+++ title = "Planning to orphan Pagure on Debian" author = ["Sergio Durigan Junior"] date = 2024-02-25T22:23:00-05:00 tags = ["english", "debian", "free-software"] draft = false +++ I have been thinking more and more about orphaning the [Pagure Debian package](https://tracker.debian.org/pagure). I don't have the time to maintain it properly anymore, and I have also lost interest in doing so. ## What's Pagure {#what-s-pagure} [Pagure](https://pagure.io/pagure) is a git forge written entirely in Python using pygit2. It was almost entirely developed by one person, Pierre-Yves Chibon. He is (was?) a Red Hat employee and started working on this new git forge almost 10 years ago because the company wanted to develop something in-house for Fedora. The software is amazing and I admire Pierre-Yves quite a lot for what he was able to achieve basically alone. Unfortunately, a few years ago Fedora [decided](https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/making-a-git-forge-decision/) to move to Gitlab and the Pagure development pretty much stalled. ## Pagure in Debian {#pagure-in-debian} Packaging Pagure for Debian was hard, but it was also very fun. I learned quite a bit about many things (packaging and non-packaging related), interacted with the upstream community, decided to dogfood my own work and run my Pagure instance for a while, and tried to get newcomers to help me with the package (without much success, unfortunately). I remember that when I had started to package Pagure, Debian was also moving away from Alioth and discussing options. For a brief moment Pagure was a contender, but in the end the community decided to self-host Gitlab, and that's why we have [Salsa](https://salsa.debian.org) now. I feel like I could have tipped the scales in favour of Pagure had I finished packaging it for Debian before the decision was made, but then again, to the best of my knowledge Salsa doesn't use our Gitlab package anyway... ## Are you interested in maintaining it? {#are-you-interested-in-maintaining-it} If you're interested in maintaining the package, please get in touch with me. I will happily pass the torch to someone else who is still using the software and wants to keep it healthy in Debian. If there is nobody interested, then I will just orphan it.