
220 lines
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Executable file

;; qa reference returns from functions
(println "testing reference passing to/from built-in functions")
(define (qa-ref)
; replace -> nth
(set 'L '(a b (c d e f g)))
(= (replace 'f (nth (+ 1 1) L) 'z) '(c d e z g))
(= L '(a b (c d e z g)))
; protection
(constant 'C '(a b c d e (f g)))
(not (catch (replace 'f (nth (- 1 2) C) 'z) 'result))
; copied return from append
(set 's1 "ABC" 's2 "DEF")
(= (replace "D" (append s1 s2) "Z") "ABCZEF")
(= s1 "ABC")
(= s2 "DEF")
; replace -> rotate string
(set 's "ABCDEFG")
(= (replace "D" (rotate s) "Z") "GABCZEF")
(= s "GABCZEF")
; replace -> rotate list
(set 'r '(A B D E F G))
(= (replace 'D (rotate r) 'Z) '(G A B Z E F))
(= r '(G A B Z E F))
; pop -> sort list
(set 's '(K U Q A J P T))
(= (pop (sort s)) 'A)
(= s '(J K P Q T U))
; push -> reverse list
(set 'l '(A B C D E F))
(= (push 'D (reverse l)) '(D F E D C B A))
(= l '(D F E D C B A))
; setq -> assoc list
(set 'l '((a 1) (b 2)))
(= (setq (assoc 'b l) '(b 3)) '(b 3))
(= l '((a 1) (b 3)))
; push -> setq -> assoc list
(= (push 'b (setq (assoc 'b l) '(b 4))) '(b b 4))
(= l '((a 1) (b b 4)))
; setq -> first, setq -> last list
(set 'l '(a b c d e f))
(= (setq (first l) 99) 99)
(= l '(99 b c d e f))
(= (setq (last l) 990) 990)
(= l '(99 b c d e 990))
; push -> setq
(= (push 'z (setq x '(a b c d e f)) -1) '(a b c d e f z))
(= x '(a b c d e f z))
; pop -> set-ref list
(set 'l '("AA" ("BB" "CC")))
(= (pop (set-ref "BB" l "aa")) "AA")
(= l '(("aa" "CC")))
; setq -> nth -> set-ref-all list
(set 'l '("AA" ("BB" ("CC" "BB"))))
(= (setq (nth 0 (set-ref-all "BB" l "aa")) "xx") "xx")
(= l '("xx" ("aa" ("CC" "aa"))))
; if returns reference
(set 'l '((a b) c))
(= (pop (if true (l 0) '(x y z))) 'a)
(= l '((b) c))
; if-not returns reference
(set 'l '((a b) c))
(= (pop (if-not nil (l 0) '(x y z))) 'a)
(= l '((b) c))
; when returns reference
(set 'l '((a b) c))
(= (pop (when true (l 0))) 'a)
(= l '((b) c))
; unless returns reference
(set 'l '((a b) c))
(= (pop (unless nil (l 0))) 'a)
(= l '((b) c))
; pop -> lookup
(set 'L '((a 1) (b 1 (2 3) 4) (c 3)))
(= (push 99 (lookup 'b L -2)) '(99 2 3))
(= L '((a 1) (b 1 (99 2 3) 4) (c 3)))
; pop and push a as a queue
(set 'Q '(a b c d e))
(= (pop (push 'f Q -1)) 'a)
(= (pop (push 'g Q -1)) 'b)
(= Q '(c d e f g))
; pop on list elements
(set 'L '(a "abc"))
(push 1 (eval (L 0)))
(push "z" (L 1))
(= a '(1))
(= L '(a "zabc"))
; an evaluated symbol returns reference
(set 'l '(a b c d e f g))
(= (pop (if true l)) 'a)
(= (pop (if true l)) 'b)
(= (pop (if true l)) 'c)
(= l '(d e f g))
; begin, and, or
(set 'L '(a b c d e f g))
(replace 'b (begin (and (or L))) 'B)
(= L '(a B c d e f g))
; case cond
(set 'L '(a b c d e f g))
(pop (case 1 (1 L)))
(= L '(b c d e f g))
(pop (cond (nil 123) (true L)))
(= L '(c d e f g))
; nested implicit indexes
(set 'L '(a b (c d) e f g))
(= (setf ((L 2) 0) 99) 99)
(= L '(a b (99 d) e f g))
; setf with $it
(setf x 1)
(= (setf x (+ $it 1)) 2)
; hash with $it
(not (define foo:foo))
(foo "var" 123)
(= (foo "var" (* $it 2)) 246)
; nested eval implicit indexing
(set 'x '(0))
(set 'y 'x)
(setf ((eval y) 0) (+ $it 1))
(setf ((eval y) 0) (+ $it 1))
(= x '(2))
; nested eval i assoc
(set 'L '((a 1) (b 2)))
(set 'K 'L)
(setf (assoc 'b (eval K)) '(b 3))
(= L '((a 1) (b 3)))
; check protection
(constant 'L)
(not (catch (setf (assoc 'b (eval K)) '(b 3)) 'err))
; apply should keep ref
(= (push 'z (apply set '(a ()))) '(z))
(= a '(z))
; setf on strings
(set 's "abcdefg")
(= (setf (s 3) "D") "D")
(= s "abcDefg")
(= (setf ((replace "a" s "A") 1) "B") "B")
(= s "ABcDefg")
; setf on strings with anaphoric $it
(set 's "abcdefg")
(set 'idx 0)
(= (setf (s (+ idx 1)) (upper-case $it)) "B")
(= s "aBcdefg")
; other nested expression and $it
(set 's "a-b-c-d-e-f-g")
(= (setf (first (replace "-" s "")) (upper-case $it)) "A")
(= s "Abcdefg")
; don't mistake context in setf/setq symbol for default symbol
; and take as equal a context symbol and a context
(context 'CTX)
(context 'MAIN)
(setq new-ctx (new CTX 'First))
(= new-ctx 'First First)
(setq new-ctx (new CTX 'Second))
(= new-ctx 'Second Second)
; loops
(not (set 'lst '()))
(setf (last (for (i 0 5) (push i lst))) 100)
(= lst '(5 4 3 2 1 100))
(setq str "")
(setf (first (dotimes (i 5) (push "X" str))) "Y")
(= str "YXXXX")
(not (set 'lst '()))
(= (dostring (c str) (push c lst)) '(88 88 88 88 89))
; impicit indexing
(set 'lst '(a b c d e f g))
(setf (lst 1) (lst 2))
(= lst '(a c c d e f g))
(if (qa-ref)
(println ">>>>> Reference testing SUCCESSFUL")
(println ">>>>> PROBLEM in reference testing")