%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SECTION TITLE %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \cvsection{Summary} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CONTENT %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{cvparagraph} \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{itemize}[label={}] \item A Full stack developer with a wide range of experience. I have experience of successfully building a startup worth £10 million, to delivering large scale governmental projects. \\ Passionate about delivering the best product and user experience, Prototyping and refactoring to get the best solution possible, whilst delivering simple solutions to complex problems. \\ \\ \item Skills (listed in yrs of experience) \begin{itemize} \itemsep-0.4em \item HTML \item CSS \item Javascript \item single page web apps \item Ruby \item Heroku \item Node \item React \item Aws \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{multicols} \vspace{-1cm} \end{cvparagraph}