"""Add the remote_git entry Revision ID: 257a7ce22682 Revises: 36116bb7a69b Create Date: 2015-07-21 14:26:23.989220 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '257a7ce22682' down_revision = '36116bb7a69b' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ''' Add the column remote_git to the table pull_requests and make the project_id_from field nullable. ''' op.add_column( 'pull_requests', sa.Column('remote_git', sa.Text, nullable=True) ) op.alter_column( 'pull_requests', column_name='project_id_from', nullable=True, existing_nullable=False) op.create_check_constraint( "ck_lcl_or_remo_pr", "pull_requests", 'NOT(project_id_from IS NULL AND remote_git IS NULL)' ) def downgrade(): ''' Remove the column remote_git from the table pull_requests and make the project_id_from field not nullable. ''' op.drop_column('pull_requests', 'remote_git') op.alter_column( 'pull_requests', column_name='project_id_from', nullable=False, existing_nullable=True)