Awesome CV ========== This is the class for writing CV(Curriculum Vitae) in LaTeX. It basically provides an awesome template for CV. It is also fairly customizable, allowing you to change the colors, the fonts, etc. ## Prerequisites ### Ubuntu(Debian) ```bash $ sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-latex-extra ``` ```bash $ sudo apt-get install fonts-font-awesome ``` ## How to use In Linux run ```bash $ xelatex {filename}.tex ``` This should result in the creation of ``{filename}.pdf`` ## Preview ![alt tag]( ## Credit ### LaTeX Latex is a fantastic typesetting program that a lot of people use these days, especially the math and computer science people in academia. You can find out more about it here: [LaTex Project]( ### LaTex-FontAwesome ## Contribution Contact me ## Note You are free to take my .tex file and modify it to create your own resume. Please don't use my resume for anything else without my permission, though! Good luck! ## Contact If you have any questions, feel free to join me at [`#posquit0` on Freenode](irc:// and ask away. Click [here]( to connect.