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677 lines
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%% Start of file `awesome-cv.cls'.
% Awesome CV Class File
% This class has been downloaded from:
% https://github.com/posquit0/Awesome-CV
% Author:
% Claud D. Park <posquit0.bj@gmail.com>
% http://www.posquit0.com
% Notes:
% 1) This class file defines the structure and layout of the template file (cv.tex, resume.tex).
% 2) It has been written in such a way that under most circumstances you
% should not need to edit it.
% Class license:
% LPPL v1.3c (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl)
% Identification
\ProvidesClass{awesome-cv}[2017/02/05 v1.6.1 Awesome Curriculum Vitae Class]
% Class options
% (need to be done before the external package loading, for example because
% we need \paperwidth, \paperheight and \@ptsize to be defined before loading
% geometry and fancyhdr)
% Options for draft or final
% Inherit options of article
% 3rd party packages
% Needed to make fixed length table
% Needed to handle list environment
% Needed to handle text alignment
% Needed to configure page layout
% Needed to make header & footer efficiently
% Needed to manage colors
% Needed to use \ifxetex-\else-\fi statement
% Needed to use \if-\then-\else statement
% Needed to use a toolbox of programming tools
% Needed to change line spacing in specific environment
% Needed to manage fonts
% To support LaTeX quoting style
% Needed to manage math fonts
% Needed to use icons from font-awesome
% (https://github.com/posquit0/latex-fontawesome)
% Needed to use icons from academicons
% Needed for the photo ID
% Needed to deal a paragraphs
% Needed to deal hyperlink
% Require additional space to be filled by content
% Configuration for directory locations
% Configure a directory location for fonts(default: 'fonts/')
% Configuration for layout
%% Page Layout
% Configure page margins with geometry
\geometry{left=2.0cm, top=1.5cm, right=2.0cm, bottom=2.0cm, footskip=.5cm}
%% Header & Footer
% Set offset to each header and footer
% Remove head rule
% Clear all header & footer fields
% Enable if you want to make header or footer using fancyhdr
% Configuration for colors
% Gray-scale colors
% Basic colors
% Text colors
% Awesome colors
% Boolean value to switch section color highlighting
% Awesome section color
% Configuration for fonts
% Set the FontAwesome font to be up-to-date.
% \newfontfamily\FA[Path=\@fontdir]{FontAwesome} % Uncomment if \FA is not defined
% Set font for header (default is Roboto)
% Configuration for styles
% Configure styles for each CV elements
% For fundamental structures
\newcommand*{\headerfirstnamestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{32pt}{1em}\headerfontlight\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\headerlastnamestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{32pt}{1em}\headerfont\bfseries\color{text} #1}}
\newcommand*{\headerpositionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{7.6pt}{1em}\bodyfont\scshape\color{awesome} #1}}
\newcommand*{\headeraddressstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{8pt}{1em}\headerfont\itshape\color{lighttext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\headersocialstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{6.8pt}{1em}\headerfont\color{text} #1}}
\newcommand*{\headerquotestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfont\itshape\color{darktext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\footerstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{8pt}{1em}\footerfont\scshape\color{lighttext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\sectionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{16pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{text}\@sectioncolor #1}}
% For elements of entry
\newcommand*{\entrytitlestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{10pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{darktext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\entrypositionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{8pt}{1em}\bodyfont\scshape\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\entrydatestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{8pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\entrylocationstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{awesome} #1}}
\newcommand*{\descriptionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\upshape\color{text} #1}}
% For elements of subentry
\newcommand*{\subentrytitlestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{8pt}{1em}\bodyfont\mdseries\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\subentrypositionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{7pt}{1em}\bodyfont\scshape\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\subentrydatestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{7pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\subentrylocationstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{7pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{awesome} #1}}
\newcommand*{\subdescriptionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{8pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\upshape\color{text} #1}}
% For elements of honor
\newcommand*{\honortitlestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfont\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\honorpositionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{darktext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\honordatestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfont\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\honorlocationstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{awesome} #1}}
% For elements of skill
\newcommand*{\skilltypestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{10pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{darktext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\skillsetstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\color{text} #1}}
% For elements of the cover letter
\newcommand*{\lettersectionstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{14pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{text}\@sectioncolor #1}}
\newcommand*{\recipientaddressstyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfont\scshape\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\recipienttitlestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{11pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{darktext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\lettertitlestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{10pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\bfseries\color{darktext} \underline{#1}}}
\newcommand*{\letterdatestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{9pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{graytext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\letternamestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{10pt}{1em}\bodyfont\bfseries\color{darktext} #1}}
\newcommand*{\letterenclosurestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{10pt}{1em}\bodyfontlight\slshape\color{lighttext} #1}}
% Commands for personal information
% Define a collection of header information
\protected@edef\header{\header{} \acvHeaderSocialSep #1}%
% Define photo ID
% Usage: \photo[circle|rectangle,edge|noedge,left|right]{<path-to-image>}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\tmp}{circle} \or \equal{\tmp}{rectangle}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\tmp}{edge} \or \equal{\tmp}{noedge}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\tmp}{left} \or \equal{\tmp}{right}}%
% Define writer's name
% Usage: \name{<firstname>}{<lastname>}
% Usage: \firstname{<firstname>}
% Usage: \lastname{<lastname>}
% Usage: \familyname{<familyname>}
% Define writer's address
% Usage: \address{<address>}
% Define writer's position
% Usage: \position{<position>}
% Defines writer's mobile (optional)
% Usage: \mobile{<mobile number>}
% Defines writer's email (optional)
% Usage: \email{<email address>}
% Defines writer's homepage (optional)
% Usage: \homepage{<url>}
% Defines writer's github (optional)
% Usage: \github{<github-nick>}
% Defines writer's gitlab (optional)
% Usage: \gitlab{<gitlab-nick>}
% Defines writer's bitbucket (optional)
% Usage: \bitbucket{<bitbucket-nick>}
% Defines writer's stackoverflow profile (optional)
% Usage: \stackoverflow{<so userid>}{<so username>}
% e.g.https://stackoverflow.com/users/123456/sam-smith
% would be \stackoverflow{123456}{sam-smith}
% Defines writer's linked-in (optional)
% Usage: \linkedin{<linked-in-nick>}
% Defines writer's twitter (optional)
% Usage: \twitter{<twitter handle>}
% Defines writer's ORCID (optional)
% Usage: \orcid{<orcid number>}
% Defines writer's skype (optional)
% Usage: \skype{<skype account>}
% Defines writer's reddit (optional)
% Usage: \reddit{<reddit account>}
% Defines writer's xing (optional)
% Usage: \xing{<xing name>}
% Defines writer's medium profile (optional)
% Usage: \medium{<medium account>}
% Defines writer's google scholar profile (optional)
% Usage: \googlescholar{<googlescholar userid>}{<googlescholar username>}
% e.g.https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=wpZDx1cAAAAJ
% would be \googlescholar{wpZDx1cAAAAJ}{Name-to-display-next-icon}
% If 'googlescholar-name' is not provided than it defaults to
% '\firstname \lastname'
% Defines writer's extra informations (optional)
% Usage: \extrainfo{<extra informations>}
% Defines writer's quote (optional)
% Usage: \quote{<quote>}
% Defines recipient's information (cover letter only)
% Usage: \recipient{<recipient name>}{<recipient address>}
% Usage: \recipientname{<recipient name>}
% Usage: \recipientaddress{<recipient address>}
% Defines the title for letter (cover letter only, optional)
% Usage: \lettertitle{<title>}
% Defines the date for letter (cover letter only)
% Usage: \letterdate{<date>}
% Defines a message of opening for letter (cover letter only)
% Usage: \letteropening{<message>}
% Defines a message of closing for letter (cover letter only)
% Usage: \letterclosing{<message>}
% Defines an enclosure for letter (cover letter only, optional)
% Usage: \letterenclosure[<enclosure name>]{<enclosure>}
% if an optional argument is provided, use it to redefine \enclname
% Commands for extra
%% Define helper macros a user can change easily
% Header
% Others
% Commands for utilities
% Use to align an element of tabular table
% Use to draw horizontal line with specific thickness
\def\vhrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height#1\hfill \kern\z@}
% Use to execute conditional statements by checking empty string
% Use to execute conditional statements by checking non-printing string
% Commands for elements of CV structure
% Define a header for CV
% Usage: \makecvheader
\node[\@photoshape, draw=\@photoborder, line width=0.3mm, inner sep=\photodim, fill overzoom image=\@photo] () {};
} \\[\acvHeaderAfterSocialSkip]%
% Define a footer for CV
% Usage: \makecvfooter{<left>}{<center>}{<right>}
% Define a section for CV
% Usage: \cvsection{<section-title>}
% Define a subsection for CV
% Usage: \cvsubsection{<subsection-title>}
% Define a paragraph for CV
% Define an environment for cventry
% Define an entry of cv information
% Usage: \cventry{<position>}{<title>}{<location>}{<date>}{<description>}
% This command formats with <position> above <title> on the left and <location> above <date>
% on the right with <description> below both
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} L{\textwidth - 4.5cm} R{4.5cm}}
{\entrypositionstyle{#2} & \entrydatestyle{#4} \\}
{\entrytitlestyle{#1} & \entrylocationstyle{#3} \\
\entrypositionstyle{#2} & \entrydatestyle{#4} \\}
% Define an environment for cvsubentry
% Define a subentry of cv information
% Usage: \cvsubentry{<position>}{<title>}{<date>}{<description>}
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} L{\textwidth - 4.5cm} R{4.5cm}}
\subentrytitlestyle{#2} & \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}
{\subentrypositionstyle{#1} & \subentrydatestyle{#3} \\}
{\multicolumn{2}{L{17.0cm}}{\subdescriptionstyle{#4}} \\}
% Define an environment for cvhonor
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} L{3.0cm} L{\textwidth - 5.0cm} R{2.0cm}}
% Define a line of cv information(honor, award or something else)
% Usage: \cvhonor{<position>}{<title>}{<location>}{<date>}
\honordatestyle{#4} & \honorpositionstyle{#1}, \honortitlestyle{#2} & \honorlocationstyle{#3} \\
% Define an environment for cvskill
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} r L{\textwidth * \real{0.9}}}
% Define a line of cv information(skill)
% Usage: \cvskill{<type>}{<skillset>}
\skilltypestyle{#1} & \skillsetstyle{#2} \\
% Define an environment for cvitems(for cventry)
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=2ex, nosep, noitemsep]
% Commands for elements of Cover Letter
% Define an environment for cvletter
% Define a section for the cover letter
% Usage: \lettersection{<section-title>}
% Define a title of the cover letter
% Usage: \makelettertitle
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} L{\textwidth - 4.5cm} R{4.5cm}}
\recipienttitlestyle{\@recipientname} & \letterdatestyle{\@letterdate}
\recipientaddressstyle{\@recipientaddress} \\\\
{\lettertitlestyle{\@lettertitle} \\}
% Define a closing of the cover letter
% Usage: \makeletterclosing
\lettertextstyle{\@letterclosing} \\\\
\letternamestyle{\@firstname\ \@lastname}
\letterenclosurestyle{\@letterenclname: \@letterenclosure} \\