
507 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo <cascardo@minaslivre.org>
* Copyright (C) 2014 Alexandre Oliva <lxoliva@fsfla.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "decfile.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <gcrypt.h>
#include "pmhash.h"
#include "rnet_message.h"
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (a >= b) ? a : b
struct rnet_decfile {
char *filename;
FILE *file;
char **lines;
int lines_len;
struct pmhash *header;
struct rnet_message *message;
* line should be an allocated buffer given to append_line
* this means, free(line) will be called when decfile is released
static int append_line(struct rnet_decfile *decfile, char *line)
size_t len;
char **old_lines;
decfile->lines_len += 1;
len = sizeof(*decfile->lines) * decfile->lines_len;
old_lines = decfile->lines;
decfile->lines = realloc(decfile->lines, len);
if (!decfile->lines) {
decfile->lines = old_lines;
goto out;
decfile->lines[decfile->lines_len - 1] = line;
return 0;
decfile->lines_len -= 1;
return -ENOMEM;
static void decfile_release_lines(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < decfile->lines_len; i++)
decfile->lines = NULL;
static char * get_header(struct rnet_decfile *decfile);
static int decfile_parse_file(struct rnet_decfile *decfile);
#define parse(field, sz) \
r = -ENOMEM; \
val = malloc(sz + 1); \
if (!val) \
goto out_val; \
val[sz] = 0; \
memcpy(val, p, sz); \
p += sz; \
key = strdup(field); \
if (!key) \
goto out_key; \
if (pmhash_add(&hash, key, val)) \
goto out_add;
static int decfile_parse_header(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
char *buffer;
int r;
int exerc;
char *p;
char *tail;
char *key;
char *val;
struct pmhash *hash;
p = buffer = get_header(decfile);
if (!buffer)
return -EINVAL;
hash = decfile->header;
/* Common header fields. Most of these are used by rnet_encode. */
parse("sistema", 8);
parse("exerc", 4);
parse("ano", 4);
parse("codigo_recnet", 4);
parse("in_ret", 1);
parse("cpf", 11);
parse("filler", 3);
parse("tipo_ni", 1);
parse("nr_versao", 3);
parse("nome", 60);
parse("uf", 2);
parse("hash", 10);
/* Assert the size of the common header matches the expectation. */
if (p - buffer != RNET_HEADER_HEAD_COMMON) {
fprintf(stderr, "RNET_HEADER_HEAD_COMMON in decfile.h needs to be adjusted to %ti\n", p - buffer);
goto out_val;
/* Retrieve exerc from the hash table. */
exerc = atoi(pmhash_get(hash, "exerc"));
/* Assert exerc is no less than the minimum supported version */
if (exerc < 2013) {
fprintf(stderr, "This software does not support declarations older than 2013.\n");
goto out_val;
/* Check for tested versions. */
if (exerc > 2016) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown file version, but proceeding anyway.\n");
return 0;
/* These fields exist at least since 2013. */
parse("in_cert", 1);
parse("dt_nasc", 8);
parse("in_comp", 1);
parse("in_res", 1);
parse("in_gerada", 1);
parse("nr_recibo_anterior", 10);
parse("in_pgd", 1);
parse("so", 14);
parse("versao_so", 7);
parse("jvm", 9);
parse("nr_recibo", 10);
parse("municipio", 4);
parse("conjuge", 11);
parse("obrig", 1);
parse("impdevido", 13);
parse("nr_recibo", 10);
parse("in_seg", 1);
parse("imppago", 2);
parse("impant", 1);
parse("mudend", 1);
parse("cep", 8);
parse("debito", 1);
parse("banco", 3);
parse("agencia", 4);
parse("filler", 1);
parse("data_julgado", 8);
parse("imppagar", 13);
parse("tribfonte", 1);
parse("cpfrra", 11);
parse("trib_rra", 1);
parse("cpf_rra2", 11);
parse("trib_3rra", 1);
parse("cpf_rra3", 11);
/* Fields added in 2014. */
if (exerc >= 2014) {
parse("trib_4rra", 1);
parse("cpf_rra4", 11);
/* These fields exist at least since 2013. */
parse("vr_doacao", 13);
parse("cnpj1", 14);
parse("cnpj2", 14);
parse("cnpj3", 14);
parse("cnpj4", 14);
parse("cpf_dep1", 11);
parse("dnas_dep1", 8);
parse("cpf_dep2", 11);
parse("dnas_dep2", 8);
parse("cpf_dep3", 11);
parse("dnas_dep3", 8);
parse("cpf_dep4", 11);
parse("dnas_dep4", 8);
parse("cpf_dep5", 11);
parse("dnas_dep5", 8);
parse("cpf_dep6", 11);
parse("dnas_dep6", 8);
parse("cnpj_med1", 14);
parse("cnpj_med2", 14);
parse("cpf_alim", 11);
parse("cpf_invent", 11);
parse("municipio", 40);
parse("contribuinte", 60);
/* The contents of this field until 2014 (cpf_empregada) were moved to
* the end of the header in 2015 (cpfdomestic@). This field has then
* been converted into a filler field. */
if (exerc <= 2014) {
parse("cpf_empregada", 11);
} else {
parse("filler", 11);
/* These fields exist at least since 2013. */
parse("mac", 12);
parse("data_nao_residente", 8);
parse("cpf_procurador", 11);
parse("obrigatoriedade", 3);
parse("rendtrib", 13);
parse("cnpj_prev", 14);
parse("cnpj_prev2", 14);
parse("vr_totisentos", 13);
parse("vr_totexclusivo", 13);
parse("vr_totpagamentos", 13);
/* End of header in 2013. */
/* Fields added in 2014. */
if (exerc >= 2014) {
parse("nr_conta", 13);
parse("nr_dv_conta", 2);
parse("in_dv_conta", 1);
/* End of header in 2014. */
/* Fields added in 2015. */
if (exerc >= 2015) {
parse("codnaturezaocup", 2);
parse("cpfdomestic@", 11);
parse("nitdomestic@", 11);
parse("cpfdomestic@2", 11);
parse("nitdomestic@2", 11);
parse("cpfdomestic@3", 11);
parse("nitdomestic@3", 11);
parse("deciniciada", 1);
parse("utilpgd", 1);
parse("utilapp", 1);
parse("utilonline", 1);
parse("utilrascunho", 1);
parse("utilprepreenchida", 1);
parse("utilfontes", 1);
parse("utilplanosaude", 1);
parse("utilrecuperar", 1);
parse("dectransmitida", 1);
/* End of header in 2015. */
/* Fields added in 2016. */
if (exerc >= 2016) {
parse("dedutivelmaior1", 14);
parse("dedutivelmaior2", 14);
parse("dedutivelmaior3", 14);
parse("dedutivelmaior4", 14);
parse("dedutivelmaior5", 14);
parse("dedutivelmaior6", 14);
parse("funprespmaior", 14);
/* End of header in 2016. */
/* Tail fields, which exist at least since 2013. */
tail = p;
parse("versaotestpgd", 3);
parse("controle", 10);
if (*p++ != '\r') {
"missing CR at the %tith header character\n",
p - buffer);
goto out_val;
} else if (*p++ != '\n') {
"missing LF at the %tith header character\n",
p - buffer);
goto out_val;
} else if (*p != 0) {
"missing NUL at the %tith header character\n",
p - buffer);
goto out_val;
} else if (p - tail != RNET_HEADER_TAIL_COMMON) {
fprintf(stderr, "RNET_HEADER_TAIL_COMMON in decfile.h needs to be adjusted to %ti\n", p - tail);
goto out_val;
/* Verify header size */
switch (exerc) {
case 2013:
if (p - buffer != RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2013) {
fprintf(stderr, "RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2013 in decfile.h needs to be adjusted to %ti,\nor parse_header in decfile.c needs updating\n", p - buffer);
goto out_val;
case 2014:
if (p - buffer != RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2014) {
fprintf(stderr, "RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2014 in decfile.h needs to be adjusted to %ti,\nor parse_header in decfile.c needs updating\n", p - buffer);
goto out_val;
case 2015:
if (p - buffer != RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2015) {
fprintf(stderr, "RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2015 in decfile.h needs to be adjusted to %ti,\nor parse_header in decfile.c needs updating\n", p - buffer);
goto out_val;
case 2016:
if (p - buffer != RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2016) {
fprintf(stderr, "RNET_HEADER_SIZE_2016 in decfile.h needs to be adjusted to %ti,\nor parse_header in decfile.c needs updating\n", p - buffer);
goto out_val;
/* This case should never be reached even for later
years, because later years should not be parsed
further than the common header. */
fprintf(stderr, "Error while processing header. Unrecognized version\n");
goto out_val;
return 0;
return r;
#undef parse
static int decfile_parse(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
char *buffer = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
int r;
while ((r = getline(&buffer, &len, decfile->file)) > 0) {
r = append_line(decfile, buffer);
if (r) {
goto out;
buffer = NULL;
len = 0;
if (!(r = decfile_parse_header(decfile)) && !(r = decfile_parse_file(decfile)))
return 0;
return r;
struct rnet_decfile * rnet_decfile_open(char *filename)
struct rnet_decfile *decfile;
int r = -ENOMEM;
decfile = malloc(sizeof(*decfile));
if (!decfile)
return NULL;
decfile->header = pmhash_new();
if (!decfile->header)
goto out_header;
decfile->message = rnet_message_new();
if (!decfile->message)
goto out_message;
decfile->filename = strdup(filename);
if (!decfile->filename)
goto out_filename;
decfile->file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!decfile->file)
goto out_file;
decfile->lines_len = 0;
decfile->lines = NULL;
if ((r = decfile_parse(decfile)))
goto out_parse;
return decfile;
errno = -r;
return NULL;
void rnet_decfile_close(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
static char * get_header(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < decfile->lines_len; i++) {
if (!strncmp(decfile->lines[i], "IRPF", 4)) {
return decfile->lines[i];
return NULL;
char *rnet_decfile_get_header_field(struct rnet_decfile *decfile, char *field)
return pmhash_get(decfile->header, field);
/* returns true if register is declaration and not a receipt */
static int decfile_reg_is_dec(char *line)
if (line[0] >= '0' && line[0] <= '9' &&
line[1] >= '0' && line[1] <= '9')
return 1;
if (!strncmp(line, "IRPF ", 8))
return 1;
if (!strncmp(line, "T9", 2))
return 1;
return 0;
/* strip a register from its control number and append it to message */
static int append_stripped_reg_ctrl(struct rnet_message **message, char *line)
size_t len;
struct rnet_message *msg = *message;
int growth;
if (!decfile_reg_is_dec(line))
return 0;
len = strlen(line);
if (len < 12)
return -EINVAL;
growth = msg->len + len - 10 - msg->alen;
if (growth > 0) {
if (rnet_message_expand(message, growth))
return -ENOMEM;
msg = *message;
memcpy(&msg->buffer[msg->len], line, len - 12);
msg->buffer[msg->len + len - 12] = '\r';
msg->buffer[msg->len + len - 11] = '\n';
msg->len += len - 10;
return 0;
static int decfile_parse_file(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
int i;
int r;
for (i = 0; i < decfile->lines_len; i++) {
r = append_stripped_reg_ctrl(&decfile->message,
if (r)
return r;
return 0;
struct rnet_message * rnet_decfile_get_file(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
return decfile->message;
char * rnet_decfile_get_file_hash(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
char *hash;
size_t len;
if (gcry_md_test_algo(GCRY_MD_MD5))
return NULL;
len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(GCRY_MD_MD5);
hash = malloc(len);
if (!hash)
return NULL;
gcry_md_hash_buffer(GCRY_MD_MD5, hash, decfile->message->buffer,
return hash;
char * rnet_decfile_get_header(struct rnet_decfile *decfile)
return get_header(decfile);