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2023-09-30 19:35:10 +00:00
# Project source code URL:
roundcube_enabled: true
roundcube_identifier: roundcube
roundcube_version: 1.6.3
# The image variant to use. We choose the 'apache' variant because
# 'fpm' and 'fpm-alpine' can introduce security concerns if the user
# chooses to publish the container port.
roundcube_variant: 'apache'
# The hostname at which Roundcube is served.
roundcube_hostname: ''
# The path at which Roundcube is served.
# This value must either be `/` or not end with a slash (e.g. `/roundcube`).
roundcube_path_prefix: /
# The roundcube entrypoint script expects to be run as root.
roundcube_uid: '0'
roundcube_gid: '0'
roundcube_base_path: "/{{ roundcube_identifier }}"
roundcube_install_path: "{{ roundcube_base_path }}/install"
roundcube_config_path: "{{ roundcube_base_path }}/config"
roundcube_sqlite_db_path: "{{ roundcube_base_path }}/sqlite"
roundcube_tmp_path: "{{ roundcube_base_path }}/tmp"
roundcube_container_image: "{{ roundcube_container_image_registry_prefix }}roundcube/roundcubemail:{{ roundcube_container_image_tag }}"
roundcube_container_image_tag: "{{ roundcube_version }}-{{ roundcube_variant}}"
roundcube_container_image_force_pull: "{{ roundcube_container_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
# The base container network. It will be auto-created by this role if it doesn't exist already.
roundcube_container_network: "{{ roundcube_identifier }}"
# A list of additional container networks that the container would be connected to.
# The role does not create these networks, so make sure they already exist.
# Use this to expose this container to another reverse proxy, which runs in a different container network.
roundcube_container_additional_networks: "{{ roundcube_container_additional_networks_auto + roundcube_container_additional_networks_custom }}"
roundcube_container_additional_networks_auto: []
roundcube_container_additional_networks_custom: []
# Valid database types are postgresql and sqlite.
roundcube_database_type: postgresql
roundcube_database_hostname: ''
roundcube_database_port: 5432
roundcube_database_name: roundcube
roundcube_database_username: ''
roundcube_database_password: ''
# Hostname of the IMAP server to connect to. For encypted connections,
# prefix the host with tls:// (STARTTLS) or ssl:// (SSL/TLS).
roundcube_default_imap_host: ''
# IMAP port number; defaults to 143.
roundcube_default_imap_port: ''
# Hostname of the SMTP server to send mails. For encypted connections,
# prefix the host with tls:// (STARTTLS) or ssl:// (SSL/TLS).
roundcube_smtp_server: ''
# SMTP port number; defaults to 587.
roundcube_smtp_port: ''
# Comma-separated list of built-in plugins to activate.
# If not specified, defaults to archive,zipdownload.
roundcube_plugins: ''
# File upload size limit.
# Should be specified with a suffix indicating the unit.
# If not specified, defaults to 5M.
roundcube_upload_max_filesize: ''
# Comma-separated list of aspell dictionaries to install for spell
# checking.
roundcube_aspell_dicts: ''
roundcube_container_http_port: 80
# Controls whether the roundcube container exposes its HTTP port (as
# defined by `roundcube_container_http_port`).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or
# empty string to not expose.
roundcube_container_http_host_bind_port: ""
# roundcube_container_labels_traefik_enabled controls whether labels to assist a Traefik reverse-proxy will be attached to the container.
# See `../templates/labels.j2` for details.
# To inject your own other container labels, see `roundcube_container_labels_additional_labels`.
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_enabled: true
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_docker_network: "{{ roundcube_container_network }}"
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_hostname: "{{ roundcube_hostname }}"
# The path prefix must either be `/` or not end with a slash (e.g. `/roundcube`).
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_path_prefix: "{{ roundcube_path_prefix }}"
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_rule: "Host(`{{ roundcube_container_labels_traefik_hostname }}`){% if roundcube_container_labels_traefik_path_prefix != '/' %} && PathPrefix(`{{ roundcube_container_labels_traefik_path_prefix }}`){% endif %}"
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_priority: 0
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_entrypoints: web-secure
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_tls: "{{ roundcube_container_labels_traefik_entrypoints != 'web' }}"
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_tls_certResolver: default # noqa var-naming
# Controls which additional headers to attach to all HTTP requests.
# To add your own custom request headers, use `roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers_custom`
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_request_headers: "{{ roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_request_headers_auto | combine(roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_request_headers_custom) }}"
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_request_headers_auto: {}
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_request_headers_custom: {}
# Controls which additional headers to attach to all HTTP responses.
# To add your own custom response headers, use `roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers_custom`
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers: "{{ roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers_auto | combine(roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers_custom) }}"
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers_auto: |
| combine ({'X-XSS-Protection': roundcube_http_header_xss_protection} if roundcube_http_header_xss_protection else {})
| combine ({'X-Frame-Options': roundcube_http_header_frame_options} if roundcube_http_header_frame_options else {})
| combine ({'X-Content-Type-Options': roundcube_http_header_content_type_options} if roundcube_http_header_content_type_options else {})
| combine ({'Content-Security-Policy': roundcube_http_header_content_security_policy} if roundcube_http_header_content_security_policy else {})
| combine ({'Permission-Policy': roundcube_http_header_content_permission_policy} if roundcube_http_header_content_permission_policy else {})
| combine ({'Strict-Transport-Security': roundcube_http_header_strict_transport_security} if roundcube_http_header_strict_transport_security and roundcube_container_labels_traefik_tls else {})
roundcube_container_labels_traefik_additional_response_headers_custom: {}
# roundcube_container_labels_additional_labels contains a multiline string with additional labels to add to the container label file.
# See `../templates/labels.j2` for details.
# Example:
# roundcube_container_labels_additional_labels: |
# my.label=1
# another.label="here"
roundcube_container_labels_additional_labels: ''
# Specifies how often the container health-check will run.
# For Traefik based setups, it's important that the interval is short,
# because the interval value also specifies the "initial wait time".
# This is a Docker (moby) bug:
# Without a successful healthcheck, Traefik will not register the service for reverse-proxying.
# Thus, the health interval determines the initial start-up time -- the smaller, the better.
# For non-Traefik setups, we use the default healthcheck interval (60s) to decrease overhead.
roundcube_container_health_interval: "{{ '5s' if roundcube_container_labels_traefik_enabled else '60s' }}"
roundcube_container_hostname: "{{ roundcube_hostname }}"
# A list of additional "volumes" to mount in the container.
# See the `--mount` documentation for the `docker run` command.
# Example:
# roundcube_container_additional_volumes:
# - type: bind
# src: /path/on/the/host
# dst: /data
# - type: bind
# src: /another-path/on/the/host
# dst: /read-only
# options: readonly
roundcube_container_additional_volumes: []
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
roundcube_container_extra_arguments: []
# Additional environment variables.
roundcube_environment_variables_additional_variables: ''
# Specifies the value of the `X-XSS-Protection` header
# Stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
# Learn more about it is here:
# -
# -
roundcube_http_header_xss_protection: "1; mode=block"
# Specifies the value of the `X-Frame-Options` header which controls whether framing can happen.
# See:
roundcube_http_header_frame_options: SAMEORIGIN
# Specifies the value of the `X-Content-Type-Options` header.
# See:
roundcube_http_header_content_type_options: nosniff
# Specifies the value of the `Content-Security-Policy` header.
# See:
roundcube_http_header_content_security_policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
# Specifies the value of the `Permission-Policy` header.
# See:
roundcube_http_header_content_permission_policy: "{{ 'interest-cohort=()' if roundcube_floc_optout_enabled else '' }}"
# Specifies the value of the `Strict-Transport-Security` header.
# See:
roundcube_http_header_strict_transport_security: "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains{{ '; preload' if roundcube_hsts_preload_enabled else '' }}"
# Controls whether to send a "Permissions-Policy interest-cohort=();" header along with all responses
# Learn more about what it is here:
# -
# -
# -
# Of course, a better solution is to just stop using browsers (like Chrome), which participate in such tracking practices.
# See: `roundcube_content_permission_policy`
roundcube_floc_optout_enabled: true
# Controls if HSTS preloading is enabled
# In its strongest and recommended form, the [HSTS policy]( includes all subdomains, and
# indicates a willingness to be "preloaded" into browsers:
# `Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload`
# For more information visit:
# -
# -
# -
# See: `roundcube_http_header_strict_transport_security`
roundcube_hsts_preload_enabled: false
# List of systemd services that roundcube.service depends on
roundcube_systemd_required_services_list: "{{ roundcube_systemd_required_services_list_default + roundcube_systemd_required_services_list_auto + roundcube_systemd_required_services_list_custom }}"
roundcube_systemd_required_services_list_default: ['docker.service']
roundcube_systemd_required_services_list_auto: []
roundcube_systemd_required_services_list_custom: []