
132 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File

; Test IEE compliance of some FP operations and handling of 'inf' and 'NaN'
; numbers. In all versions of newLISP (32Bit and 64Bit) floating point numbers
; are represented as IEE 754 64-bit: Double (binary64) numbers.
; Thanks to Nelson H.F. Beebe <> for some of the tests
; in this file
(println "Testing floating point performance")
(set-locale "C")
(set 'aNan (sqrt -1))
(set 'aInf (div 1.0 0))
(set 'aNegInf (div -1 0))
; operation on NaN result in NaN
(set 'tests '(
"operation on NaN result in NaN"
(NaN? (mul 1.0 aNan))
(NaN? (div 1.0 aNan))
(NaN? (add 1.0 aNan))
(NaN? (sub 1.0 aNan))
(NaN? (sin aNan))
(NaN? (cos aNan))
(NaN? (tan aNan))
(NaN? (atan aNan))
"comparison with NaN is always nil"
(not (< 1.0 aNan))
(not (> 1.0 aNan))
(not (>= 1.0 aNan))
(not (<= 1.0 aNan))
(not (= aNan aNan))
"NaN is not equal to itself"
(not (= aNan aNan))
"integer operations assume NaN as 0"
(= (- 1 aNan) 1)
(= (+ 1 aNan) 1)
(= (* 1 aNan) 0)
(not (catch (/ 1 aNan) 'error))
(= (>> aNan) 0)
(= (<< aNan) 0)
"integer operations assume inf as max-int"
(= (* 1 aInf) 9223372036854775807)
(= (- aInf 1) 9223372036854775806)
(= (+ aInf 1) -9223372036854775808) ; wrap around
"FP division by inf results in 0"
(= (/ 1 aInf) 0)
(= (div 1 aInf) 0)
"inf specials"
(= aInf aInf)
(NaN? (sub aInf aInf))
"retain sign of -0.0"
(= (set 'tiny (div -1 aInf)) -0.0)
(= (sqrt tiny) -0.0)
(= (div -1 (div 1.0 0)) -0.0)
"inf is signed too"
(= aNegInf (div -1 0))
(!= aNegInf (div 1 0))
(= (int aNegInf) -9223372036854775808)
"mod with 0 divisor is NaN"
(NaN? (mod 10 0))
"% with 0 divisor throws error"
(not (catch (% 10 0) 'error))
(dolist (t tests)
(if (string? t)
(println (format "\n%-47s\n%s" t (dup "-" 47)))
(let (result (eval t))
(println (format "%40s => %s" (string t) (string result)))
(push result result-list))
(set 'result '())
(set 'u 1.0)
(while (> u 0.0) (set 'u (mul u 0.5)) (push u result))
(println "support of subnormals: " (0 2 result) " => (0 4.940656458e-324)")
(set 'epsilon 1.0)
(while (!= 1.0 (add 1.0 epsilon))
(set 'epsilon (mul epsilon 0.5))
(println "machine epsilon: " epsilon " => 1.110223025e-16")
;(= 2.2250738585072007e-308 2.2250738585072011e-308) ; true on OSX nil on FreeBSD and Win232
;(= 2.2250738585072011e-308 2.2250738585072012e-308) ; true on FreeBSD and Win32 nil on OSX
;(= (bits (first (unpack "Lu" (pack "lf" 2.2250738585072007e-308)))) ; true on FreeBSD and Win32 nil OSX
;(= (bits (first (unpack "Lu" (pack "lf" 2.2250738585072007e-308)))) ; true on OSX nil on FreeBSD and Win32
;(= (bits (first (unpack "Lu" (pack "lf" 2.2250738585072011e-308)))) ; true on OSX and Win32 nil on FreeBSD
;"1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111") ; 52 bits
;(= (bits (first (unpack "Lu" (pack "lf" 2.2250738585072011e-308)))) ; true on FreeBS nil on OSX and Win32
;"10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") ; 53 bits
; work on FreeBSD and OSX but not on Win32 XP
; (= (bits 2.2250738585072007e-308) "0")
; (= (bits (first (unpack "Lu" (pack "lf" 2.2250738585072012e-308))))
; "10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") ; 53 bits
; works on FreeBSD, OSX and Win32
(= (bits (first (unpack "Lu" (pack "lf" (sqrt -1)))))
"1111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") ; 64 bits
(println "bit patterns OK")
(println "problems in bit patterns")
(if-not (apply and result-list)
(println ">>>>> PROBLEM in floating point tests")
(println ">>>>> Floating point tests SUCCESSFUL")