\begin{cvitems}% Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
\item{Design and deployment of a dependable authentication service across the servers.}
\item{Built and deployed overall service infrastructure utilizing Docker container, CircleCI, and several AWS stack(Including EC2, ECS, Route 53, S3, CloudFront, RDS, ElastiCache, IAM), focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.}
\item{Developed an easy-to-use Payment module which connects to major PG(Payment Gateway) companies in Korea.}
\item{Adding caching mechanism for logging in to enhance performance and reduce database access latency.}
\item{Implementing security measures to prevent brute force login attacks. Imposing account lockout scheme to deter a brute force attack.}
\begin{cventrysummary}% Summary statement
Work in Cross Site Applications team to develop website backend and support the front end features for multiple teams within the organization. I use Java, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, SOAP/Rest API and develop Java based web services and applications. I work with Javascript, HTML, JQuery and FreeMarker template engine to aid development of the front end applications. I work on software design and development to streamline authentication and authorization process, profile maintenance and render secure network for o
nline community. My projects have involved the following:
\item{Built and deployed overall service infrastructure utilizing Docker container, CircleCI, and several AWS stack(Including EC2, ECS, Route 53, S3, CloudFront, RDS, ElastiCache, IAM), focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.}
\item{Lead engineer on agent-less backtracking system that can discover client device's fingerprint(including public and private IP) independently of the Proxy, VPN and NAT.}
\item{Developed in Cocos2d-x an action puzzle game(Dragon Buster) targeting U.S. market.}
\item{Implemented API server which is communicating with game client and In-App Store, along with two other team members who wrote the game logic and designed game graphics.}
\item{Developed a proxy drive smartphone application which connects proxy driver and customer.}
\item{Implemented overall Android application logic and wrote API server for community service, along with lead engineer who designed bidding protocol on raw socket and implemented API server for bidding.}