n - k - 1)
; F-ratio = regression-MSQ / error-MSQ
; with k and (n - k - 1) df degreees of freedom
(define (multiple-reg X offY , Y Ycoffs b b0 R2 Yest sqErr sqTotal sqReg sq d)
(set 'covX (cov-matrix X))
(set 'Y (extract-col X offY))
; covX is the covariance matrix
(pop covX offY)
(set 'cvX (transpose covX))
; the covariance matrix is reduced to cvX and the
; extracted values put in Ycoffs
(set 'Ycoffs (matrix (pop cvX offY)))
; b contains the regression coefficients except for b0
(set 'b (multiply (invert cvX) Ycoffs))
; calculate multiple R2 as b'*b / sqTotal
(set 'sqTotal (sum-d2 Y))
(set 'R2 (div (first (first (multiply (transpose b) Ycoffs))) sqTotal))
; estimate Y without b0
(set 'Yest (multiply (reduce-col X offY) b))
; calculate b0, d is the difference between Y and the Y estimate
; b0 is the mean of differences between Y and Yest
(set 'd (mat-map sub (matrix Y) Yest))
(set 'b0 (mean (first (transpose d))))
; estimate Y including b0
(set 'Yest (mat-map add Yest (matrix (dup b0 (length Yest)))))
; error sum of squares
(set 'sqErr (sum-d2xy Y (first (transpose Yest))))
; regression sum of squares
(set 'sqReg (sub sqTotal sqErr))
; make list b out of b0, b1, b2 ... sqrt(R2)
(set 'b (append (list b0) (first (transpose b)) (list (sqrt R2))))
; make list sq out of sqReg, sqErr and sqTotal
(set 'sq (list sqReg sqErr sqTotal))
; return matrix with two rows:
(transpose (matrix b sq)))
; covariance matrix cov
; matrix x with N rows and k columns
(define (cov-matrix X , XtX N I sumX sumX2)
(set 'XtX (multiply (transpose X) X))
(set 'N (length X))
(set 'I (matrix (dup 1 N)))
(set 'sumX (multiply (transpose X) I))
(set 'sumX2 (multiply sumX (transpose sumX)))
(set 'sumX2 (multiply sumX2 (diagonal (div 1 N) (length sumX2))))
(mat-map sub XtX sumX2))
; correlation matrix
; matrix X with N rows and k columns
(define (corr-matrix X , covX N d dd)
(set 'covX (cov-matrix X))
(set 'd (matrix (get-diagonal covX)))
(set 'dd (multiply d (transpose d)))
(set 'dd (map (lambda (z) (map sqrt z)) dd))
(mat-map div covX dd))
; probablity of F variance ratio with degrees of freedom df1 df2
(define (f-prob F df1 df2)
(let (prob (mul 2 (betai (div df2 (add df2 (mul df1 F)))
(mul 0.5 df2)
(mul 0.5 df1))))
(div (if (> prob 1) (sub 2 prob) prob) 2)))
;----------------------------- utility functions -------------------------------
; make a matrix from 1 up to 16 lists
(define (matrix)
(transpose (args)))
; make a diagonal matrix n by n and elmnt in the diagonal
(define (diagonal elmnt n, m lst)
(set 'm '())
(dotimes (i n)
(set 'lst (dup 0 n))
; use deprecated nth-set in versions older than 9.9.02
(if (< (sys-info -2) 9902)
(nth-set (lst i) elmnt)
(setf (lst i) elmnt))
(push lst m))
(reverse m)) ; make shorter starting v.9.9.5
; get the diagonal from a square matrix
(define (get-diagonal X , d x)
(set 'd '())
(dotimes (idx (length X))
(push (nth idx (nth idx X)) d))
(reverse d))
; matrix map
; e.g.: (mat-map sub A B) ;; for matrix subtraction
(define (mat-map op A B)
(map (lambda (x y) (map op x y)) A B))
; reduce matrix by a column at offset
; returns the reduced matrix
(define (reduce-col matr off, X)
(set 'matr (transpose matr))
(pop matr off)
(transpose matr))
; extract a column from a matrix
; returns the extracted column
(define (extract-col matr off, X)
(pop (transpose matr) off))
; convert list to ascii lines terminated by CR-LF
; for storage in files usable by Gnuplot, R, Excel etc.
; example:
; (write-file "MyData.txt" (list2ascii mydata-list))
(define (list2ascii lst)
(append (join (map string lst) "\r\n") "\r\n"))
; eof