{% extends "master.html" %} {% block title %}Doc: SSH hostkeys/Fingerprints{% endblock %} {% set tag = "home" %} {% block content %}

SSH Hostkeys/Fingerprints

{% if config.get('SSH_KEYS') %}

SSH host keys and fingerprints can be use to ensure you are connecting to pagure's server and not someone else's.

Here below are the SSH Hostkey and the Fingerprint of this current pagure instance:

{% for cert in config.get('SSH_KEYS') %} {% for type in config['SSH_KEYS'][cert] %}
{{ cert }} {{ type | title }}
{{ config['SSH_KEYS'][cert][type] }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% else %}
No SSH keys have been specified in the configuration file. You should ask an admin to fill this information.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}