
147 lines
5.0 KiB
Executable File

; test JSON translation
(set 'js-1 [text]
"name": "John Smith",
"age": 32,
"employed": true,
"address": {
"street": "701 First Ave.",
"city": "Sunnyvale, CA 95125",
"country": "United States"
"children": [
"name": "Richard",
"age": 7
"name": "Susan",
"age": 4
"name": "James",
"age": 3
; this from a (public blog post) has empty objects:
; curl \
; -d amount=10000 \
; -d description="Math lesson" \
; -d bank_account[name]="Johann Bernoulli" \
; -d bank_account[account_number]=9900000001 \
; -d bank_account[routing_number]=121000358 \
; -d bank_account[type]=checking \
; -u 7b7a51ccb10c11e19c0a026ba7e239a9:
(set 'js-2 [text]
"status": "pending",
"description": "Math lesson",
"created_at": "2013-01-08T18:28:56.979172Z",
"uri": "/v1/credits/CR23hlY1ElsZOFuKiruxPL3W",
"amount": 10000,
"meta": {},
"id": "CR23hlY1ElsZOFuKiruxPL3W",
"bank_account": {
"routing_number": "121000358",
"bank_name": "BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.",
"name": "Johann Bernoulli",
"meta": {},
"account_number": "xxxxxx0001",
"fingerprint": "1eH719hwbYRpEILVKyboPs_pn",
"type": "checking"
; like js-2, but no white space between tokens, just one long line
(set 'js-3 [text]
{"status": "pending","description":"Math lesson","created_at":"2013-01-08T18:28:56.979172Z","uri":"/v1/credits/CR23hlY1ElsZOFuKiruxPL3W","amount":10000,"meta":{},"id":"CR23hlY1ElsZOFuKiruxPL3W","bank_account":{"routing_number":"121000358","bank_name": "BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.","name":"Johann Bernoulli","meta":{},"account_number":"xxxxxx0001","fingerprint": "1eH719hwbYRpEILVKyboPs_pn","type":"checking"}}
(if (and
(= (json-parse js-1)
'(("name" "John Smith")
("age" 32)
("employed" true)
("address" (
("street" "701 First Ave.")
("city" "Sunnyvale, CA 95125")
("country" "United States")))
("children" (
(("name" "Richard") ("age" 7))
(("name" "Susan") ("age" 4))
(("name" "James") ("age" 3))))))
; empty objects {}
(= (json-parse js-2) (json-parse js-3)
'(("status" "pending")
("description" "Math lesson")
("created_at" "2013-01-08T18:28:56.979172Z")
("uri" "/v1/credits/CR23hlY1ElsZOFuKiruxPL3W")
("amount" 10000)
("meta" ())
("id" "CR23hlY1ElsZOFuKiruxPL3W")
("bank_account" (
("routing_number" "121000358")
("bank_name" "BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.")
("name" "Johann Bernoulli")
("meta" ())
("account_number" "xxxxxx0001")
("fingerprint" "1eH719hwbYRpEILVKyboPs_pn")
("type" "checking")))))
; from test-json-error qa-dot
(not (json-parse {{"key" : "value" , "hello" "world"}}))
(= (json-error) '("missing : colon" 28))
; test-json-parse from qa-dot with arrays
(= (json-parse { {"key" : "value" , "hello" : "world", "array" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]} })
'(("key" "value") ("hello" "world") ("array" (1 2 3 4 5))))
(= (json-parse { [1,2,3,4,5,6,{ "nested" : 777}, 8, 9] } )
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 (("nested" 777)) 8 9) )
; empty array and empty object
(and (= (json-parse {[]}) '()) (= (json-parse {{}}) '()))
; only for utf8 enabled versions
(if utf8 (= (json-parse { {"greek letters" : "\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3\u03b4"} })
'(("greek letters" "αβγδ")))
; escaped quotes fixed in 10.5.2
(= (json-parse [text]{"foo": ["bar", "\"baz\""]}[/text]) '(("foo" ("bar" "\"baz\""))))
; escaped back slashes in 10.5.3
(= (json-parse [text]{"a backslash":"\\"}[/text]) '(("a backslash" "\\")))
; trailing , (comma) in arrays for ECMA-404 compliance
(= (json-parse {[1,2,3,]}) '(1 2 3))
(println ">>>>> JSON translation tested SUCESSFUL")
(println ">>>>> PROBLEM in JSON translation")
;; Other Tests
; one long JSON line without spacesi (~ 700 bytes):
; (json-parse (first (exec "curl -Ls")))
; The JSON string returned by curl is different every time, but works.
; longer JSON text (~ 3600 bytes), fill in any other ip-number
; (json-parse (get-url ""))
; large 10 Mbyte JSON file:
; (write-file "auctions.json"
; (get-url ""))
; (time (set 'S (json-parse (read-file "auctions.json")))) ;=> 240.057 ms
; (length (flat S)) ;=> 1212355 tokens