+++ title = "New blog, new links" author = ["Sergio Durigan Junior"] date = 2023-04-20T21:26:00-04:00 tags = ["en_us", "english"] draft = false +++ I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'd like to let my readers (who!?) know that I've switched my blog's engine to [Hugo](https://gohugo.io). Along with that change, there are also changes to post URLs (no more dates, only the post name; but see below) and also a change to the `en_us` tag: eventually, I will stop posting things under it and start posting solely under [`english`](/tags/english). If you're subscribed to the `en_us` RSS/ATOM feed, please update it accordingly. The old URLs should still work because they're being redirected to the correct path now (thanks, `mod_rewrite`). Either way, if you have bookmarked some old post URL I'd suggest that you update it. Other than that, everything should be "the same" (TM). I'm posting from Emacs (using [ox-hugo](https://ox-hugo.scripter.co)), and made quite a cool setup with [Sourcehut](https://sr.ht) in order to automatically publish posts when I push them to the git repo. Hm, his would actually be a good topic for a post...