# Entry - id: entry_toc translation: "Table of Contents" # Entry meta - id: meta_lastmod translation: "Updated" - id: meta_categories translation: "Categories" # Share - id: share-caption translation: "Share on" - id: save-caption translation: "Save to" # Related - id: related_title translation: "Related" # Footer - id: footer_credits translation: "Powered by Hugo and \ Binario theme." # "No posts" empty state - id: empty_title translation: "You don't have any posts yet!" - id: empty_text_start translation: "As posts are added in your mainSection folders" - id: empty_text_end translation: "they'll appear here" - id: empty_tip translation: "Tip: You could change mainSection folders in site config file." # 404 - id: page404_title translation: "404 Page not found" - id: page404_lead translation: "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist." - id: page404_link translation: "Go back to main page"