% !TeX root = ../cv.tex \cvsection{Conferences \& schools} \begin{cventries} \cventry {SUMMER SCHOOL} {8th Mathematica Summer School on Theoretical Physics - Random Matrix Theory and applications} {Berlin, Germany} % Location {Aug. 15th 2016 - Aug. 19th 2016} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points \item {Held at Hulbolt University, a week before IGST2016} \item {Main lecturers included Nikolay Gromov (King's College London), Vladimir Kazakov (ENS Paris), Alexander Migdal (Migdal LLC) and others.} \end{cvitems} } \cventry {SUMMER SCHOOL} {2015 European School on Magnetism - From basic magnetic concepts to spin currents} {Cluj-Napoca, Romania} % Location {Aug. 24th 2015 - Sep. 4th 2015} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points \item {Organizing committee included CEA-Grenoble center, NEEL Institute, Babes-Bolyai University and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca} \item {Main lecturers include Michael Coey (Trinity College Dublin), Steve Blundell (University of Oxford) and others.} \end{cvitems} } \cventry {FIELD INTERSHIP} {II Estágio de Campo na Serra da Estrela} % Title {Serra da Estrela, Portugal} % Location {Aug. 24th 2015 - Sep. 4th 2015} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points \item {Awarded students were given the opportunity of talking and living for 3 days with scientists that worked on polar regions} \item {Workshops on different topics like Arctic/Antarctic biology and geologic formation of \emph{Serra da Estrela}} \item {Coordinated by Gonçalo Vieira (Universidade de Lisboa) and with the participation of marine biologist José C. Xavier (Universidade de Coimbra), Vanessa Batista (Ciência Viva) and Alexandre Trindade (Universidade de Lisboa)} \end{cvitems} } \end{cventries}