% !TeX root = ../cv.tex \cvsection{Education} \begin{cventries} \cventry {M.SC. IN PHYSICS} % Degree {Universidade do Porto} % Institution {Porto, Portugal} % Location {Setp. 2015 - PRESENT} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points \item {Currently following the theoretical branch and taking some mathematics courses} \item {Current classification \textbf{17/20}} \end{cvitems} } \cventry {B.S. IN PHYSICS} % Degree {Universidade do Porto} % Institution {Porto, Portugal} % Location {Sept. 2011 - Jul. 2015} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points \item {National classification \textbf{17/20}, post-Bologna} \item {Minor in Physics} \end{cvitems} } \cventry {{\normalsize 12}TH GRADE} % Degree {Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas de Ponte da Barca} % Institution {Ponte da Barca, Portugal} % Location {Sept. 2008 - Jul. 2011} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points \item {National classification \textbf{18/20}} %\item {Main subjects: \emph{Mathematics, Portuguese, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology}} \end{cvitems} } \end{cventries}